An Experiment in Expression

This week, I would like to take some time to talk about Words. Words are very fascinating, because some Words have an intrinsic meaning that goes along with the vibration, and other words have no meaning, but we give them meaning based on how we use them. I have learned to strive to understand what all vibrations are and ask questions as to why these words are expressed in the way that they are. Words like Spirit, Holographic Universe, and God are all words that are incredibly misunderstood in our day and age, and to look at the Root of the word will yield a deeper understanding of why we use the word as we do.

The Expression of the Universe manifests as you, and the All of Infinity. You and I are an expression of the Source Consciousness Field, and we can Express ourselves in any way that we choose. At least, that is what I have come to in my growth, and it is a truth that I would like to share with you. Whether you receive it or not, that's up to you.

As usual, take what resonates and leave the rest behind, you get to decide.

Check these movies out:

The Life of Buddha
Gurren Lagann Music by Enya, +Elijah/Band of Light, and Adiemus (See Credits for Song Titles)

A Mystery School For The New Age...

In late 2019, Spirit Science launched  a one-of-a-kind educational platform ~ Spirit Mysteries ~ as an online space for self-mastery. It has grown rapidly, and now contains hundreds of hours of courses and thousands of students from across the world. 

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