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The Beauty of Pushing Yourself to Your Limits

articles self-care May 12, 2020

What's the only thing stopping you from reaching your goals? More than likely, it's you. The limitations you put on yourself are the only things standing in your way. When you know your limits, and guard them without wanting to push them, you stay safe. 

But then again, there is no growth when you don't push yourself to the limits. You remain where you are. You feel protected in your comfort zone, but you don't progress. 

Whenever you feel curious about something, and you want to learn, things become harder to achieve. Whether it is fear, doubt, or a physical condition that keeps you from getting what you want, it can present itself as a barrier to exploring what else you can be. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has a chance to work past their limitations. Whenever things become uncertain, they feel threatened and simply give up. You have to ask yourself, "How far are am I willing to go to reach my goals?" 

It really depends on how well you handle the situation....

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How to Free Yourself from the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

What does it mean to have a fear of being left out? Do you feel bad when you can't say "yes" to opportunities that come your way, even if you're already stretched thin? It can be depressing. 

But the truth is that saying "no" to opportunities that come your way is not as bad as you think. What is actually wrong is when you say "yes" to too many things, and you end up overloaded. 

When you are doing too many things at the same time just because you want to prove that you can do it all, that's when it becomes a problem. Even when you're doing too much, the fear of not doing enough eats at you. This is the fear of missing out, or FOMO.

Why Do You Feel Like You're Missing Out?

You may be asking yourself, "Why does it feel like there is something missing in my life?" Too much exposure to social media has got you thinking about what others have. It has forced you to compare your life to the life of those around you. 

When you learned that a good friend...

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How to Learn to Let Go

Do you struggle with holding grudges? Are you still hung up on a relationship that ended several years ago? We all have certain things or emotions that we have to let go of. Whether it is unrequited love, desire, anger, or yearning for something or someone, all of these make it challenging to move on from the things that are not meant to be. 

Is it possible to let go of everything? It is possible, but the longer you hold on to negative emotions, the more they will hurt. Letting go is in itself an art form. It can be empowering, but only when you have truly given up what's not meant for you. Moving on is critical to achieving more success and opening yourself to love in the future.

The Art Of Letting Go

How do you get over something? How do you tell yourself, "I need to move on in order to have a better life"? Unless you teach yourself the art of letting go, you will always find yourself disappointed, stressed, or in deep pain. You may scare away potential romantic relationships...

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Surviving the Coronapocalypse

With all of the fear about Coronavirus, it's important we remain grounded and centered, with the words of an Ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom...

Be a voice of wisdom and peace for those in need!

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3 Keys to Bringing Depth to Your Mindfulness Practice

You are most likely a healthy adult who is responsible enough to take care of your relationships, finances and prepare for your future. You are surrounded by people in your life who provide you with the care and support that you need, and you enjoy doing different things both for work and for pleasure. 

But are you happy?

As it turns out, even with this incredibly beautiful life scenario, there is probably still a part of you that struggles with anxiety, frustration, stress, and anger. Life can sometimes be overwhelming and frustrating even though you take a breath and see that you have what you need. All of these feelings, combined together, can make you feel habitually uneasy. 

So how do you go about life to find that sense of peace from within?

Be mindful and meditate. 

Morning meditation is a great way to help you start your day with the right mindset. Although some people may choose to perform their mindfulness activities at night after a full day...

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Addictions, Distractions, Discomfort & Uncertainty

Are you thinking about how to quit drugs or how to help an addict? If you’re in either situation, you may be facing a lot of discomfort and uncertainty at the moment. Addiction can be very challenging to overcome, but nevertheless, it is not impossible. There are numerous steps that you can take to make things better.

One thing to first consider is whether or not addiction is a disease. You may have read before that experts call addiction a disease, but there are subconscious triggers that occur for many people by calling it that. When we see addiction as a disease, for many people, it means that the only ways that we get to treat it are going through medical intervention, medicated rehabilitation, specifically-designed support groups, or particular types of counseling.

We shouldn’t forget that willpower, personal initiative, maturity, and desire all contribute mightily to the ability to overcome an addiction, staying sober and...

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Meditation for a Calm Heart (All You Need)

Have you been feeling uneasy and stressed lately? It can be a difficult time if you’re preoccupied with worries. You may be thinking, “how can I calm my anxious heart?” There’s a way to do that, and it is through meditation. Not only will it be good for your mind, but it can also promote a better immune system and strengthen your vital organs such as the lungs and heart...kind of important right now. 

Physical Benefits of Meditation

Breath training is an excellent exercise for your heart and lungs. That’s what makes it beneficial for your body if you perform guided morning meditation regularly. When you meditate, you draw awareness to your breathing and helps you become more calm and relaxed. With frequent practice, meditation can ease anxiety tension and lower your heart rate and blood pressure. 

Achieving Positivity 

Calming your heart through meditation can help in keeping you away from negative thoughts. Through it, you can achieve...

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Read This If You Still Have Negative Thoughts!

There are times when negative thoughts plague us and can be irritating and annoying. These thoughts even get so intrusive that we can't think of anything else. It seems as though we're stuck in that negativity, and there's nothing we can do about it.  

However, the truth is that there are steps we can take to get rid of these pestering thoughts. In this article, we want to share with you what you can do to be more mindful of what thoughts you entertain and what to set aside - no matter how evolved you believe your “spirituality” to be. 

How to Break the Pattern of Negative Thinking

We tend to keep on playing negative thoughts repeatedly, but why is this so? It's because it's familiar to us, and we can't help but replay the thought in our minds. Somehow, we torture ourselves with a scene from our past that we cannot change. 

Negative thoughts don't even have to be memories of things that happened. They can be what we perceive ourselves to be. Low...

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The Relationship Between Collagen and Sleep

Having a morning routine for your skin is only a part of what you should do to ensure that you have healthy skin. A significant factor when it comes to attaining young and healthy skin is by ensuring that you get enough good quality sleep each night. Beauty rest is real, and it is something that you should reward yourself with after a full day of hard work. 

When we sleep, our body continues to work by repairing the damages, including rejuvenating the skin. When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s going to be obvious. You’ll have more fine lines and wrinkles, paler skin, swollen eyes, dark undereye circles, and hanging eyelids. That’s why it is crucial to get a full eight hours of sleep every night that you can. 

While we’re sleeping, the blood flow to our skin increases. The skin rebuilds the collagen as well as repairs the damages from being exposed to ultraviolet radiation. In doing so, age spots and wrinkles are reduced whenever we sleep well...

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4 Ways to Release Emotional Pain in a Healthy Way

Oscar Wilde once said, “The heart was made to be broken.” Yet no one had clued me in to this beautiful, profoundly philosophical, and crushing reality prior to my deepest broken heart.

I remember it like it was
yesterday. Have you been there?

Have you ever felt that your soul has traversed the cosmos with the soul of another person? Have you seen past the physical dimension of a person’s exterior and come to love, and be enjoyed on the level of pure essence? Have you sat on a beach or in a field on a sunny day and held hands and watched the world go by in love? I had felt this kind of love, and when I lost it, I was devastated. I remember riding the subways alone in NYC with my headphones on, only half-willed to continue with life. If you’ve had a love like this, you know what I mean. And if you’ve lost love like this, you know true heartbreak.

Yet heartbreak comes not only from breakup or divorce; Heartbreak comes in all forms, from the loss of a child...

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