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7 Tools to Help Heal Emotional Pain

Though you may escape this season having dodged the flu or without falling prey to the common cold, it’s nearly impossible to traverse through the social dimensions of everyday life without suffering the frequent scrapes, scratches, and injuries to which the emotional body is prone.

Guy Winch, a Psychology today Blogger, recently released a new book, Emotional First Aid, in which he likens the emotional body to our physical body in its tendency to accumulate injuries, scars, and illnesses along the way. Anything from self-imposed guilt and criticism, to social rejection and loneliness to the extremes of trauma or the deep grief of loss can be the source of wounds and depletions to
our emotional well-being.

Yet just as our flesh and blood are widely able to self-repair given proper rest, nutrition, and mindset, so too can our emotional wounds and losses be mended. Winch uses metaphors of physical injuries to propose strategic cures for the hits our emotions take over the course...

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Spirit Science 14 ~ Insights of Ascension

The Insights of Ascension are from a series of books called The Celestine Prophecy which tells the story of a normal person going through self-realization by following 9 specific insights.

The first insight describes that there is underlying energy operating underneath everything we do. There is something more, like understanding that coincidences aren’t actually coincidences at all, but synchronicities in your life trying to show you something important.

The second insight describes that we are all in the process of creating a new perception of our world. Our beliefs were heavily controlled by the church in the past, which then shifted into science to seek answers. Now, we are turning inwards into ourselves to unwrap the deeply asked answers humanity has been asking for centuries.

The third insight describes a new understanding of the reality of being entirely made up of energy rather than crude matter. Energy interacts with each other, it is constantly shifting with us....

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Spirit Science 22_5 ~ Vessels of Light

This episode is about exploring our bodies as being vessels of light by looking closer at matter and energy. Patchman describes when something is created in geometry, it creates a vessel. Like the cells that make an up a human, we have skin; a vessel that holds us together.

When something new is created, it’s not just the two components that make it up, a singularity is created as well. A singularity is a point of infinite expansion and contraction, a point of change, and a point of possibility.

How do singularities work? We can gain insight into this cosmic question by observing them in nature. When toroidal fields come together, it’s two coming together to create an entirely new one. Just like when a child is being created, two people come together to create an entirely new person.

Pathman believes at the edge of a singularity is one of the first things that comes into existence is light, both on the physical and energetic level. When light reaches the top of the...

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Spirit Science 25 ~ Singularities

In this episode, Patchman continues his quest to understand the connection between singularities, black holes, and how they connect to all of us.

We usually think of singularities in relation to huge things, and it’s difficult to relate it to us in our personal lives. The definition of a singularity is the state, quality or condition of being singular. It’s also known as the point at which a function takes an infinite value. So it’s both 0 and 1 at the same time.

This concept was first coined when talking about the beginning of the big bang, where all things started. So how can we apply these concepts to our everyday life? We can view each human as a sort of black hole, with their singularity being their heart and their energy field as a torus around them. As we saw in episode 16, we have seen that we actually do have these fields all around our bodies.

The definition of a black hole says it’s both a singular thing and an infinite space, and we can think of...

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