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How To Use Crystals In Your Day-To-Day 

Are you one of those who carry their meditation crystals wherever they go? There's no need to be embarrassed about believing in the healing powers of jewelry and power stones. Their beauty is not so that you can wear a pretty accessory from time to time.

If only people looked closer, they would realize that healing jewelry indeed comes with special powers. These gems are infused with millions of years of history on Earth, granting them a different kind of magic that helps boost your mind and positive energy. 

What Crystals Can I Work With?

Learning how crystals work should help you decide which ones you need. But then again, like any exercise or diet programs, not all crystals can be used to your advantage. You have to make sure you find the one that works well for you.

The use of the crystals on a day-to-day basis takes a lot of practice. What works for others may not necessarily work for you. Although this is a fact, the good news is that there...

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Crystals That Can Strengthen Your Tarot Readings

articles energy numerology Jan 07, 2021


Have you ever tried using the crystals when you do your tarot card readings? If this is the first time you've heard of this combination, then you are missing out on some incredible insights. Crystals and tarot work well together like peanut butter and jelly. 

There are certain types of tarot crystals that are brought into the reading. When they are, it means they serve a particular purpose. Crystals bring into the reading space a positive and empowering energy. It allows the cleansing of the tarot and the energy that surrounds it. 

Having certain crystals around you during a tarot reading, whether you are wearing them as jewelry or just having them, can help improve your intuitive abilities. They give off a kind of confidence that will allow you to cleanse the cards and use them to reveal your heart's desires. 

Whitestone crystals or colored ones come with high power. That's why their usage comes with great responsibility too. While...

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Protect Your Energy, Fight Burnout!

Do you feel a bit overwhelmed or that there's just too much work on your plate? Does it feel like you have too many responsibilities to deal with that you don't know which one to work on first? Feeling emotionally overwhelmed can happen to practically anyone, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything about it. 

Mental and physical exhaustion happens to people who are working on too many things at the same time. These people also juggle their responsibilities at home and in the office. When it seems that everyone wants to have a piece of you daily, the easiest way to respond is to give in. 

But is that decision helping you? If you feel like you are carrying a huge burden inside you, then perhaps it is time to let go. You are physically and mentally tired because you have exhausted yourself too much to give in to other people's demands. 

At this point, you need to set boundaries to avoid stress and to prevent burnout symptoms from...

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Three Powerful Mantras To Increase Your Prosperity

Have you been looking for affirmations for abundance? Who doesn’t want to attract prosperity? Being open and receptive to all the wealth that this life offers is one of the best mindsets you can have. 

Chanting for money is not about just wishing that money will fall into your lap. Hard work and perseverance, still, are the keys to becoming successful in life. However, when you keep mantras for wealth handy, you are asking the Universe for an opportunity for money to come to you. 

It is all about preparing yourself for when the opportunity comes, and you can go ahead and grab it. Sometimes, all it takes is to give yourself that natural energy boost to bring in money into your life. 

What Does It Mean To Keep A Mantra For Abundance?

Chanting for wealth and prosperity may not be something you are used to doing, but it doesn’t hurt if you give it a try. These mantras need not be elaborated or chanted loudly. Mantras for money may be simple...

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The Relevance Of Kosha Energy

articles energy lifestyle Dec 19, 2020

You may already know about chakras, vital energy points that allow a smooth flow of positive energies through your physical body. But have you ever read about the kosha guide and its relevance in your life's success? 

Every person who seeks to improve their vital bodily energies should read about the human body's five elements or the Kosha. They need to understand how this could help them understand the value of having a balanced life. 

What Does Kosha Energy Mean?

The Koshas are energy "sheaths" that engulf the energetic body. According to Vedantic philosophy, the Kosha energies can be likened to the coverings of an onion. 

They move from the outer layers of the human skin down to the energetic layers of the deep spiritual core. The Koshas focus on how you conceptualize a vision of yourself. Like that of the chakra system, these Kosha layers are multifunctional, and each has an underlying meaning in psychology. 

In some respects, the sheaths...

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Powerful Ways To Increase Your Energy Naturally 

articles energy lifestyle Dec 04, 2020

Who doesn’t feel tired after a long day at work? Does it feel like all the energy is drained out of you at the end of every week? Everyone has felt like this once in a while, and sadly, some feel like this almost every day. 

Your body energy needs to refuel to continue working, or else you’ll lack strength when you need to get things done. How do you learn how to feel energetic when you have no energy left?

Some people who work in an office have side hustles they want to put their hearts and souls into. They are the ones who struggle with low energy and frustration, and so they often end up not being able to finish anything at the end of their working day. 

Or, if they do, they do not entirely feel confident in what they were able to produce. These people tend to repeat the same thing, hoping for better results, but they only end up feeling even more tired than when they started. 

Why Do You Feel Tired All The Time? 

Why do you...

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Simple Ways To Balance Your Chakras

Have you been wondering about your life lately? Do you wish you could bring in more peace and light to help you overcome your challenges with ease? It is not easy to find peace in life, especially when it feels like everything is falling apart. 

But what you don’t know is that an imbalance may bring about negative thoughts and feelings in your chakras. If only you knew how you could strike a balance in all your chakras, you wouldn’t have to worry about life’s challenges anymore. You would instead see these challenges as opportunities for growth. 

The energy misalignment of your chakras can be dealt with when you undergo some chakra therapy. During chakra therapy, the seven chakra points in your body will undergo a chakra realignment. This will allow the positive energy to flow right through the different parts of your body. 

In the end, your spirit will feel renewed with a sense of positivity that will help you overcome the...

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Tips To Surviving Mercury Retrograde

articles energy metaphysics Nov 25, 2020

Have you heard of the Mercury retrograde? A lot of people fear it because it is infamous for bringing about trouble. While it is the natural process of the cosmos, its occurrence three times a year at three weeks at a time scares people at the thought of what it might bring to their lives. 

The first thing you need to learn about the Mercury retrograde science is that the planet Mercury is not traveling backward. It may seem like it is considering that Earth is moving relatively faster than Mercury does.

Because Mercury is the fastest moving planet around the Sun, when it slows down, it seems as if it is moving back to another direction. It is why the name of the phenomenon is Mercury retrograde.

Why Does This Phenomenon Affect Us?

The truth is that the concept of communication on Earth is directly associated with Mercury's movement around the Sun. It is for this reason that people find Mercury retrograde as something scary. The thought of communications getting all...

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How Does Spirit Work?

Written by Jamie Fall

Have you ever noticed that sometimes things happen as if they were fated to happen? For example, when you're thinking about a friend, do they suddenly call you on the phone? Or you have a problem and somebody seemingly randomly gives you the perfect advice? Or you have a random dream, and the next day it seems to come true? Most people wave these events away as just coincidence. But what happens when the number of coincidences is statistically impossible? If we could study coincidences, maybe we could prove some are not flukes because, at a certain point, it becomes more likely that these coincidences are actually a spiritual force of some sort at work behind the scenes. For me, this is the more likely conclusion I have come to. However, I think everyone should come to their own conclusion through deep thought and personal exploration (at least until we can prove it one way or another).

Do We Have Free Will?

 This force could be an intelligent...

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Get To Know The Different Colors Of Candles For Meditation

articles energy meditation Nov 12, 2020

What do candles mean to you? Others have likened candles to angels since they both help in bringing your innermost prayers to the heavens. Candle magic is all about having your heart's desires made into something real, something that's genuinely tangible. 

Did you know that candles come in different colors because the archangel that they come with works for a specific purpose? The particular shade of these rituals candles can assist you in many aspects of your life. 

May it be your relationship, finances, health, or love, there is a specific candle color for each one. 

How Does The Candle Affect Your Practice?

How do you feel whenever you light up a candle for meditation? Does it give you a sense of peace knowing that it comes with spiritual guidance to help you unravel the worries inside of you? 

The meditation candles that most people use help them achieve a kind of peace. Notably, the flame's red and orange color brings about a...

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