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What You Need To Know About Gong Meditation

How much do you know about gong meditation? Perhaps you have heard of how it helps people find healing, but it never really occurred that it could be something that could work for you. It was until you heard of yoga gong that you began to realize that its benefits might be real. 

The practice is also known as the gong bath, mainly because the gong therapy participants are bathed in meditation sound waves produced when the practitioner hits the gong. It is a kind of sound therapy that is unique of its kind. 

Its participants know the gong sound effect involves the soothing and often therapeutic gong vibrations, allowing the mind to focus on something. As the sound keeps the mind occupied, people are gently guided into the deep state of meditation. 

What Does It Mean To Experience Gong Meditation?

As a person lays comfortably on meditation maps, gong healing begins its magic with every sound. With the right pillows and blankets, the participants...

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Meditation Can Help Improve Memory

How has meditation changed your life? Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind was how more focused you feel now compared to when you did not practice meditation. You may also speak of the clarity in your thoughts, allowing you to live in the moment. 

There is no denying how concentration and meditation have helped a lot of people in so many ways. Research studies about the benefits of meditative practice have become far-reaching. Its benefits come in a long list, and you can't help but wonder: is memory improvement one of them? 

Brain exercises for memory have long been part of the practice. Finding focus may be the ultimate goal, but in the process, meditation allows people to improve the way they remember things. 

The eye is on the details. Several scientific studies have confirmed the link between meditation practice and enhanced memory. While some may say that perhaps the monks were the first to truly enjoy these benefits, practically anyone can...

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The Challenges And Benefits Of Silent Meditation

articles meditation Nov 28, 2020

Would you consider spending an hour or two in silence? If you are used to living a fast-paced life, always busy doing something, sitting and not doing anything might be a daunting task. But then again, they say that meditation is a person's silent retreat. It might bring about something beneficial. 

One of the first things that you will learn about meditation's power is its ability to improve your health and overall well-being. The practice of silent meditation is perfect for those who are suffering from burnout. 

It will allow them to realize how much stress they have had to deal with and maybe reconsider the hectic lifestyle. Meditation enables you to better understand yourself by developing a relaxation strategy to manage your stress levels. 

What Are The Benefits Of Silent Meditation?

How can complete and absolute silence address your wellness needs? Silent meditation retreat comes with several benefits. It helps you improve yourself and...

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Here's Why You Need To Start Meditating

Are you looking for a way to find more joy in your life? While buying the things you want may give you temporary happiness, it is nothing like having peace in your life. When you have deep inner peace, you can start every day with a fresh view of the world and life in general. 

If you are doing a daily meditation, you are living a more conscious life. Increasing your spiritual awareness plays a crucial role in finding true happiness from within. It is no surprise how spiritual meditation helps improve a person's overall well-being.

If your goal is to live a happier life, then practicing mindfulness meditation is essential. The very reason why meditation is important is that it brings you at peace with yourself, including what you think and how you feel. 

When you start meditating daily, you will slowly experience how the practice cultivates peace and joy in your life. If you are still not as convinced that you need to start mediation today, here are...

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How To Perfectly Set Your Meditation Altar

What kind of meditation space have you set up for yourself? Your spiritual altar influences the power not only in your meditative practice but also in the energy that you release to the world. Your space has to be able to resonate with you and the energy you give out. 

Everything around you has energy. From the meditation table to all the items you put in your sacred altar, they all come with energy that you can use. Whether you are aware of it or not, the energy around you impacts your life in so many ways. 

What Is A Sacred Space?

A sacred space is more than just the meditation altar table that you put in the corner of the room. It is a journey that you take to bring your meditative practice to a whole new level. 

The sacred space is where you feel the most comfortable, welcomed, and supported in your meditation journey. It is the space that makes you feel the most love in the world, no matter how negative your circumstance may be. 


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Everything You Need To Know About Kundalini Yoga

Life is filled with various types of energy. Some of them bring positive light while the others are all about negativity. Everything and everyone who interacts absorbs the energy of one another. 

You must have heard of the kundalini awakening, and you wonder if this particular yoga practice is something that could work for you. It is the power that helps awaken your internal energies. The kundalini practice touches every aspect of your life and brings it to a kind of awakening that allows you to harness its power. 

This high vibrational lifestyle brings people a kind of understanding of how they breathe, sleep, and even eat. One of the kundalini mantra's significant components is what it does to your body, mind, soul, and spirit. 

What Do You Need To Know About Kundalini Yoga?

What makes kundalini yoga interesting are the many facts that surround the practice. In particular, here are amazing facts about this practice that you must take into...

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Tips To Keep Your Chakras Fresh and New

Have you ever wondered how to keep your chakras clean? Like sponges, your body's chakras absorb energy from different sources. Whether it is positive energy or negative energy, the chakras take them in. Sadly, when the chakra absorbs negative energy, it can make the entire body suffer. 

If you are not careful, your spiritual and physical well-being could start to suffer. Learning how to unblock chakras is one of the best decisions you could take on this lifetime. 

Work to align your chakras regularly. It is essential to clear them out to balance the body, mind, and soul. Doing so will leave you feeling fresh with a renewed sense of life. 

Why Is It Important To Cleanse Your Chakras?

Chakras play an important role in your life. They are the key points in your body where the mind and the body meet on a spiritual level. Discovering how to heal chakras is all about keeping your life in balance.

What's particularly easy about the ...

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Get To Know The Different Colors Of Candles For Meditation

articles energy meditation Nov 12, 2020

What do candles mean to you? Others have likened candles to angels since they both help in bringing your innermost prayers to the heavens. Candle magic is all about having your heart's desires made into something real, something that's genuinely tangible. 

Did you know that candles come in different colors because the archangel that they come with works for a specific purpose? The particular shade of these rituals candles can assist you in many aspects of your life. 

May it be your relationship, finances, health, or love, there is a specific candle color for each one. 

How Does The Candle Affect Your Practice?

How do you feel whenever you light up a candle for meditation? Does it give you a sense of peace knowing that it comes with spiritual guidance to help you unravel the worries inside of you? 

The meditation candles that most people use help them achieve a kind of peace. Notably, the flame's red and orange color brings about a...

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Tips To Stay Grounded

The world health crisis has affected people in so many different ways. Not only has it halted a lot of activities that people used to enjoy, but it has people evaluating their lives. Some have even wondered if their lifestyle can even fit into the “new normal.” 

Indeed, this pandemic has put the world in a state of caution and fear. The uncertainty it brings has caused many people to feel anxious about what the future will be like. It has challenged even the most grounded and practical people, so even they are unsure. 

While everyone is affected by the pandemic in similar ways, everybody reacts to the stress differently. Not only is it a substantial global health emergency, but some people have also realized they were suffering on a personal level too. 

Everyone wishes something could be done to stop the spread of the disease so that everything could go back to the way it was. But then again, the truth hits people hard on the face. You...

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The Guide To A Candle Meditation

articles meditation Nov 09, 2020

How much do you know about candle meditation? While many people know about meditation in general, very few truly understand what it means to use candles as the meditation practice's primary focus. 

Some people who have tried candlelight mediation say that this particular type of meditation is easy. They say that it helps them let go of their negative thoughts and free themselves of all their worries because they can concentrate on a physical object instead of just a mantra.

Others say that meditation candles are quite a challenge. It can sometimes be tricky to just focus your eyes on the candle's flames without blinking. Experts say that with a little practice and a lot of will to do it, you can find it hugely comforting to practice candle meditation.

It does not matter what type of meditation you engage in. Meditation is in itself a fantastic way to help improve your concentration skills, find your focus, and put more trust in what you can do. If practiced...

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