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What Your Sleeping Position Says About You

How do you sleep at night? You may have wondered about why you prefer one sleeping position over the other, but perhaps not too seriously. At night, you may fall asleep one way, but wake up in another.

If you want to learn more about who you are, you should look into your sleeping positions. Bed positions, experts say, reveal a lot about your personality.

It’s a widespread belief that if you want to get to know someone on a deeper level, you must try to watch them sleep. Their sleeping positions personality will tell you if they are a good match for you or not. 

While some may simply speak of it as their favorite sleeping position, the truth is that it reveals so much about who they are and even health concerns they might not know about. 

If you are interested to learn more about sleeping pattern meanings, continue reading below.

Sleeping Position 1: Fetal Position

When you curl up like a baby at night, you are at a stage in your life where...

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How To Perfectly Set Your Meditation Altar

What kind of meditation space have you set up for yourself? Your spiritual altar influences the power not only in your meditative practice but also in the energy that you release to the world. Your space has to be able to resonate with you and the energy you give out. 

Everything around you has energy. From the meditation table to all the items you put in your sacred altar, they all come with energy that you can use. Whether you are aware of it or not, the energy around you impacts your life in so many ways. 

What Is A Sacred Space?

A sacred space is more than just the meditation altar table that you put in the corner of the room. It is a journey that you take to bring your meditative practice to a whole new level. 

The sacred space is where you feel the most comfortable, welcomed, and supported in your meditation journey. It is the space that makes you feel the most love in the world, no matter how negative your circumstance may be. 


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Everything You Need To Know About Kundalini Yoga

Life is filled with various types of energy. Some of them bring positive light while the others are all about negativity. Everything and everyone who interacts absorbs the energy of one another. 

You must have heard of the kundalini awakening, and you wonder if this particular yoga practice is something that could work for you. It is the power that helps awaken your internal energies. The kundalini practice touches every aspect of your life and brings it to a kind of awakening that allows you to harness its power. 

This high vibrational lifestyle brings people a kind of understanding of how they breathe, sleep, and even eat. One of the kundalini mantra's significant components is what it does to your body, mind, soul, and spirit. 

What Do You Need To Know About Kundalini Yoga?

What makes kundalini yoga interesting are the many facts that surround the practice. In particular, here are amazing facts about this practice that you must take into...

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How To Reset Your Circadian Rhythm To Improve Sleep

When was the last time you got some good sleep? When you are all stressed out at work or worried about a lot of things at home, finding good sleep can be quite tricky. Often, you wake up from sleep, feeling more tired than before you went to bed. 

Getting the right amount of sleep can sometimes be a challenge, and it's a problem you need to learn to deal with.

What Does The Circadian Clock Have To Do With Sleep?

If you're suffering from insomnia or general sleepiness even after getting a full eight hours, you may think to yourself, "My circadian clock might need fixing." Each one of us just wants to learn how to fix our sleep cycles so we can focus their attention on more important things. 

Losing sleep can make you lose your focus. It can make you go to work, but not focus on doing the expected work. You may be attending the parent-teacher conference, but your mind is somewhere else. 

While the circadian system is known to be the complex balance between...

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Energy Healing Techniques 

Have you ever thought of trying out energy healing? Whenever you feel like you are down in the dumps or feel worried about something you are not sure of, it takes a significant toll on your energy. 

While various healing methods are available today, having your energy healing tools will enable you to find healing independently. Because everyone gets exposed to various energies as they go about each day, they can sometimes absorb even the negative ones. 

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a traditional system to help restore balance and health to the body. The same healing system allows the free flow of energy throughout the mind, body, and soul. This technique works well with the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of a person's well-being.

Did you know that energy healing can also be used to treat numerous physical health conditions? When it comes to your mental health, this is the kind of technique that can help you get control back.


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How To Maintain A Spiritual Perspective When Stressed

How do you maintain your ease and composure during stressful situations? Being spiritual all the time can be quite challenging, especially when everyone around expects you to always be at your best. 

In between tasks for work and responsibilities at home, it can be quite easy to lose that cultivated spirituality mindset that you have set for yourself. The stress of what is going on around you also has its toll on your spiritual wellness. There's no doubt how stress can make anyone lose their balance mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But does it always have to?

How Do You Maintain Spirituality In Stressful Situations?

How do you provide yourself with spiritual help while you're dealing with stress? It takes a lot of courage to keep your calm amidst a crisis. But what is even more encouraging is your desire to learn how to improve spiritual wellness

So how do you maintain your spirituality during the most stressful times? Here are some tips to get...

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Three Books For Any Spiritual Seeker

articles energy updates Nov 16, 2020

Written by Cameron Harman

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now is a wonderfully written book about navigating your spiritual journey. It acts as a guide for those who want a deeper understanding of the mind and its role in our daily lives. Eckhart starts by sharing his early life and how he became a spiritual teacher. Through trauma and hardship, he found enlightenment.

Within the first few pages, the reader is given a perspective-shifting explanation of what it means to observe the mind. By watching our thoughts, we can identify our negative patterns, and when we recognize this negativity, we can change our thoughts or at least reinforce the negative with positivity. But more importantly, we can learn how to become neutral and not judge our thoughts at all. Through this observation, we become aware that we are labeling our thoughts as negative or positive. Becoming self-aware of this judgment allows us to realize where our mind is operating....

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Tips To Keep Your Chakras Fresh and New

Have you ever wondered how to keep your chakras clean? Like sponges, your body's chakras absorb energy from different sources. Whether it is positive energy or negative energy, the chakras take them in. Sadly, when the chakra absorbs negative energy, it can make the entire body suffer. 

If you are not careful, your spiritual and physical well-being could start to suffer. Learning how to unblock chakras is one of the best decisions you could take on this lifetime. 

Work to align your chakras regularly. It is essential to clear them out to balance the body, mind, and soul. Doing so will leave you feeling fresh with a renewed sense of life. 

Why Is It Important To Cleanse Your Chakras?

Chakras play an important role in your life. They are the key points in your body where the mind and the body meet on a spiritual level. Discovering how to heal chakras is all about keeping your life in balance.

What's particularly easy about the ...

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Three Signs Of A Free-Spirited Person

What is your idea of a free-spirited person? More often than not, people associate them with the hippies and other types of new-age stereotypes. But is a free spirit as simple as that? Or is there something more to them than meets the eye?

free-spirited woman is something of a different nature entirely. She is someone who doesn't play games by the rules, just because other people say they should. They go out of their way to do the things that they want. 

The symbol of a free spirit is someone who thinks and acts for themselves. It is remarkably rare as most people would prefer to stick by the rules of the norm. Free spirit characteristics mean it is not bound by any particular doctrine or group.

They live on their terms. 

What Does It Mean To Be Free-Spirited?

What does it mean to become free-spirited? Living a free-spirited life means not residing within the bounds of a particular doctrine. These people do not make decisions based on what...

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Radical Acceptance Is Not Radical Indifference

Written by Joe G. Santos

Radical Acceptance (RA) is a term floating around in both spirituality and behavioral psychology circles. In a nutshell, RA speaks of acknowledging life for what it is instead of dwelling in a mindset of wishful thinking. Now, that does not mean that it urges us to be utterly devoid of desires; those (if managed well) can be incredible tools. Instead, RA shines a light on being present, and therefore terminating wishes to alter either the past or future outcomes. Through RA, we develop healthy coping mechanisms that help us make sense of our mishaps and the aspects of ourselves that we may have a problem appreciating. However, there is a problem with RA that is not often mentioned. 

The word “radical” can sometimes imply excessiveness. When we push RA to an extreme, it may start to look like Radical Indifference. It harbors an outlook of “things are as they are, and I cannot do anything about it.” However, this mindset...

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