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How Every Person Deals With Changes Based On Zodiac Signs

articles astrology Sep 16, 2020

What is the secret to becoming successful in life? Perhaps this is the quest of everyone who wishes to establish a stable future for themselves. But then, the same question opens doors of opportunities for everyone to explore what life has to offer. 

The secret to having a good life, they say, is not about looking at changing what happened in the past. Rather, it is about looking forward to building a good future. While this is easier said than done, it sends out a powerful message to everyone. 

How Do People Deal With Change?

Every person has his way of dealing with the changes that happen in their life. Everyone looks forward to changing because it brings out new opportunities to be better than yesterday. 

People get so used to doing things that sometimes, dealing with change can take time. Changes that happen suddenly could be quite hard to adjust to. The brain can get frustrated. 

“You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.” 


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How The Elements Of Astrology Can Help You Understand People Better

articles astrology Sep 01, 2020

Have you ever wondered what is one thing that is unique about you that separates you from everyone else? Have you thought about which of your personality elements make you who you are? 

Whether you are often criticized for being too stubborn or praised for your kindness and generosity, astrology's elements play a huge role in your identity. 

And because everyone is part of the same universe, what you thought was just about you is actually a reflection of the energetic makeup of the cosmos. So if you think you are the only one who is kind enough to do things for others, but stubborn enough not to make amends, the reality is that you are not. 

The elements of astrology are very much alive in each individual in the world. While some may have become prominent in that trait, they share the same influence with all the rest who fall under the same zodiac sign. 

Personalities and characters are built, not just of individual experiences. The celestial...

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Common Mistakes Every Tarot Beginner Makes

articles astrology Aug 28, 2020

You are excited to get your first deck of tarot cards, and you are starting to learn more about them. But, the more you research, the more you feel overwhelmed and feel that there's just so much to learn. Do not fret because you are not alone in this journey. 

It's easy to find tarot card reading for beginners' resources online or perhaps at your local new age store. While it may be easy to feel exhausted with some of the sources, and trying to sort through conflicting statements, taking advantage of these resources opens up a lot of learning opportunities.

How Do You Become A Tarot Card Reader?

An essential thing that you need to be a tarot card reader is to believe in the energy that comes with each card. Your faith in the cards and your positive attitude towards them will help shape you into the kind of tarot card reader that you want to be. 

Every tarot card reader comes with the energy that they put into the cards. Their interpretation of the...

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How To Include Tarot In Your Daily Meditation

Many people say that meditation is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Not only will it allow you to focus your energy on the truly important things, but it is the perfect way to find inner peace

And yet, many find meditation difficult. Anyone who has tried to meditate often finds themselves spending twenty to thirty minutes in silence, not doing anything, but not feeling any change either. 

While others may make it sound as if meditation is effortless, for many, it is one of the most challenging things they had to do for themselves. 

Learning The Art of Meditation

Yoga cards or tarot cards are a secret to accessing the power of meditation. Like any other skill or hobby, there are various techniques to learn about meditation. It takes constant practice, dedication, and unparalleled effort to make things happen. 

Why is meditating at least once a day good for you? Constant practice helps you become good at it. When you are in charge of too many daily...

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What Crystals Match Your Life Path Number


Every person has his own Life Path number. In the practice of numerology compatibility, anyone can find out how the numbers in their life, including their birth date and birth month, say a lot about their experience. 

Your Life Path number serves as your life's blueprint. It reveals your natural strengths and weaknesses. It tells you about your core personality, all based on numerology. 

When you know your number, you will be ready to amplify the energy that comes innately from your abilities. You can turn these into potentials for growth and success. All of these can be really exciting. 

Discovering One's Life Path Number

The numerology Life Path number can reveal so much about your life even before things happen. You can get the natural flow of energy where things are meant to be. In an instant, you have something that will push you to take on the things you were too afraid even to try. 

Knowing what you can expect from life...

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How Birth Chart Reading Works

articles astrology Aug 26, 2020

Have you had a birth chart analysis done? Perhaps you have heard of birth charts, but never really gave it serious thought. You thought that knowing your birth sign was more than enough until you discovered there was more to learn. 

Astrology by date of birth is what people turn to when trying to understand their personality and that of other people around them. When it comes to decision making, people seem to trust the stars more than anything to guide them on the right path. 

How do you make use of your zodiac sign? Have you ever asked the stars for guidance?

What Makes Birth Chart Reading Interesting?

The astrology birth chart, also known as the natal astrology chart, maps out the planets' position as they journey around the Sun. The reading is done from the vantage point on Earth at the specific time of your birth. 

A reading of your astrology chart can help reveal your strengths as well as your weaknesses. It also aims to provide you with a...

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Find Out How Tarot Can Help You With Healing

What is the purpose of tarot cards in your life? While most people will say that tarot is their secret to success, every deck comes with its own unique benefits. 

The best tarot cards for beginners, they say, is the one that shows a natural connection to their being. Most of the time, these are the cards that are highly recommended based on the person's zodiac sign. 

When you ask people what they know about tarot cards, they will instantly speak of how they are used for fortune-telling. While it is true that they have an uncanny knack for telling the future, this divination tool is also very helpful in healing. 

Spiritual tarot cards are those that reveal compelling, accurate, and insightful information about the future. But if you ask tarot card experts what they think, they will tell you what tarot cards are really for: tarot is a tool to find inner healing.

How Do Tarot Cards Help Us Find Healing?

How tarot cards help a person find healing...

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Starting Your Day With A Daily Tarot Ritual

Is it your first time working with a tarot card? Whether you are a beginner who wants to improve her card reading abilities or someone who is pretty confident in their understanding of their deck, it can be overwhelming to memorize all the meanings of every card. 

When you pull a tarot card of the day, all you want is to accurately convey what it means, not stress out about it. The good news is that you don’t need to memorize anything at all. To give quality tarot card reading to yourself or others, all you need is to practice consistently.

Using tarot cards is all about tapping into your inner self and allowing your intuition to speak. You have to trust what comes up. The daily cards will help you practice while giving you the message that you need to hear. When you free yourself from the burden of memorizing every meaning of every card, you are allowing the cards to guide you through the right path. 

How Do You Make A Difference Every Day?


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Revealing Your Personality Through Palmistry

articles astrology Aug 20, 2020

Have you ever wondered what the lines on your palm mean? Perhaps you have thought about what life would be like if you knew how to read your own palm.

But what does it mean to be able to read the lines on your palmPalmistry is the study of the meaning of lines in a person's hand. Experts say that the lines on the hand reveal a person's character traits and personality.

The Origins Of Palm Reading

A thousand years ago, the practice of palmistry was said to have begun in India. Although no records of its humble beginnings have survived, the practice of palm reading continues until today. 

If you are looking at hand analysis and its principles, you are lucky because it is easy to understand. It is even easier to start practicing. 

The practice of palm reading takes a lot of time and effort. The more you study it, the more successful you'll be in making accurate predictions. What does your hand say about your future? Is it true in...

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Finding Your Career Path Through Astrology

Does it feel like you are not living to your highest potential? Do you often feel like you are stuck in doing something you don't like? Whenever it feels like you are not moving towards the goals you have set for yourself, you are probably right. 

You are not the only one with this problem. No one should ever underestimate the power of having a job that you enjoy doing. Not only does it pay well, but the act of doing it won't feel like work at all. 

This is where career astrology comes in very handy. Knowing which career path to take early on will save you from all the unwanted stress that may come with a job that you don't like. 

Understanding What Working Means

Does your job make you feel proud of yourself? Do you enjoy your time at work, no matter how challenging your tasks are? 

Everyone knows that they have to have a job to pay the bills, but almost everyone says that they actually want to do something else. While there is nothing wrong about...

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