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How To Raise Your Vibration?

How much do you know about your vibrational frequency? Raising the awareness of your vibration and all those around you will only help you understand yourself even more. This means that you will have the power in you to produce your positivity, love, and light. 

What do you know about spiritual vibrations? Even though your knowledge and understanding are still quite limited, you most certainly have felt them. "Vibration" in this context is defined as a state of being that is affected by the energy qualities of a person in thought and action. 

Although people use the term "vibes" loosely, it is dependent on one's intuition. It's like the strange feeling you have when someone you don't know walks into the room. You instantly feel their energy, and you can tell if it is light or heavy. 

It is also the same feeling you get when you meet new people, and you are quickly drawn to them. There are others that you meet that make you want to keep your distance. Every...

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Find Out How Tarot Can Strengthen Your Mental Health

articles energy updates Nov 04, 2020

How are you feeling at the moment? If you are feeling down and low and might be on the verge of falling into the pit of depression, perhaps you have thought of ways to help yourself get back up. Maybe you have turned to your tarot cards, wondering if they can help you. While others may not believe it, you can always explore how tarot cards and its reading could strengthen your mental health. Tarot health is not about fixing mental health disorders. Rather, it is equipping people with the right mindset to make the healing happen. 

Can tarot card reading help you fight depression? In a way, it does. A tarot reading can help shed some light on your feelings as well as your thoughts. It can reveal images that speak a lot about how you feel and what you think. 

The most important aspect of tarot card reading is this: it will allow you to reconnect with yourself when it seems that you are isolated and all on your own. 

What Depression And Anxiety Does To...

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4 Steps To Cleanse Your Spirit

How much energy do you think you have in your body? Do you believe that you and everything else around you is made up of energy? Whether it is a thing or a situation, you are surrounded by both negative and positive energies. 

Setbacks and disappointments are a natural part of human life. Everyone deals with their problems in their own way. However, if you keep denying the existence of negative energies and keep focusing on the positive, you can expect these negative energies to resurface in your life.

All the negativity that you encounter takes a significant toll on your emotional and mental health. This is why it is vital to consider aura cleansing or taking spiritual baths. This is to help you evaluate the inner energies that you have. 

Finding healing for yourself is a beautiful process and has been proven to help keep your spirit pure and full. 

Four Steps To Achieving Spiritual Healing

The process of soul-cleansing can be likened to the...

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Spirit As An Explanation For Life

Written by Jamie Fall

Life seems very strange. While I'm not a scientist by any means, I do feel I can at least understand the idea behind most scientific explanations for things in the Universe, such as the way stars burn, how planets revolve around them, geological formations, the weather, etc. But life seems like such an anomaly to me that just doesn't make scientific sense. Part of the problem of describing it is that we are it. This fact seems to bias our view in explaining it. So as a thought experiment, if we viewed the Universe from the perspective of a sort of passive observer (not as life, too) trying to understand the Universe, how would we describe this phenomenon we call "life?" Perhaps as a continuous series of complex chain reactions. Billions of intricate patterns of molecules bouncing around in precisely the correct ways to let your cells and muscles and organs work so that you can think and move and interact in the world. 

If this chain reaction only...

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Walking The Red Road: A Native American Story Of Spirituality

Written by Cameron Harman

There was a time in North America when spirituality was law. A time when the people lived in harmony with nature and each other. The Lakota tribe, also known as Teton Sioux, is a long-standing tribe of Native Americans that still exist today. Their roots in spirituality run deep. Many authors and researchers have gone to seek out Lakota elders to gain wisdom and insight. Native American spirituality stems from a love for Mother Earth and all living things as they believe we all come from the same place. In the Lakota tradition, they have a name for how to live life properly and spiritually. They call it "walking the Red Road." Walking this path means being an honest person, not harming others or nature. The Lakota believe there are four components of man: the body, the mind, emotions, and the soul. If we look at Buddhism and Hinduism, they have similarities. The commonalities are how they treat the environment and their neighbors. Take a close look at how...

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Your Imperfections Are A Gift To The World

articles energy updates Oct 30, 2020

“What are you so afraid of?” When young children are asked this question, they usually automatically talk about monsters and ugly creatures that come in their sleep and give them nightmares. For young adults, they think of everything that makes them feel insecure about themselves. 

While everyone tells you to embrace imperfection, it becomes so much harder to do when you also have to keep up with other people’s expectations. You hate to disappoint those you care about, so you try your best to achieve perfection or something close to it. 

You are not perfect, nobody is, but your attempt to overcome your imperfections is slowly hurting you in ways you cannot imagine. Your refusal to accept these imperfections is taking you farther away from who you are. 

Embracing imperfection, they say, is your gift to the world. But how does that happen?

What Happens When You Deny Imperfections?

Imperfections are a part of everyone. It is one of the things that...

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Money, Energy, Time

What makes you tick? The things that make people work vary from person to person. However, there are three basic things that are essential to make everyone as productive as they want themselves to be: money, energy, and time

If you have the energy, you can push yourself to become more productive in the world. If you have money, you have the liberty to push yourself to be better. And if you have the time, you can accomplish what you want and become unstoppable. You can do anything and be anything that you want. 

If you are reading this, you are probably missing at least one of the three. What you don't have varies from day to day. Sometimes, within the day, it feels like you have run out of either of the three. It seems all three factors become scarce in the course of life, depending on how old you are. 

How Do These Three Make A Difference?

When you are in your 20s and 30s, you have time and energy, but you basically don't have the money. 


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The Secret To Higher Productivity: Doing One Thing At A Time

articles energy updates Oct 26, 2020

What is the one thing that you desire the most in life? Practically everyone has their idea of what they want, but they all point to the same idea—the concept of success. 

You can be who you want to be in life as long as you know how to focus on one thing. This idea may come as a surprise considering the fast-paced multi-tasking life everyone struggles to live by. 

Some people think that doing multiple things simultaneously will bring them the success they want in life. But successful people say that you should be ready to do one thing at a time. 

The book "The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan reveals this simple idea. But do not be fooled. Putting your heart and soul on one subject matter at a time is easier said than done. It takes a lot of courage and hard work to make it happen. 

The beginning will always be a struggle, but once you have incorporated it in your life, everything will come easy. 

Why Is Single...

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13 Things Mentally Tough People Don't Do

Most of the time, people are advised to think positive and wait for good things to happen. Some are even told to stay strong amid a crisis because soon things will work out just fine. There is no doubt that these words of wisdom have merit, but they do not work when people still choose to engage in their unhealthy behavior. 

Negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings are sabotaging you in so many ways. They hinder you from building up on your mental health. Doing away with all this negativity can bring back the life in you. 

Discovering The Habits Of Mentally Strong People

If you want to become better, you need to include mentally strong people's habits into your daily routine. Think of it as if you were dealing with your physical health

People who want to build up their physical health go to the gym and exercise regularly. On top of that, they also control their food intake to make sure that they lose fat and build muscle. 

And yet, what people...

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5 Interesting Facts About Tarot Cards

How much do you know about tarot cards? With their mythical background and the mystery that comes with every reading, many people wonder about the boundaries of their power. Very few people are allowed to learn the real power that comes with every card. 

Are tarot cards real? Because they are shrouded in secrecy, many people wonder if the tarot cards reveal the truth. How do the tarot cards work? How much do you know about them?

Those who never had a chance to read a card or try to work with them will always be left wondering. 

But the people who have worked well with the cards know how much value is found in each one. If only people put more faith in what the cards say, they will realize that they can reveal so much more about life.

What Do The Cards Mean?

Here are five interesting facts about tarot cards you need to know:

Fact 1: Tarot cards were traditionally used for storytelling

In ancient times, the Europeans were very much interested in card...

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