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The Connection Between Jewelry And Energy Flow

articles energy updates Aug 07, 2020

During a wedding ceremony, the ring is the central symbol of the union. It symbolizes that the two people have become one in marital bliss all because of love. But what is about this small piece of jewelry that makes it so meaningful?

Whether it is for aesthetics or its traditional value, what people do not know is that wearing jewelry comes with spiritual benefits too. Did you know that apart from making you look more attractive, chakra jewelry can provide your body with a certain kind of protection? It endows you with the gift of divinity and prevents you from incurring all the negative energies around you. 

People have worn zen jewelry since ancient times. Today, most of them are made from different precious materials, including gold, silver, and bronze. Some may come with gems and diamonds. Sadly, most women adorned by these valuable pieces do not even realize what these accessories are for. Most of them see them as fashion pieces only and nothing...

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Must-Follow Steps To Finally Open Your Chakras

articles energy updates Aug 06, 2020

Have you been feeling off lately? Your goal is to thrive no matter what challenges may come your way, but life has become much more complicated. You're far from the optimal level of positivity that you want in your life. 

Whether you are dealing with physical health concerns or emotional issues, chances are that your spiritual chakras are closed or under-stimulated. They may be blocked by all the negative emotions and thoughts that you have. 

When these chakras are blocked, the positive energy is not flowing correctly, thus creating difficulties. But do not fret just yet. With powerful techniques, you can work on opening chakras to help you find a balance. With practice, you may even learn how to open all chakras.

Not only will you regain vitality, peace, clarity, and good health, but you will be back to enjoying positive energy and happiness. 

What Are Your Chakras?

The chakras refer to the center points in your body where energy...

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The Five Forms Of Spiritual Ascension

articles energy updates Aug 03, 2020

Have you ever heard the phrase spiritual ascension? While it may be self-explanatory, spiritual ascension refers to a person’s journey towards a higher realm of the spirit. What is ascension? It is achieved when a person can submit himself to training to be wise

What does it mean to be wise? It means that you can see beyond what the world gives. Your understanding of life goes beyond what everyone else comprehends. Through different ways, a person can be trained to take on a spiritual journey. Human ascension is the beginning of a person’s journey to a fuller life. 

Can Everyone Achieve Spiritual Ascension?

While it may sound simple, the journey to spiritual ascension is not for everyone. The level of wisdom required of a person varies, and the meaning is different from one person to another. What does it mean when people talk about wisdom?

Is it not the ability to choose between right and wrong? Is it not deciding to determine what is suitable...

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Looking Into Someone's Past Or Future Through Palm Reading

The human hand has always been expressive. With a simple wave, you could be sending a "Hi" to another person's way. With a simple pat on the back, you could tell someone, "Everything is going to be okay."

But the human hand is not just about gestures. Some people believe that the hand can convey more. From the lines on the palm to the shape of the person's fingers, the hands can provide insight into a person's personality or character. 

Are you wondering if the palm reading fate line is something that speaks of the truth? Here's a guide to palm reading to help you see things for yourself. 

The Basics Of Palmistry

Palmistry or the reading of the palms is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. While palm reading is often associated with fortune reading, the premise that guides those that read the hand is based on the idea that the person's hand reveals a lot about their character. Apart from learning more about the person...

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3 Misconceptions About Tarot

articles energy updates Jul 29, 2020

The mystery that comes with every deck of tarot cards has fascinated people for centuries. The cards have been referenced as future reading cards giving anyone who holds a deck the power to foretell the future. 

Every deck of tarot cards is composed of 78 magical cards. It is something that you can see and touch, which makes it even more exciting. It is like holding your future in your hands, a little bit more defined than mere guessing. 

Although many believe in the power of tarot cards, there are still those who were blinded and misguided because of myths that have been associated with them. Most of these are baseless superstitions that know very little of the power that is in every card. 

While its use may be full of mystery and magic, the unexplainable feature of every tarot card has left it out in the open for unwarranted judgment. 

What Do People Know About Tarot Cards?

Some people believe in the dangers of tarot cards. They think...

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3 Things You Should Know About The New Moon In Cancer

The current New Moon that's coming through on July 20th, 2020 is in the zodiac sign of Cancer. 

In this article, I'm going to be offering three different ways to understand the energy at this time and ways that you can tap in and utilize this energy. 

Let's dive right into the goodies that this watery sign has to give! 

Energy Aspect #1: Cancer Is The Sign Of The Great Mother

When she's in her highest expression, she expresses herself in the world through the divine feminine energy. We are talking about the power that nourishes all of life!

But when the Cancerian sign is in her shadow, she embodies all of the shadow feminines. Meaning she is there to siphon from life! 

Either of these expressions can come through you at this time, so it will be important to take care that your negative emotions do not entirely take the wheel! I will go into more detail about this when we reach the second energy aspect.

During this time, many of us will be exploring our collective...

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Building This Habit Of Gratitude Can Transform Your Life

Have you ever thought about how being grateful can change your life? While you may have everything you could ever need now, there might come a time when you’ll be left with nothing, not even hope. When that day comes, the only thing you will learn is how your sense of gratitude will lift you up. 

Isn’t it easy to be ungrateful these days? In fact, it has become easier to want the things that we don’t have. Consumerism has taught people that there is always more out there. And when people don’t get what they want when they want it, they end up feeling like they’ve been robbed. 

It has become difficult for people to show gratitude because everything that we see around us is a reminder of how little we have. Rather than seeing how much we should be grateful for, we end up thinking that we deserve more, and life is mistreating us. 

Why Do People Feel They Have Less?

While everyone knows that gratitude is the best...

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Creativity Advice To Keep In Mind

Creating beautiful things out of the ordinary is one of the best gifts humans have. Creative building inspires people to look at the simple and make something beautiful out of it. Ordinary situations are turned into learning opportunities whenever creative minds start to wonder about something new. 

Creativity, after all, is all about finding new approaches to things. It is about learning how to make something new out of a given situation. While others may think that it’s a gift restricted only to artists, writers, musicians, it is actually a life process that applies to everyone. 

How do you give yourself a creativity boost? Here are some creative thinking activities that can help you:

Tip 1: Creativity requires commitment

The first and most crucial step to take is for you to give creativity some time. Devote an hour or two of your days to developing your creative abilities. Do not put off your effort and think that the muse will just come to you. It is something...

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The Art Of Staying In Deep Focus

When you are setting out to work on something significant, you look into the task plan out how to achieve it in the fastest possible way. You focus your mind on it, and something interesting truly happens. It's like you've been transformed into a productivity machine. 

But it isn't always as easy as that. Putting everything you've got into one task can take its toll on you. Eventually, you may feel like your focus is pulled in several different directions, and you feel ungrounded deep inside. This feeling can divert your attention from your responsibilities and goals, leaving you emotionally drained.

What are you going to do? How are you going to get back on track?

Since our minds are trained to always seek for stability, it has become a challenge to accept that their lives are currently unstable.

What Are The Signs Of Instability?

When you easily give in to distractions and cannot seem to focus, you can consider yourself unstable. Some people turn to...

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Becoming Fearless

How do you spend your days when it seems you have more time in your hands? Perhaps this thought never crossed your mind because you never really had the chance to stop and smell the flowers. With all the things that you need to get done, there isn’t any time to stop and meditate. 

But it isn’t the packed schedule or the long list of things-to-do that hinder you from enjoying your sweet spare time. You have become afraid of having some extra time in your hands because you don’t know what to do with it. 

You have become afraid of the empty space in your life. 

The busy schedule, constant distraction, the lack of focus, and the lack of satisfaction in your life often leaves you with so much more than you can handle. 

You end up running from one task to another. Instead of enjoying the spaces between the tasks, the moments of solitude and stillness, you end up filling the gaps with activities. You think of something useful to do. You have...

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