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Get To Know The 8 Limbs Of Yoga

How much do you know about the elements of yoga? While you may have been practicing meditation and yoga daily, you might not know a lot about the eight limbs that serve as the practice's guiding principles.

It is relatively common for most yoga practitioners to focus on achieving particular poses. Most of them talk about how much a regular yoga practice has helped them improve their life. But little do they know that there are yoga principles that keep the practice as sound as it is today.

Discovering The Art Of The Patanjali Yoga Practice

There are various branches of yoga, and Patanjali's offers an eight-fold path. It serves as a guide to living a purposeful and meaningful life. And yet, it is grounded with prescriptions for ethical and moral conduct to lead people to develop a sense of self-discipline. 

In the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, ashtanga or the eightfold path is the guiding light to its practitioners. It literally means eight limbs. The eight...

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How To Survive A Juice Cleanse

Are you ready to give your digestive system a break? Perhaps you have thought of the many ways this can be done. After all, there’s no better time to think of your health than now. But how do you do it?

Learning how to do a juice cleanse is one of the best ways you can equip yourself with positive options. A juice cleansing will help clean your digestive system while still keeping yourself healthy and full of energy to last through the day. 

While it is interesting to look at the effect of a juice cleanse before and after, it is more challenging to do than you think. It entails a lot of discipline and dedication. But everyone who has tried it says it is worth it. 

Should you take on the 30-day juice cleanse? The decision is all up to you. 

Is A Juice Cleanse Worth It?

You have read juice cleanse reviews. Each time, they reveal how truly helpful this process is in helping clean the body from the inside. While those who try it say it was a...

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Common Challenges In Meditation

All too often, people hear about the benefits of meditation. Everyone knows how regular meditation can help you find focus. It provides you a sense of clarity in thought and emotions. The daily practice of meditation enables you to learn more about yourself.

There is no denying how meditation can help change people's lives. It brings out the best in them, allowing them to use their potentials to its limits. You can become a better person because of your meditation practice. 

And yet, there is a lot about meditation that people still need to learn. The key to meditation is silence and solitude. When you have both, you can enjoy the many benefits that come with the practice. 

But what if you find it hard to meditate? What if it's a struggle to quiet the mind? This is one of the things people rarely talk about. The truth about meditation is out. It's difficult. The beginning is always challenging, but you should not just give up. 

What Are The Common...

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Yoga Poses To Unlock Your Emotions

Have you ever found yourself feeling down and low, but you're not sure exactly why? Sometimes, people feel that way. They find it hard to identify what is causing them to feel upset. 

Is it because they don't know what it is? Remember that every person needs to process their emotions to understand them fully. You need to give yourself some time to identify what you feel and why you feel that way. 

Most people will do something about it. And then some will choose to ignore what is happening. Choosing the latter could put you under a lot of stress. It could bring about internal conflict, which could then negatively affect your relationship with others. 

How Does Yoga Help You Deal With Emotions?

Proper breathing, mindfulness, and meditation can all help in making you deal with what you feel. They all make you slow down, so you can find a bit of clarity and focus. 

Daily practice of yoga and meditation proves to be a healthy combination. These power yoga poses...

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What Is The Importance Of Solitude? 

Spending time around people is one of the things that make humans happy. Humans are innately social creatures, so they find joy in being with others. You learn new things and take on new habits from the interesting people with whom you surround yourself. Indeed, you can expect to experience happiness when you are around the people in your life. 

And yet, too much time spent with people can also be harmful. Sadly, the digital space has put more pressure on people to be connected 24/7. The hustle that you do daily, not to mention social media's noise, can make you feel worn out. Ironically, it leaves you feeling lonelier than ever. 

What Is The Essence Of Solitude?

Have you ever imagined spending your Friday night alone in your room? At this point in your life, the thought of it scares you. Solitude is not something that you welcome in your life, considering how being surrounded by people makes you happy. 

And yet, the bliss of solitude is something that every...

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Find Out How To Balance Your Chakras With Food

Do you ever feel unconfident, down, or just plain lazy? Perhaps you’ve been working yourself too hard and have been under a lot of stress, and that’s why you’re so sluggish. With all the pressure at work and home, it is no surprise that the different chakras in your body have become blocked. 

While rest and recreation are the secrets to helping your body overcome these feelings, sometimes, people turn to medicines to help their body regain strength. There are others who turn to therapy for help. 

All these options can help you get better. When you are back on your feet, you can conquer the world again. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could get yourself motivated again without needing any medical help?

What Does Food Do To The Body?

You must have heard of the benefits of eating rainbow foods. The philosophy behind it is pretty simple. All you need is to bring in more colorful foods into your diet, and it will take your body to a whole new...

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Coffee: Friend Or Foe?

Written by Joe G. Santos

In a perfect world, our bodies would exude energy as soon as we open our eyes in the morning. Starting our day that way would be a sure-fire way to guarantee that all our daily goals are accomplished by the end of the night. Still, much to our disappointment, this is not how most of our days go. In the hope of achieving that, modern society has turned to a daily cup (or cups) of coffee. This magical "bean juice" has become a staple of our world's diet. But as people have rightfully become more cautious of what goes into their body, questions about coffee's possible health benefits and drawbacks have risen.

When it comes to nutrition, it can be challenging to answer questions about certain foods' health impacts due to how drastically the human body varies from person to person. With that in mind, the most important thing to consider when researching whether a particular food is good or bad for you is to closely monitor the relationship you have with the food...

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Powerful Tips To Feed Your Spirit 

Whenever people talk about nourishment, the first thing they think about is food. Indeed, there is nothing more that the body needs than good and healthy food. A healthy diet is one of the best ways you can protect your energy

Yet, even while having plenty of veggies and fruits in your life, does it feel like you are complete?

Or is there a part of you that feels like you are missing out on something? Perhaps the most critical question to ask yourself is this: does food satisfy my hunger for a good life?

Why Do You Need To Feed Your Spirit?

Every holistic health enthusiast will tell you that eating healthy foods won't be enough to feed you. There is the aspect of spiritual wellness that you need to consider too. True health, after all, is more than just the healthy status of your physical body. 

In truth, the food that you eat only comes second to the effect of experiences and excitement in your life. It is your spirit that truly needs the boost of energy...

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Four Powerful Healing Mantras

Do you know that your body creates a kind of vibration? The sound that your body produces and the movements you make, produce a certain type of beat. This sound connects you to the rest of the world. 

Everything in the Universe creates a certain kind and level of vibration, including the words people speak. For centuries, people have used vibrations to help find inner healing. While words are often used for prayer, the more profound truth is that they can be used to share a story that speaks of the deeper truth. 

Another way that words can be influential is when they are used as healing mantras. The mantras for healing diseases can be short phrases that carry a powerful healing vibration. Most of the time, they are words that send out positive messages to transform people’s perspective of things and situations. 

What Healing Mantras Should You Know?

What’s your favorite healing mantra? There are so many mantras to choose from, but not all of them...

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Find Out How Writing Helps With Healing

What does it take to overcome past trauma? How do you teach yourself to move on from the pain even when no apology ever comes your way? Pain and disappointment are a natural part of life. Everyone deals with their own kind of pain, each one seemingly worse than the last. 

And because conflict makes every story intriguing and truly interesting, it makes journaling therapy a valuable addition to life. Emotional writing is what will keep you going. It will make you deal with the pain to hopefully find true inner healing. 

How Do You Cope With Things You Don’t Understand?

Everyone has their own way of dealing with pain. What may seem like a simple coping mechanism could turn out to be the most significant part of moving on. Sometimes, the methods of coping for others may not work for us, but that’s okay. 

Each person has to find a way to express themselves and how they feel. The goal is to make sure that your feelings are dealt...

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