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Tips To Be Prepared For Anything In Life (Building Resilience)

How do you teach yourself to always be prepared? No matter how bad the experience may be, there is still more that can go wrong. 

While everyone wishes they could predict the future, the only thing anyone can do is prepare for it. As the famous saying goes, it is best to be prepared for the worst. That way, when the best things happen, at least you’re taken by a positive surprise. 

While preparation for life is something that people busy themselves with, you should also try not to miss out on the good times. The fear of tomorrow will not take you anywhere. It will only make you anxious about the next step.

Even if you prepared for the worst, do not forget to stop and take a deep breath. 

Life is about living. It is not about worrying about what the future may bring. 

It is more about striking the right balance between being ready for anything and living in the moment. 

Let Go And Let Live 

The uncertainty of the future...

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Manage Your Distraction Syndrome With These 4 Tips

How distracted do you feel these days? Your ability to focus is sometimes compromised when you are dealing with too many things at a time. While telling yourself to focus may be something easy to do, it requires a lot from your end. 

Your ability to keep your mind focused is worth cultivating. Not only is it about your ability to complete tasks when needed, but it plays a crucial role in your future success or failure. 

But how do you make sure that you don’t lose concentration? When there are just too many thoughts inside your head, it can be quite hard to focus. Sometimes, it can be frustrating to know that you want to get things done, but you don’t. You end up procrastinating, thinking that nothing can be done now to get things done. 

It is best to draw yourself healthy boundaries to help you get focused and manage distractions. Resist the urge to procrastinate. Here are four tips to help you get it right.  


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Start An Adventure With One Simple Change

articles lifestyle Jun 14, 2020

When was the last time you had an adventure? Maybe you haven’t gone out for fun for a long time. You may be thinking, “With my schedule, that’s just impossible these days. How do you start traveling when you have no time?” Yes, that could be true for many of us. But we can still find a way to bring excitement back into our lives. Your life adventure doesn’t have to remain a dream. You can turn it into reality and let the vacation begin. Now, what you have to focus on is how to start being more adventurous. Don’t be nervous; the whole process will be fun and filled with discovery and exploration. 

How To Be Adventurous No Matter Where You Are

Being an adult can be stressful, but it also has its perks. When we were younger, we didn’t have the means to travel whenever we wanted to. Now, we have full control of our resources, which are our time and money. If you’re thinking about the responsibilities of being...

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Get Daily Emails Done In 20 Minutes A Day With This Simple Guide

articles lifestyle Jun 13, 2020

If you were challenged to only check your email twice per day, do you think you could do it? Probably, but that’s not the catch. Along with only checking your email twice per day, you have to complete everything you have to do within 30 minutes. Will you survive?

When it comes to productivity improvement, people need to see how they are spending their time. What are they spending their time on? When you know what is keeping you busy the whole day, you’ll see how you can manage your time better. 

If you wish you had more time in a day to get things done, you’re not handling your time well. That’s why it feels like you need more.

Whenever you think of how to become more productive, you can’t help but wonder what you are doing wrong.  

Top Tips To Limit Email Checking

The email challenge is not about rushing through your work emails. Rather, it is about optimizing your efficiency to improve your productivity. 

Participating in this...

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Being Mindful Of What You Share On Social Media

articles lifestyle Jun 12, 2020

Have you ever thought of how to teach teens the proper way of dealing with their digital life? While these young minds may benefit from mindfulness activities for teens, many adults need the same thing. 

People spend most of their days on social media. It takes a massive part in their lives. In fact, most family and friends find it useful to keep in touch through social media. 

But then again, the use of social media isn't just about communicating. It has evolved in so many ways. For some, it has become a platform where they can pretend to be someone else. Because of this, we have to be very careful. Mindful learning is something everyone must practice. 

How Does Social Media Posting Affect You

A person's portrayal of his life on social media is not the same as in real life. Even if we understand this, it's easy to wish that we were living their life instead of our own. This may be a simple case of wishful thinking, but it could be dangerous. 

Comparing your life...

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Choosing A Career With Purpose

For many younger millennials and older generation z's, career selection can be difficult. Many want to pursue their passion, but at the same time, they have to ask themselves, "What job suits me but will also help me pay my bills?" How do we have a career that gives us the paycheck we need and also be one that's fulfilling and provides us with a sense of purpose

You may find yourself feeling uncertain about making a big move in your career. You worry that it could be a mistake to leave the job you have now and find something that's truly meaningful for you. Whenever you find yourself feeling uncomfortable about the situation you're in, it will be helpful if you can pause and take some time to reflect. What do you really want? This is an important question to ask yourself when choosing a career with purpose. 

Assessing Your Career 

If you're unhappy with the job that you have, then you have to assess if you'll continue going down this path, or are you willing to take...

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Soothing Your Critical Inner Voices

articles lifestyle Jun 11, 2020

Do you have those nagging inner voices that say you aren’t good enough? No matter how confident we think we are, whenever we attempt something new in our lives, all those doubtful voices fill our heads. Usually, we achieve some relief after we’re done with the task, be it a job interview, a report at school, or even when asking someone out. But it won’t take too long before new worries swarm our minds. It’s a never-ending cycle.

We expect to feel worried when going through something new, but how concerned should we get? Sometimes, you may find that you’re overly-worried about things because of those critical inner voices telling you that you can’t do it. Those voices are your internal enemy and can even be a threat to your chance of realizing your true potential and living a fulfilled life. 

If you listen to your critical inner voices, you will begin to distrust your own abilities, become your own worst critic,...

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Detaching Ourselves from Being the Center of Attention

Do you want to be the center of attention all the time? Has attention-seeking behavior become a large part of your personality?

If you desire to be at the center of everyone's life, you may be exhibiting other selfish behaviors, like not caring about how others think or feel. But is this really you? 

If being the center of attention gets in the way of your relationships, is the urge to be the talk of the town still worth it? 

The chronic desire to be the center of attention all the time, also known as histrionic personality disorder, is exemplified by always having to be noticed and or given attention. When this attention is not provided, the person with the disorder may react severely. Sufferers are more prone to engaging in provocative or destructive behavior to gain the attention that they want. 

Those who are suffering from this disorder often find themselves wanting to get everyone's attention, regardless of the situation. These people feel uncomfortable when...

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How to Form a New Habit, Effortlessly

Changing your behavior always brings about the hope that things will be better. Choosing to build positive habits is always a good start. But then again, building on a new practice is often the most challenging step to take. 

The formation of new habits opens your mind to new perspectives, but it also presents itself as a challenge. Knowing that you need to instill new, better habits is always a good start. But implementing these changes is another challenge on its own. 

The familiar challenge people are facing is the beginning of building that new habit. It's too hard to do. You look for motivation to go through it, but then it's never enough. Soon, motivation fades. 

You tell yourself you need to focus, but willpower alone won't be enough to see you through too. There will be times when you are tired, and you'd be feeling weak. 

Then the question is, how do you build a good habit?

The best way to build a good habit is by telling yourself you...

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How to Give Up Comfort in Life

Living a comfortable life seems to be the most attractive kind of life for almost all of us. However, many people are "comfortable" with the idea of living a city life where people work most of their days and retire at night with people they do not really love. 

The thought of dealing with unfamiliarity intimidates people, and this is the fear that hinders their growth. If only they could stop the fear from controlling them, people would learn to become less cautious, to break away from conformity, and to pursue the things that they've always wanted to. 

However, living a comfortable life always gets in the way. 

Most people who have lived years with someone with whom they are longer happy. And yet, they choose to stay. It is not just the comforting thought of being with someone, but it is the familiarity of the situation that makes them stay. 

If that person didn't play an important role in someone's everyday life, it would have been much easier to break up and...

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