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Couples Yoga: A Step Towards A Healthy Relationship


More and more people are becoming interested in practicing yoga, and there’s a good reason for this. Some of the benefits of yoga include relieving stress, feeling calmer, and having a more toned body. You’ll also notice that you’re much stronger and more flexible than ever, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that regular yoga practice can also help treat insomnia and even prevent diabetes.  

If you think of it, yoga is traditionally something that’s done individually. You can practice correct breathing and stretch on your yoga mat, and simply enjoy the present moment. But the benefits you can get from yoga could go beyond getting a healthier body and mind. You can also try beginners couples yoga, which you can do with your significant other. 

What Is Couples Yoga?

Couples yoga is also called partner yoga, and the idea is that you and your yoga partner will perform yoga positions for two. Through this...

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3 Spiritual Reasons Why Modern Marriages Fail

Separation and divorce can be very messy, and most couples would rather not even imagine themselves going through something like that. However, the reality for many couples is that they would be better off apart. When the relationship has been so strained, it’s just impossible to repair the damage. Sometimes, even when a couple does everything to save the marriage, it’s already too late, and they can no longer find reasons to reconcile. 

Each failed marriage has its own reasons why it didn’t work. It could be easy to think that the number one reason is infidelity. But one of the most common reasons for divorce is actually the lack of communication between couples. When partners cannot openly talk to each other, it becomes difficult to discuss important matters. Fights and arguments could go on and on without any clear resolution. 

There are several causes of divorce today. If you want to prevent your marriage from going down this path, it’s crucial...

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How To Manage Your Kids Without Losing Your Spiritual Self

Does it feel like your kids are out of control? At some point, they have pushed you too hard that you thought you’d lose your sanity. It might help to know that you’re not the only parent who has this problem. While many may not admit it, most parents find child management to be a challenge. 

Some parents have learned how to manage two kids whenever they fight or argue. Some have surrendered to the idea that dealing with out of control kids is a family norm. Whenever children refuse to do what they are asked, listen to their elders, or simply decide to break the house rules, parents find child care truly frustrating. 

Whenever it feels like your kids have become out of control, you can just stop and let it be. You have to work to get your power back. After all, you should maintain your parental authority for your own sake and your child’s well-being. 

How Do You Get The Kids To Listen?

If you want to be able to manage at home and not struggle for...

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3 Keys To A Successful (Spiritual) Marriage

All couples want their marriage to be a happy one. But what’s the secret to a long-lasting relationship? For every couple, there’s a honeymoon phase where they’re both so in love with each other. Their passion for their relationship seems to be limitless. However, there will come a time when the honeymoon phase ends, and the two individuals need to face the reality of being married. 

Marriage is complicated, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to be happily married. If you want to give your relationship the best chances to be successful, it’s essential to understand the principles of marriage and how to work around the realities of being a husband or a wife. Let’s take a look at three keys to a successful marriage. Hopefully, these will be able to help you strengthen your relationship more. 

Understand That Marriage Isn’t Perfect

One of the rules for a happy marriage is to be realistic about your...

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Why Meditating With Your Child Holds You Accountable

As a parent, you can be your children's guide to meditation. You can impress upon them the benefits of the same. However, if you are a teacher, a babysitter, or a grandparent, do not shy away from meditating with the children under your care. It is the best gift they can receive from you, excluding, of course, a baby activity mat

Are you worried about how your kid will grow up? Are you concerned about their temperament and behavior? There is a single resolution to all this—meditation! There are several benefits of meditation, all of which will help them grow into calm, responsible, and smart individuals.   

Let us look at the different ways you can meditate with your kids.

Introduce Quietness 

Children, by nature, are fidgety and restless. There are very few kids who are willing to sit quietly in one place for more than a minute or two. Meditation of any sort requires patience on their part. Children's meditation benefits are immense, but only if...

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Life Advice You Can Share TODAY With Younger Friends

If you could give your younger self advice on how to survive life, what would it be? Like everyone else who has grown up and matured, there must be a thing or two you want to tell your younger self. If you only knew about it when you were younger, perhaps your life would have turned out differently. 

As they say, the best advice for life is what you can give yourself based on what you learned. But then again, you can move forward with life and achieve most of your life’s goals when you get and utilize the advice from your elders. Their success stories will definitely teach you what to do and what not to do. 

A Lesson About Life

The best advice for teens is this: keep an open heart and teach yourself to listen. These are the two best combinations for a great life. An open heart will help you accept the challenge of living a good life. It doesn’t have to be a perfect one, but it has to be a life that teaches you happiness and gratitude. Your...

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An Easy Way To Make More Friends

Do you still remember how you made friends at school when you were young? For some, it may have started by sharing a sandwich during lunch. Others became friends because they offered to help a classmate having a hard time in the assignment. Or perhaps they met and bonded on the basketball court.

Building new friendships are good, but keeping the old ones is just as important. A new friendship always brings about the promise of new hope. It opens doors for discoveries and strengthens faith in one's self. 

How Do You Make New Friends?

While making friends at school and making friends at work differ because of the different social circumstances you find yourself in, making new friends doesn't have to be too difficult. When you meet random people, you sometimes feel the urge to befriend some of them. They give you the kind of feeling that you share something special. 

But then, there are also those people that you meet that make you feel like you...

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4 Ways To Overcome Your Family's Bad Habits

Do you have your share of lousy family habits? The issue of lousy family habits is not restricted to a particular race or religion. Everyone all over the world recognizes that their family does something they could definitely do without. 

In this fast-paced world, everyone wants to develop good habits in their children. They want the kids to grow up only mirroring the good practices the family follows. However, this change won't happen overnight. Everyone in the family must contribute to make it happen. 

Habits are repeated actions that people learn to do in a given situation. Whenever the condition occurs, the action happens. While you cannot control situations from happening, you are definitely in control of how you react to it. 

Remember that children can easily pick up and follow bad habits. Soon, they will mimic everyone's overall health and lifestyle. The sooner that you acknowledge these bad habits, the easier it will be for you to change it.

However, be warned...

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Best Advice To Keep Your Cool As A Parent

What parent has not lost their temper whenever their kid misbehaves? It is nearly impossible for a parent not to lose their temper with their kids. Whether it is talking back, eye-rolling, or the constant complaining, children always seem to find a way and push their parent's buttons. 

While parents would like to embody happy parenting, some also find it hard to manage their emotions. No parent is ever perfect in raising their kids, but everyone is trying their best. 

How do you teach yourself to keep calm and stay cool and keep your emotions in check?

What Does It Mean To Lose Your Temper?

Losing your temper as a parent is defined as the point when you start yelling at your kids. When you resort to calling them names, throwing things at them, and threatening severe consequences for their actions like throwing them out of the house or going to bed without dinner, then you've lost your temper. 

It is not surprising how a power struggle can happen between parents and...

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Forgiveness vs. Revenge

We've all been hurt before by someone we deeply trust and love. How do you react when you're hurt? Do you feel so angry that you all you think about is how you can take revenge? Or do you find it in your heart to forgive whoever it is that hurt you? As humans, we're very complex beings, and we feel a lot of emotions that we can't even understand ourselves at times. Forgiveness vs. revenge can be a tough choice to make, but it's one that you have to be careful about. If you hurt them back, will that satisfy you? Or will you regret it? 

We're all capable of both loving and hurting each other. It's a cruel fact about us humans. While you do have a choice whether to take revenge or to forgive, you know that there's something inside you that says it's best to take the high road and forgive. Love has the power to mend whatever it is that's been broken. Love is forgiving. But what does it mean? What is forgiveness, and why is it important? Forgiveness is when...

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