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Best Tips When Traveling With Kids

Whether you are traveling with a newborn or traveling for the first time with your toddler, traveling with kids will always be a daunting task. From packing the essentials to making the itinerary to preparing all those toddler plane activitiestraveling with kids is not for the weak at heart.

The list of potential scenarios and worries keep a lot of parents from enjoying their vacation. In the end, they feel like they didn't go on vacation at all. They feel like they were just taking care of their kids in a different place. The challenge of parenting is still the same, no matter where you are. 

However, as parents, you know that you should spend quality time with your children while you can. When they are young, they may be a bit harder to control or discipline, but you can take them around wherever you want. Their joys are simple. They are at their happiest whenever they are around you.

Perhaps the best way to enjoy traveling with...

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How to Achieve Interpersonal Happiness

Interpersonal relationships play a huge role in people’s lives. Not only does it fulfill a range of both physical and emotional needs, but it allows people to be more grounded. It’s not just about developing people management skills. Instead, it is about finding people that you can bond with for your whole life. 

While romantic relationships are interpersonal, relationships among family and friends belong to this category too. These interpersonal relationships may also come at various levels. Your acquaintances, neighbors, and those people you meet and interact with regularly are all part of the interpersonal relationships that you keep. 

Simply put, you can build an interpersonal relationship with everyone else you meet. Given how important keeping these relationships is to your emotional, mental, and physical-mental being, you must know exactly how to keep them healthy and enjoyable. 

Stages Of Interpersonal Relationships

It takes time and effort for...

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How Mothers Can Make Everything Better

The celebration of Mother’s Day only comes once a year. It is the only day when the topic about mothers and their special powers comes to the forefront. Moms are so exceptional that every day should be Mother’s Day, right?

People remember to show how grateful they are of their mothers on this special day every year. Some show their love through flowers. Others put some effort into baking a special cake for their moms. The list of things to do on Mother’s Day goes on and on. 

Every person has their own way of expressing how they feel towards their mom. Some are more expressive than others. Some find comfort in writing a letter of gratitude to their mom. 

The more digitally-inclined citizens take it to social media to pay tribute to the woman of the house. While mothers are celebrated every day, Mother’s Day each year serves as a reminder that the woman who takes care of everyone else all year long also needs a little taking care...

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What I've Learned About Raising Children

Have you ever wondered how to raise boys or girls? Although some say that raising different genders may require a different kind of approach, experts in parenting believe that they are relatively the same. Children are children, and they all need to feel loved. 

Do you consider yourself a parenting expert? Being a father or mother is a rewarding experience as it is. You won't be perfect like those in the movies or television programs, but you will always be the ideal parent for your children. 

Whether you decide to take on a conventional role or the more modern approach in parenting, the choice is all yours. After all, no other parent can be better for your child than you.

How To Raise Children

Even in our progressive society, statistics show that mothers still usually on much of the work of parenting. Wives and mothers should be given credit not only for taking care of the kids but for raising them to be the best that they can be. 

But how do the...

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The Hidden Spirituality of The Princess Bride

Happy Valentines Day! 33-year-old spoiler warning here, but I guess that goes without saying.

Now - to start it off, the Princess Bride is a story within a story, and if we go deep enough - it’s a story within a story, inviting us to look deeper at our own lives, and to break free of the attachments to the life stories we live out on a day to day basis, and learning to identify at a higher level. But the main focus of the Princess Bride is two main points - a story of true love and all of the forms that true love manifests, and a story of sovereignty. 

On its surface, the Princess Bride appears like a fun take on the traditional “damsel in distress” narrative. Girls in Trouble, guy’s gotta rescue her. We have an almost 95% male cast in this movie - and yet the buttercups role here is foundational to the deep spiritual themes underlying this story.  

When the story begins, we see Buttercup in a state of sovereign freedom. She can do what she...

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Guide to Dealing with Negative People

Do you have a friend or family member that is always negative? Are you frustrated with having to always bring the positivity back up into the room after this person enters? While we all have our bad days, perpetually negative people love to bring other people down. In fact, it may seem like it's the only thing that they enjoy. 

What should you do when facing a negative coworker, colleague, friend, or even family member? How do you distance yourself from someone who doesn't have a positive bone in their body without being overtly rude or bringing down your positive attitude? 

How Do You Deal With Negative People?

Before anything else, try to listen to their complaints with the utmost compassion. Perhaps they just need someone to talk to. After all, everyone experiences a bad day here and there. But if their negativity becomes habitual, you may need to deal with them. 

For example, if you're dealing with toxic people at work, their negativity can sadly be contagious....

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How To Be An Active Listener?

Active listening is perhaps the most essential skill you should have if you would like to develop a healthier relationship with others and with yourself.

The difference between active listening and merely just hearing is the difference between a deep, heartfelt connection and a superficial relationship. Active listening means that you are not just hearing the words that are being said, but rather you are attempting to comprehend the intention the manifests them truly. Understanding the purpose then gives you the actual ability to respond more authentically and meaningfully. Being an active listener is essential because it forms the basis of a meaningful relationship. Without active listening in communication, there are not significant responses, and people are merely talking to each other.

Active listening is also the foundational skill of utilizing the wisdom that comes through your higher self to you. You could even say that we PRACTICE this active listening with others, only...

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Open-Heartedness as a Pillar of Relationship Growth

 While relationships are, in general, places for delight, love, and intimacy, there is another side that is rarely explored. For some, relationships become spaces where they are shut down emotionally, hardened towards love, and turned cold. There is a constant struggle for people to keep an open mind and an open heart

Just like no person is perfect, no relationship is perfect. But everyone can try to be more open about how they feel. When you open up your heart to the many possibilities that could happen, that's the only time you learn how to love everything about your partner. 

What would life be like if people learned how to be more open to each other instead of shutting down? What would happen if people worked on building a real connection with others instead of being in a relationship just because it is convenient to have someone around?

The Challenge of an Open Heart

Open heart meditation is a great tool to use when you want to start connecting to others. It...

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How To Have Foreplay

You are unboxing "foreplay" from the narrow-sighted, outcome-oriented perspective into one of consistently showing up - for yourself and your partner.

The masculine is many times represented by the straight line, getting from point A to Point B. Both men and women have this within them. It is the part of us that wants to accomplish and wants to achieve. Foreplay is not about doing something because you THINK your partner wants it so that you get something that you THINK that you wish to; it is more about romancing yourself.

It's like having someone ask you to have fun who is not having fun themselves.  It just does not work.

Expressing the excitement for being in the moment with someone intimately, not just the leading-up-to energy.

It's about the journey, not the destination. This is the primary point. The entire concept can be answered here. If you are having a self-identified healthy amount of restorative sex, then the idea is how much deeper can that...

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Why Do I Struggle With Keeping Strong Relationships?

This is a question that many people are asking right now.  As we shift our individual vibrations, we quickly find ourselves moving in and out of friendships.  Some of this is totally natural, and some of this is based on judgment and scarcity.  Here are four ideas to consider if you are wanting to build and keep strong relationships.

Start accepting people for exactly who they are and the beliefs that they hold.

You will never find someone with the exact mix of views and perspectives that you have. That is impossible because it does not exist, nor is it desirable. We struggle to maintain relationships many times because we hold on to the ideals and judgments of others.

We intended to come here to experience much contrast, not much similarity, such that we will be able to be masters in seeing what, from one perspective, is very different, as ultimately the same thing through the view of love and compassion. i.e. this is the training ground for developing...

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