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Minute Faith ~ Roman Catholicism

The Roman Catholic Church has been the largest unified organization in the world – over half the world’s Christians are Catholics. The head of the church is the bishop of Rome, known as the Pope from the informal Greek term “Pappas” for “Father”, who claims unbroken succession from Saint Peter, the first Bishop of Rome and designated leader of Jesus’ followers.

The Catholic church considers its primary purpose is to proclaim the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, namely that God had saved the world from its state of sin by becoming incarnate in the man Jesus of Nazareth.

For Catholics, the Church itself is the continuing presence on Earth of Jesus, ensuring that God’s work of salvation is maintained until Jesus’ prophesied return.

Sacraments are central to the Catholic Church’s work, understood as visible signs of God’s grace entrusted to the Church. The principal sacrament is the Eucharist, in which bread and...

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Minute Faith ~ Satanism

Satanism is a group of ideological and philosophical beliefs based on the biblical character of Satan. It is often considered a ferocious religion based on materialism, the empowerment of the self and the ego, the carnal realities of animal life, the questioning of social taboos, the ridiculing of most other religions, and the promotion of tough social justice. The first church of Satan was founded in 1966 by Anton LaVey, and since then has become one of the largest branches of Satanism. Although founded in 1966, historical precedents do exist, in particular, a group called the Ophite Cultus Satanas was founded in Ohio by Herbert Arthur Sloane in 1948.

It should be noted that there are 2 main kinds of Satanism, with many diverse followings branching off from there. These are the Atheistic Satanism, also known as Laveyan Satanism, which believes that Satan is not real, but is the most ideal and accurate symbol of reality and nature, as well as a symbol of fundamental human traits....

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Minute Faith ~ Scientology

Scientology is an accumulation of different religious beliefs and practices. In 1950 L. Ron Hubbard, often called LRH, wrote a book called Dianetics, the modern science of mental health. The book became very popular in a short amount of time in the early self-help movement, but quickly lost its steam as a fad, and the Dianetics foundation went into bankruptcy. Hubbard then recharacterized the subject as a religion and renamed it Scientology, building and expanding upon the writings of Dianetics.

According to this book, humans are limited by engrams, bad experiences stored in the unconscious mind that affect behavior long after the traumatic experience. These experiences may be from earlier in one’s life, from the womb, or even from past lives. Engrams can be removed from a process called “Auditing” – which involves answering questions in a reflective manner. It is done either using the book or in a professional environment connected with a device called an...

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Minute Faith ~ Shamanism

Shamanism is an incredibly ancient practice. In the modern western world, the most common idea of a Shaman is an image of an indigenous tribal person, dancing around a fire and leading some sort of mysterious ritual, accompanied by all manner of tribal music. However, underneath the masks and the outfit and the ritual, there is a woman or man with a set of very real skills. The Shaman is the master of the trance experience.

Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition which to those who follow it, consider it a way of life. In the modern world, it is considered to be a way to connect with nature, the spirit world, and all of creation by reaching altered states of consciousness, and then channel these transcendental energies into the world. The word Shaman originates from the Tungus tribe in Siberia, which Anthropologists then coined and have used it to describe spiritual and ceremonial leaders among indigenous cultures worldwide.

Today, the word Shamanism can be used to describe the...

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Minute Faith ~ Shi'a Islam

Shi’a Islam takes its name from the Arabic “Shi’at ‘Ali, meaning “Party of Ali.” Shi’a Islam places a much greater emphasis on the bloodline of the Prophet, notably Ali, who along with successive imams, was considered infallible. The great divide between Sunni’s and Shi’ites took place after the Prophet passed, leaving no heirs to the bloodline himself.

Ali was the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin and husband of his daughter Fatima. Those following Ali and his descendants believed themselves to be following the descendants of the Prophet himself, and that these were the rightful leaders of the Muslim community.

Shi’a Muslims believe in Allah and the teachings of the Qur’an, but this faction developed its own theology. It opposes the majority of Sunni view that orthodox teaching was established by consensus among authorized lawmakers. Instead, an infallible imam, which means leader or guide, was believed to be the only...

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Minute Faith ~ Shinto

Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, a life-affirming animism calling upon the blessings of the numinous forces of nature and of specific spirit deities.

Thus, being about nature, this religion is largely associated with growth and prosperity. It encourages people to be sincere, cheerful, and pure, and to live in relationship with Kami. Kami is sort of a catchall term for invisible spiritual forces that range from the nameless power that inhabits a waterfall, beautiful tree, or enigmatic rock formation, to an actual, personified guardian or helper.

Typically, a Shinto religious site can be a formal temple – approached by a vermilion cross-beamed gateway – or an unadorned feature of the Japanese landscape marked off only by a white straw rope.

The devotee presents an offering, claps hands or rings a bell to alert the Spirit of the environment of their presence, and says a prayer to respect and honor them.

Small shrines for Kami are also very common in homes...

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Minute Faith ~ Sikhism

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that originated in the Punjab region of South Asia during the 15th century. The word Sikh comes from the Punjabi word meaning Disciple or Learner. Sikhs worship God, who exists beyond all appearances and who is universally available to all, whether they be Hindu, Muslim, or of any other faith. Sikhism is the Indian faith that is rooted in a lineage of ten gurus from Punjab, the north Indian territory where roughly 75% of its 20 million adherents still live. The Sikh chief characteristics are an ardent devotion to God and an ethos of martial valor, which was shaped by the experience of living pious lives under foreign Muslim rule. The first guru, Guru Nanak, was a wandering bard and mystic who sang praises to a formless God that belongs exclusively to neither Hindus nor Muslims, but fundamentally unites them both. From the wisdom of this Guru, and 9 other Gurus following him, many practices were developed into what Sikhism is today.

The Adi Granth,...

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Minute Faith ~ Sufism

Just like Eastern Orthodox is the Mystical branch of Christianity, Sufism is the like for Islam. Sufis exist throughout the Muslim world, as both Shia and Sunni.

The purpose and focus of Sufism is the quest for knowledge of God, also simply known as the Truth, realized in a series of inner states or experiences. Where religion is the external manifestation of the pathway to God, Sufi – meaning mystic, is the Inner path. It was originally influenced by the ascetics of the Eastern Christian tradition, and they also emphasized the importance of renunciation of worldly things, a celebration of poverty and inner purity.

Sufism originated back with the Prophet Muhammad, a profound mystic, who it is said to have taught his son in law, Hazrat Ali, the techniques and inner truths of this mysticism. After this, Sufism truly came to rise roughly 100 years after the founding of Islam and came as fear of increasing materialism within the Islamic faith. They believed that become...

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Minute Faith - Sunni Islam

Sunni is Arabic for “custom” or “code of behavior,” and Sunni’s are those who follow the code of behavior established by Muhammad, Allah’s final prophet and founder of Islam, as a complement to the teachings of the Qur’an.

Sunnis define themselves in terms of practical conformity to Islamic law as agreed by the wider Islamic community to be the authentic practice of the Prophet, who is believed to have led the perfect life. The Sunna is embodied in the Hadith, sayings transmitted by the Prophet’s followers, and interpreted by jurists who then codify it in Shari’a. This is the “way of life” that guides Muslims in all aspects of their daily living.

There is no central authority in Sunni Islam, and its teaching emerges from a complex system of jurisprudence – pioneered by al-Shafi’i in the 9th century. This establishes the sunna by deferring to the Qur’an and hadith alongside the analytical tools of...

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Minute Faith ~ Taoism

Taoism, by its very name, flips the nature of a religion upside down. Instead of teaching a Philosophy or Dogma which in reflection defines a person, such as “Christian” or “Sufi”, Taoism teaches a truth; The Tao is undefinable. It then follows this up by teaching that each individual can discover the Tao in their own terms. A teaching like this can be very hard to grasp when most people desire concrete definitions of life.

Taoism is more than a philosophy or a religion, but a mystical way of life, a system of belief, attitude, and practices set towards the service and living to a person’s own inner nature. The path of understanding Taoism is simply accepting yourself. Living life and discovering who you are. Your nature is ever-changing and is always the same at the same time. Instead of trying to resolve the various contradictions in life, instead, you learn to accept your nature. The Tao, sometimes translated as “the way,” refers to an...

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