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Humanity's Greatest Unsolved Mystery: The Soul

Hey there!

It's been a while since we looked at the soul huh...

I mean... we've been on quite the world journey, all the way from Egypt and Greece, to the Polynesian Islands and the frozen tundra of Siberia and northern Canada while looking at how different people think about their souls.

But while it's great telling stories and myths... how practical really is it? How can we conceptualise our soul today? If science was ever to take a Great Leap Forward and actually prove the soul existed... how would actually go about doing that? And what would it even look like?

I guess what I'm getting at is... we've come a long way in the evolution of our species, but are we really any closer to understanding the most fundamental aspect of our consciousness? Really... what does the soul look like in today's world? And how can we tap into it?

Well... since the 60s, the New Age Movement has been growing and building off the ideas put forward by the Theosophists of the 19th and 20th centuries, and...

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Mystic Surrender in the Age of COVID


Hey there!

Even though things are starting to open up again, the vaccine roll out is ramping up -whether you think that's a good thing or a bad, and travel is feeling back into its wings again, I think we'd all be kidding ourselves if we said we feel totally through the woods... right?

We got all this good stuff happening, which is great... but it's undeniable that there's still a lot of fear and uncertainty in the world. Even though the physical embodiment of this virus is slowing down, the energetic component -the fear, is still spreading like wildfire... although ironically it appears to have jumped hosts from an inherent fear of the virus itself, to a fear of getting vaccinated against it. 

So... if you think about it, as long as you are trapped in that paradigm of fearing something, this virus is still effecting you on an energetic and emotional level whether you have it or not.

It's times like these when it becomes so much harder to really trust that spiritual...

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The Secret Code of the Chakras

This week we have a free Chakra meditation we wanted to get you! May it help you clear your Chakras and renew your energy! -

This episode continues our journey into the Chakras, as we discuss and explore the hidden code found within the Chakras. The more we understand this code, the clearer we can see how all of us, both individually and collectively (from countries to the entire species) are all moving through the chakras at our own pace, and together!

This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at

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Spirit Science Live #21 ~ Modern Nirvana

Get your copy of the 2021 Almanac of the New Age, and start 2021 off with a super high vibration! Here's the link:

Modern Nirvana's goal is to be a catalyst for transformation in people's lives and inspire them to control their spiritual and physical well-being by sharing their personal experiences. They intend to create content people connect with so they can pursue the best version of themselves. Modern Nirvana's mission is to bring inspiration and information to the new generation, to pave the way for a better, more enlightened world.

To check out more of Modern Nirvana, Visit:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension...

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Modern Nirvana's Devotion ~ Modern Nirvana

Get your copy of the 2021 Almanac of the New Age, and start 2021 off with a super high vibration! Here's the link:

To watch the full podcast episode, visit:

To check out more of Modern Nirvana, visit:

The world is changing. Can you feel it? The mission of Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a safe and sacred space to explore and experience your own spiritual journey. In this podcast, we explore various topics - from the mystic arts to personal transformation, and from ascension to disclosure. Spirit Science LIVE hosts engaging and multi-faceted discussions, expanding our thinking about what is real, what is true, and what is possible. Join us for a curious exploration of life’s great...

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Meditation Practices To Remember For Success

Whether you are running your own business or pushing to move your career forward, the stress can be difficult to deal with on top of everything else at home and in your personal life. While it is normal to find yourself in various stressful situations, sometimes it can get to you. 

Between managing the day to day obligations you have at home and bearing the responsibility of making your career successful, it’s no surprise that you’re overwhelmed. There is just so much that depends on you. 

Everyone and everything seems to demand your time and attention. You likely wear several hats. This constant pull can drain your energy. Ultimately, this anxiety can leave a significant impact on your overall well being, particularly your emotional, mental, and physical health, as well as the quality of life that you live. 

Why Should You Try Meditation?

When you have too much on your plate, and things become overwhelming, some things may start to slip, and your hard...

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How To Stay Deeply Committed

Are you suffering from a miserable marriage, or do you often ask yourself, “Should I stay in my relationship?” Being with another person is not going to be great all the time. There are pros and cons to each relationship that we should all consider before committing to a person. If we don’t think things through thoroughly, we may find ourselves in a situation where it’s too good to leave and too bad to stay. 

It’s not just in relationships that we encounter this problem with commitment. There are times when we just do our work for the sake of finishing our tasks. How often have we done something quickly so that we can get it over with? It no longer matters to us whether the job was done to the best of our abilities or not. We want it off our to-do list, so we haphazardly finish it. 

Another typical example is our commitment to dieting and working out. It often starts at the beginning of the year as a New Year’s resolution. But after...

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Why Self-Discipline Is Critical For Your Spiritual Development


The importance of discipline in life could not be any more emphasized. It is one of the most useful skills that a person can possess. Self-discipline is an essential aspect of life. Although many people recognize the importance of self-discipline, very few people really work hard for it. 

Contrary to popular belief, self-discipline is not about being hard on yourself. It is also not about limiting yourself to what you can and cannot do. A restrictive lifestyle does not define self-discipline. 

Instead, it is about using common sense. It is about teaching yourself the right set of priorities. The practice of self-discipline is about thinking before acting. 

How Will Discipline Change You?

Discipline is the key to success. With self-discipline, you can achieve your goals because it is the driving force that will push you to pursue your dreams and not stop until you have accomplished them. 

If you are disciplined, you have the...

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How Philosophy Helps Us Understand The Mind

It is believed that the place in the body that houses our thoughts is located in one specific place. But is it just in the brain? Anyone who has taken a philosophy class may wonder if it's just the brain that makes people think their thoughts. Perhaps it is our souls that directs us how and what to think and feel. 

Are our thoughts just a product of natural human anatomy? Is human biology responsible for the ideas in our head and the emotions in our hearts? A lot of things are thought about whenever people engage in philosophy. 

What Philosophy Makes You See

Have you ever thought about how to become a philosopher? Perhaps it has never crossed your mind, although you wonder how these people came to be. While some people think that philosophers only question things in life and their existence, the only question left to ask in return is, why aren't you?

It is reasonably common to dismiss that philosophers only want to question the things that do not fit their...

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Steps To Practice A Karma Cleanse 

What does it mean to cleanse your body? You hear about it all the time. When you get sick, people will tell you that you need to go through some cleansing to heal your body and soul. And they are right. Cleaning your body helps get rid of germs and bacteria. But cleansing your soul and karma is a little more complicated.

There are various methods for cleansing, each one targeting a particular aspect of your being. Some people believe that drinking fruit juices with pure lemon, cayenne, and water will help cleanse the body from within. However, when it comes to cleansing your physical body, it is essential to consult a doctor on how it can be done appropriately. They can tell you if the method of your choice is healthy. But cleansing is not just about what your physical body needs. 

What Kind Of Cleansing Do You Need?

Determining the kind of cleansing you need is the first step to bringing change in your life. The point of cleansing is always two-fold. It should be about...

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