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Effective Ways To Help You Listen Like A True Leader

Every human, whether it is in an organization or a family, needs to be heard. When they are heard, it allows the other person to understand things from a different perspective. Who doesn't want to be heard by the people we care about?

Having someone who will listen to your needs and act accordingly is one of the best gifts you will have in this lifetime. The importance of listening cannot be overstated. The same is true when you listen to others. You are giving them a boost of confidence, making them feel that they are special. 

Why is listening important? Active listening is essential in building your future as a leader. When you realize how important it is to listen, you will learn how you can be a better leader for the future. After all, all great leaders listen

Why Does Active Listening Matter?

Active listening refers to listening with the full intent to understand the other person wants to convey. You can do this by allowing the other person...

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Steps In Accessing Your Subconscious Mind

Was there ever a time you regret doing something because it sabotaged your bigger plan? You knew that it would end up like that, but you pushed through with it anyway, hoping for better things to come. 

The mind has the power to control your life, including your actions and the decisions you make. It is what pushed you to give the power to your partner. It is also the same mind that made you make a negative remark in front of your boss. 

You want to make things right, but you always do things that you know are bad for your relationships and your career. Sometimes, it may feel like something is holding you back, but you can’t be too sure of it. Indeed, the mind has its ways of letting you know what you can and cannot do. 

Discovering The Power Of The Subconscious

All the answers to the questions you have about yourself are kept in the subconscious part of your brain. The ideas are locked away from the conscious mind, and that’s why you have this...

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Steps To Connect To Your Divine Self

What does the phrase "higher self" mean? Do you believe that a part of you resides in the ether or the non-physical realm? Whatever you think about your spirit says a lot about how you view life.

Your divine connection is the spark of life and spirit that is inside you. It is the part of you that remains indescribable, but it is there. It helps you keep track of what your purpose is in life. Your divine self is also the one responsible for driving your passions. 

Is your higher self the same as your soul? Yes, it is. It is a window that gives you access to wisdom that has been amassed over the several lifetimes you have lived. It is where the past, present, and future learnings are collected to serve as your guide in living a fruitful life. 

What Does Your Divine Self Do?

Your higher self serves as your divine connection. It is the background consciousness that offers you the wisdom and directions to lead you to where you should be in this lifetime. Your divine...

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Perfection: The True Understanding Of Purpose 

Written by Cameron Harman 

Every single human being has asked the question at least once in their lives, "What is my purpose?" In my experience, the answer that people or religions have given me is less than comforting, to say the least. When I started my inner work path, the answer became obvious to me, and what had seemed like religious riddles also started to become more apparent. For example, in Buddhism, the Buddha says the mind is everything we think we become, pointing to the mind as the creator of reality for the material plane. So in more relative terms, our thoughts are projections, and those projections are what we see, think, and feel. This means we ultimately have control of how we want to see the world around us. This concept is also strongly used in Zen. 

Jesus Christ

Jesus said in the Bible, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you." If you are not doing the required inner work, then this message might not find you....

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How To Overcome Your Inner Critic

What do you tell yourself when you fail at a task? Your private dialogue can make or break or break your being. This inner fighter may get even worse when nothing in your life is going right. 

Your self-critic is like having your check and balance scheme within yourself. Most of the time, it means well whenever it reminds you of what you should be doing or how to improve.

However, the critical inner voice can also be an obstacle in reaching your goals. When you always tell yourself that you will mess things up or that you are not good enough, eventually, you're going to think that's true. 

You need to conquer your critical inner voice to be able to see things through. After all, your thoughts affect how you feel and how you behave towards other people. The way you think has its way of acting like a prophecy telling you what could happen if you would.

What Does It Mean To Have An Inner Critic?

When you tell yourself you can't do something, how...

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Can You Be Fit And Body-Positive?

Written by Joe G. Santos

As we strive to live our soul's true purpose, we turn to the stars and the ethereal to find answers to the most abstract and challenging human existence inquiries. We spend a lot of time wondering and pondering solutions that we can occasionally find a lot closer to home than we think. As we seek to perfect our selves, one thing is essential to note: A clear mind needs a strong body. However, the word strong can mean many different things. The instinctual assumption would be that of an exuberant muscular body glistening in the sunlight. Yet, real strength is no mere aesthetic. A healthy body is durable and suitable for the needs of the soul that drives it around daily. Since different souls have different needs, then a strong body is relative to their usage. With the increased awareness of body image issues, several debates are challenging what it means to have a healthy body and a healthy relationship with it. Without...

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Things You Need To Let Go Of To Set Yourself Free

What are you worried about at the moment? If you think of the past and all the pain it has caused, you are not helping yourself. Holding on to the pain or nursing a grudge against what others have done to you isn't going to make anything better. 

Set yourself free—this is what most people would tell you. But then, the truth is that the act of letting go is easier said than done. Don't you just wish things were different? When it comes to dealing with the past, there is nothing else you can do to help yourself but to let go of everything. 

When you accept whatever it is that is holding you back, you will be able to process it, accept it, and eventually let go of it. That's how you bring about change in your life. 

Why Do You Need To Let Things Go?

You are hurting now because you are thinking about what hurt you in the past. You are worried that it might happen again. You think that forgiving those who have hurt only allows them to hurt you again. 


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The Spiritual Resolutions That Can Change Your Life

When was the last time you made a list of resolutions you want to put into practice in your life? You must have made a list at the beginning of the new year, as you always do. The new year's turn brings about the kind of mood where everyone just wants to make a change in their lives. 

And yet, many people feel like they don't have to make a spiritual goals list because they will fail in it every time. It's the failure that makes them not want to look back and bring about change.

For example, you promised yourself to work on your weight loss goals, and you did. In the first month, you went to the gym religiously. But after a few months and a whole lot of stress from work, you begin to binge again. You got tired of going to the gym. And just like that, you gained back all the weight you worked hard for in two months.

People have likened resolutions to their failed attempts in life. But is the same true if you work on spiritual resolutions? Whether or not your...

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How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

What’s the first thing that you think of when you wake up in the morning? Do you go to sleep feeling worried about something in the office? Or is there something about family life that eats up the best of you, and you end up feeling all drained? 

Experts say that your lack of positive thinking is eating up all the energy inside of you. The negativity controls you from within, and that could be detrimental to your chances of improving your life. 

Subconscious awareness is important, especially when it seems as if it is keeping you from achieving your goals in life. But how do you do subconscious mind exercises to turn the negative into something positive? 

Is It Possible To Reprogram The Subconscious?

Perhaps you have spent some time researching how to reprogram your mind for positive thinking. While others may have discouraged you about it, saying that you don’t need expert help to do it, you know deep inside that the problem is beyond...

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How To Maintain A Spiritual Perspective When Stressed

How do you maintain your ease and composure during stressful situations? Being spiritual all the time can be quite challenging, especially when everyone around expects you to always be at your best. 

In between tasks for work and responsibilities at home, it can be quite easy to lose that cultivated spirituality mindset that you have set for yourself. The stress of what is going on around you also has its toll on your spiritual wellness. There's no doubt how stress can make anyone lose their balance mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But does it always have to?

How Do You Maintain Spirituality In Stressful Situations?

How do you provide yourself with spiritual help while you're dealing with stress? It takes a lot of courage to keep your calm amidst a crisis. But what is even more encouraging is your desire to learn how to improve spiritual wellness

So how do you maintain your spirituality during the most stressful times? Here are some tips to get...

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