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Learn To Control Your Emotions With These Meditations

Every life situation is different. The experience is not the same for everyone, either. Sometimes, people can deal with stressful situations calmly. But, there are times one feels lost and helpless. 

While everyone may have their way of coping, meditation lends itself useful to everyone. It's not just about achieving mental and emotional release. It is also about finding the right focus and balance to get things done. 

How Do You Deal With Difficult Situations?

Perhaps you started yoga a month back to help you with your weight loss journey. You started the practice not for its meditative aspect, but for its ability to help you achieve your desired weight. 

But in the process of continued practice, you felt a bit of mind shift. It was like all your stress lifted. You have become kinder to people for no particular reason. You felt all that change happen since you started doing yoga. 

The things that used to trigger your anger no longer do. It is like you...

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3 Spiritual Growth Tips For A Healthier Life

How do you take care of your spiritual health? While everyone knows the importance of spiritual wellness, most only take it for granted, thinking that it will heal on its own. Brushing away spiritual concerns will only lead to problems in the long run. 

Before you know it, the many times you ignored wellness tips are causing havoc in your professional and personal lives. 

What Does It Mean To Feel Lost?

There comes a time in every person’s life when they feel lost. These are the times they feel like nothing that they do is right. They feel like they are purposeless and that their life has no meaning.

Have you ever felt this way? Or do you feel this way right now? If you do, there’s no need to worry. You are not alone, as everyone has gone through something similar. 

The sheer thought of your existence makes you wonder if the people you care about care for you at all. You are compelled to seek redemption, some kind of relief, comfort, or...

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4 Steps To Cleanse Your Spirit

How much energy do you think you have in your body? Do you believe that you and everything else around you is made up of energy? Whether it is a thing or a situation, you are surrounded by both negative and positive energies. 

Setbacks and disappointments are a natural part of human life. Everyone deals with their problems in their own way. However, if you keep denying the existence of negative energies and keep focusing on the positive, you can expect these negative energies to resurface in your life.

All the negativity that you encounter takes a significant toll on your emotional and mental health. This is why it is vital to consider aura cleansing or taking spiritual baths. This is to help you evaluate the inner energies that you have. 

Finding healing for yourself is a beautiful process and has been proven to help keep your spirit pure and full. 

Four Steps To Achieving Spiritual Healing

The process of soul-cleansing can be likened to the...

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5 Things To Think About When You Open Your Eyes In The Morning

What do you do when you wake up in the morning? Do you check your work email even before you get out of bed? Do you make a list of the things you need to do for the day and begin to quietly worry about how you are going to make it through?

The first thing that you do in the morning is what will bring you true success. So if you are spending it worrying about things beyond your control, what kind of future does that give you? Are you getting the most out of life?

Why Do The First Five Minutes Of Your Day Matter The Most?

The first five minutes of your day and what you do with it will frame how the entire day will go. It sets up your mood and tells how you will feel as you go through the day. Remember, everything you think about in the morning will bring you to action

In truth, the first five minutes of your day count because what you do with it or what you think of during this time could make or break your day. It could determine the kind of relationship you...

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A Guide To Cultivating Empathy And Compassion

Have you ever found yourself feeling down after listening to a friend talk about her problems? Or have you ever felt enormous joy after learning that your good friend gave birth to her first baby? Did it seem like good and bad situations happened to you?

These instances where you show care and compassion towards people you care about are experienced by many people. It is called having empathy. 

Understanding The Value Of Empathy

While people experience the feeling, they know very little about what empathy actually is. It is considered as the experience of feeling what others feel and understanding their thoughts. Simply put, empathy is all about putting yourself in other people's shoes. 

Often, emotional empathy is confused with the concept of sympathy. While the two ideas may be similar in thought, sympathy is the feeling usually expressed in sorrowful situations. Empathy, on the other hand, covers both happy and sad times.

Empathy in the workplace is...

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Get To Know Your Chakras Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Everything in this world comes together at the right place and time. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything that happens to you and what you achieve comes with a purpose. 

In truth, even your personality is not your own. It is something that you share with the rest of the Universe. The alignment of the planets speaks so much about how your life will turn out. It will give you an idea of how your life would be like if you continue to do what you do. 

Did you know that your chakra chart will also reveal that the challenges that you encounter are meant for you? Depending on your zodiac sign, your chakra system is one of the most powerful things that are in control of your life. 

If you are looking into gaining more in-depth insight into how the world relates to what is happening to you, then here is a good read about your zodiac sign and how it affects your chakras.

What Does Your Zodiac Say About Your Chakras?

Read on to find out how...

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Finding Your Inner Beauty

Do you consider yourself beautiful? While others may say that true beauty is internal, there is no denying how much the modern world has emphasized an individual's outer beauty. From cosmetics to beauty regimens, there are practically thousands of products out there that can help make you feel and look beautiful. 

The digital age seems to have instilled in us that beauty is something instant and shallow. It is reduced merely to what is physical that people are no longer concerned about what inner beauty is all about. Comparing one's self to another has become the norm. 

It's instantaneous enough that people scroll down their feed and begin to compare their lives to others. They start to see that others are happier than or more beautiful than them. The concept of beauty has become so strict who don't fall under one category find it hard to appreciate themselves. 

When Do You Achieve Real Beauty?

There is a saying that says, "Beauty is skin deep," but how...

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Unblock Your Chakras And Reduce Depression

Did you know that more than 350 million people all over the world suffer from depression? What's worse is that this number could be representative of a portion of all those who are suffering in silence. 

The stigma associated with mental health illnesses like depression has made people afraid to speak of how they feel. They have become too scared to seek help because they do not want to be judged or told that their issues are not real. 

Since feelings of depression make you question who you are and what you can do, it is essential for people to properly care for themselves. The good practice of self-care will kick out all the negativity in life that brings depression with it. 

How can you take care of yourself? The best place to start is in your chakras. 

What Are The Chakras?

The chakras in your body are the points in your body that are aligned from head to toe. This is where energy is believed to flow. When one of these chakras is blocked, the...

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How To Practice Self-Care In Your Daily Life?

articles self-care Oct 18, 2020

How do you take care of yourself? Perhaps this question made you stop for a moment to think about what you do to practice self-love. You hear many people talk about how important it is to show yourself that you love it. 

While others may have their self-care checklist, you may start from the very thing that you do for yourself. With the overwhelming workload and responsibilities at home and in the office, it has become quite impossible to think of doing something for the self. 

Remember that taking care of your body, mind, and soul is as important as any other thing that you do for others every day. You don't have to wait until you get sick to remember doing what you love to do. 

Why Do You Forget To Take Care Of Yourself?

Although self-care is associated with numerous benefits, a lot of people tend to forget to do it. It's not just about the crazy schedule you have to keep up daily. It is also about all the other things that keep your mind too busy all the...

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You're Sitting Wrong—Fix That Pain In Your Back

Have you been complaining about back pain? While some people may say that back pains are a part of the aging process, it should not be brushed aside.

When you feel lower back pain when standing or sitting, it means that there is something wrong with your body, and you need help. When you are used to sitting and developing a posture like that of a sitting stick, you shouldn't be surprised about your back pain. 

Sitting is certainly hard on the body. If you've been sitting too long, you need to move, stretch your arms, bend a little, and practice the right postures as often as you can throughout the day. 

It can be quite hard to think about how sitting can be bad for the body because people never see it that way. Especially now, when everyone is working from home, people are starting to realize how painful it is to be seated the whole day.  

If you keep thinking that there's nothing wrong about your sitting position or sitting on a stool and ...

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