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Top Healing Meditation Instruments You Should Know

How can sound therapy help you? While you may hear different sounds every day, not all of them will heal you. The world is full of sound and noise, and you have to learn to distinguish which one is which. 

Sound healing chimes are among the most popular instruments used for sound healing, but they are not the only ones. There are so many other healing instruments that are waiting to be discovered.

Discovering The Power Of Sound In Therapy

Did you know that the sound used for therapy dates back to ancient times? While it may seem like a new age phenomenon, the truth is that sound therapy instruments have been part of the rich culture and history of many communities. 

They were used to find remedies for several illnesses. More than anything, sound therapy was used to revive the spirit to make it well again. For thousands of years, people from various cultures have turned to sound therapy to help them deal with their physical ailments, believing that...

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7 Yoga Mudras And Their Amazing Benefits

When was the last time you practiced yoga? It is pretty amazing how this meditative practice has brought a huge change in the lives of those who religiously practice it. Perhaps you have benefitted from yoga since you started it. 

And yet, little do people know that there is so much more about yoga than just asanas. It is more than just about twisting the body, toning it, or strengthening the muscles. There are so many other ancient techniques in the practice of yoga that is yet to be discovered. One of them is the meditation mudra

Discovering The Beauty Of The Yoga Mudras

What is it about the meditation mudra that makes it stand out? This ancient practice began as part of the Pranayama meditation. While newbies may describe this as a form of meditation hand positions, mudras express a psychic, emotional, and aesthetic gestures. 

Ancient yoga masters would often describe the mudras as an act of balancing all the energies in the body. Its practice is...

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Why Do I Blame Others?

We blame others for things that happen in our life because we have forgotten that we are the creators of our reality.

What's The Solution?

There is no other thing that makes any sense to do in terms of contextualizing our experience when we operate in a paradigm of separation than to give your credit to luck or fate, or to blame someone else or some other thing when something goes wrong. It is logical to do if we operate with the belief that we are separate from our experience. The solution to changing the habit of blaming others for our misfortunes is to 1) realize that we are the creators of our reality, 2) recognize that, as the Creator of our existence, and knowing that we in infinitely kind and compassionate, we would not have created ANY experience out of malice or evil. Therefore the experience itself is an opportunity to expand. Finally, 3) we need to operate within this new paradigm as frequently as we possibly can.

Step 1: Realize that we are the creators of our reality


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3 Tips To Overcome Distraction Syndrome

Do you lose concentration quickly, or you find that you’re overwhelmed by too many thoughts? It’s possible that you may have one or several concentration disorders like distraction syndrome or ADD. If this is the case, then what does it mean? For a lot of individuals, being distracted is a big problem. It means that they have difficulties when it comes to controlling their focus and attention. If you have the same experience, then you may know how challenging it is when you can’t filter what’s truly important from the many things that are vying for your attention. 

Distraction Syndrome: How Problematic Is It?

When you are easily distracted, you can’t shift from one task to the next smoothly. If you are in the middle of doing a job and then you are interrupted, it’s hard for you to return to your flow and continue from where you left off. Distractions could be anything from a colleague asking you a question, an email notification, or the loud...

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How Meditation Can Help You Stay Productive


How often have you heard people say that to be productive, you need to take care of yourself? You must have heard your family and friends giving you the same old reminder. The cliche has become a part of the positivity mindset. 

And yet, taking some time off for yourself is easier said than done. With all the responsibilities that you have, it can be quite challenging to focus your mind on something beautiful in your life. 

Between all the chores at home and the deadlines you have to meet for work, you struggle to keep your life together. What others call “me time” is just an afterthought on your end. 

Now more than ever, it can be quite hard to know how to have a productive day, and you need to do something about it. Luckily, meditation can help you find the inner peace that will make you struggle less. 

Discovering The Beauty Of Meditation

The process of meditation is straightforward. It is an effective method to help...

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Practice Self-Love Using Tarot Cards

articles self-care Sep 17, 2020

How much do you love yourself? This is one of the questions that people often find too easy to answer. Some are too quick to say that they love themselves, but often fail to show how much. How do you show yourself that you have all the love for it? Do you have a self-love ritual that you follow?

Where Does Self-Love Begin?

Love, in all its forms, all begins in one's love for himself. 

When you know how to love yourself unconditionally, you will be able to wholeheartedly accept who you are and appreciate what you have become. You have this positive notion about life in general, and that happiness is a fundamental aspect of who you are.

You will feel good about yourself because you deserve it. When you are coming from this perspective of self-love, you are embracing self-acceptance and self-respect. In turn, you will live a life that is more fulfilling than it has ever been. 

From there, you also begin to build strong foundations of a loving...

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How To Eliminate Workplace Drama?

articles self-care Sep 13, 2020

Familiarity does not breed contempt. Becoming familiar with negative behavior does. When we are in a traditional workplace, we develop routines that are either helpful or harmful to our relationships. The idea that workplaces are filled with drama is the idea that we cannot control the emotions that we allow into our awareness. This is not the case.

Take A Closer Look At Habits And Routines

The problem with workplaces is routines not being consciously and intentionally chosen. Most of our habits in a traditional job involve in some way working with other people. Drama or tension, spoken or unspoken, occurs when unintentional routines/habits are formed between two or more people. The practices and routines that most support healthy relationships (and therefore an absence of drama) are those of the way that we communicate to each other and with ourselves. Thus, how we can eliminate workplace drama is by auditing and intentionally re-creating our communication habits. Here are four...

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3 Powerful Ways To Transmute Anger

One of the most powerful emotions that we are capable of feeling and expressing is anger. We feel angry for several different reasons like being hurt, frustrated, irritated, or disappointed. It's not wrong to get mad because it's a normal feeling that anyone can have. However, if you think that this emotion is something that you find difficult to control, then that may result in things getting worse or situations leading to violence. 

Anger may either help you or harm you. It largely depends on how you expressed this emotion. If you're quick to anger, you may end up hurting the people around you either through your words or your actions. You may hurl insults and other hurtful words at them. Or if you tend towards violence, you may end up in a brawl. 

Staying Calm Even When You're Angry

Anger therapy and anger management activities are available if you think that you need help when it comes to handling your intense emotions. You may already know...

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Keep Yourself Mentally Strong And Happy On A Daily Basis

articles self-care Sep 01, 2020

"Am I happy?" While this may not be a usual question that you ask yourself, you may one day make this random inquiry into your being. Do you know how happy you are or if you are happy at all?

Most people struggle with their mental health at some point in their lives. Others do not even recognize that they have a problem until it has gotten worse. And then others seem to be able to carry the problem and deal with it the best way they can. 

Learning how to be mentally strong and fearless is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. It is not about knowing what to do all the time. Instead, it is about finding inner strength. 

What Can You Do To Be Happy?

On the other side of life, there are always small steps you can take that will lead you to be mentally and emotionally fulfilled. The new habits that you try to incorporate in your life could help you achieve a more relaxed and comfortable state of being. 

For example, instead of worrying about the...

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Stop The Habit Of Being Busy

Do you feel so busy that your resting state is feeling overwhelmed? This shouldn’t be the case. Life is too beautiful to spend it on being too busy at work, chores, or other things that don’t make us feel happy and fulfilled. 

However, if you feel satisfied with your work and other aspects of your life, that’s great! Nonetheless, give yourself some time to breathe and just enjoy the moment. Being busy all the time doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re also productive. That’s something we should all watch out for. 

Addiction To Being Busy

For some of us, we’re addicted to the thought of being busy. We like the adrenaline and the pressure, as well as the feeling of relief that we get once it’s all over. We then get ourselves back on that hamster wheel of being busy to feel that high. There has to be a better way to live than this, right? 

We have to keep in mind that there’s a massive difference...

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