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The Sumerian Epic Abridged ~ Is This How It All Began?!

This is an abridged edition of The Sumerian Epic!

The abridged film at its core opens the floodgates of questions regarding the mysterious yet popular “conspiracy theory” of Nibiru, the supposed hidden planet that lurks in the farthest reaches of our outer solar system. It was nearly 50 years ago that the theory of Nibiru first reached the masses through Zechariah Sitchin’s first book “The Twelfth Planet”, which sought to explain that the oldest texts on the planet, the Cuneiform tablets of Sumer, were actually a series of encoded legends describing the origins of our solar system.

Today, with the advances in modern technology and several recent discoveries in cosmology, humanity has identified a number of anomalies that seem to allude to this interpretation of the tablets being correct, that a giant planet entered into our solar system long, long ago, and in a terrifying cataclysm smashed through a watery planet, giving birth to the asteroid belt,...

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Are Miracles Real? The Secret Mysteries of Ayahuasca

Have you ever heard of someone healing their cancer in just one night? How about depression and anxiety cured outright in just 6 hours? If not, watch on, and journey beyond time and space into the mystical world of Ayahuasca...

If this experience is calling to you, Click Here and Transform Today

This film is a labor of love, inspired by my own personal experiences with Ayahuasca, and my desire to share that experience with you. I firmly believe that if we are able to embrace the mystical power of these experiences and use them for genuine - heartfelt healing and transformation, we can gracefully evolve into a new kind of human, and in that... a new way of life altogether.

Remember, just taking a shamanic plant medicine does not automatically guarantee you healing. You have to genuinely want it, your intention must be right. If you use these experiences without a pure intent, or without any intention at all... well, there’s really no telling what could happen.


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Spirit Science 1 ~ Thoughts


"Thoughts" is the very first Spirit Science episode, which was originally created back in 2011. However, due to a recent copyright claim on the credits song by the Beatles, we decided to take the opportunity to re-create this original video with more information! This new deluxe edition features much of the same script and original drawings, recreated and updated with the new information we have available to us today!

This episode focuses on the connection between mind, body, and spirit. It explores many concepts that are becoming more a part of our reality every day, the interconnection of our thoughts and feelings. We also explore ways we create reality together, and how awareness of our thoughts is the first step into manifesting the life of our dreams.

One of the biggest takeaways from this video is the idea that we create our reality. You are personally in the driver's seat of your life, responsible for your actions and reactions to everything you experience. When we...

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