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Top Things To Do During Your Saturn Return

You've recently shown interest in learning more about your astrological age. And when you find out you were going through something experts refer to as the "Saturn Return," you begin to wonder what it means for you in the coming months and years of your life. 

While Saturn's revolution might not have been your priority in the past, it has proven itself worthy of your attention this time. Luckily, there have been several articles about its return and how it could affect your life. 

Most suggestions made are intended for those who are going through their Saturn Return for the first time. Although some people may have their expectations about how Saturn's power could affect them, its magic always offers something different. 

There is a broad spectrum of ways to make you feel the power of Saturn in astrology, but they come in themes that are common for people to understand. How you want to look at it will affect the kind of effect that it has...

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Steps In Accessing Your Subconscious Mind

Was there ever a time you regret doing something because it sabotaged your bigger plan? You knew that it would end up like that, but you pushed through with it anyway, hoping for better things to come. 

The mind has the power to control your life, including your actions and the decisions you make. It is what pushed you to give the power to your partner. It is also the same mind that made you make a negative remark in front of your boss. 

You want to make things right, but you always do things that you know are bad for your relationships and your career. Sometimes, it may feel like something is holding you back, but you can’t be too sure of it. Indeed, the mind has its ways of letting you know what you can and cannot do. 

Discovering The Power Of The Subconscious

All the answers to the questions you have about yourself are kept in the subconscious part of your brain. The ideas are locked away from the conscious mind, and that’s why you have this...

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Three Powerful Mantras To Increase Your Prosperity

Have you been looking for affirmations for abundance? Who doesn’t want to attract prosperity? Being open and receptive to all the wealth that this life offers is one of the best mindsets you can have. 

Chanting for money is not about just wishing that money will fall into your lap. Hard work and perseverance, still, are the keys to becoming successful in life. However, when you keep mantras for wealth handy, you are asking the Universe for an opportunity for money to come to you. 

It is all about preparing yourself for when the opportunity comes, and you can go ahead and grab it. Sometimes, all it takes is to give yourself that natural energy boost to bring in money into your life. 

What Does It Mean To Keep A Mantra For Abundance?

Chanting for wealth and prosperity may not be something you are used to doing, but it doesn’t hurt if you give it a try. These mantras need not be elaborated or chanted loudly. Mantras for money may be simple...

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How To Survive A Juice Cleanse

Are you ready to give your digestive system a break? Perhaps you have thought of the many ways this can be done. After all, there’s no better time to think of your health than now. But how do you do it?

Learning how to do a juice cleanse is one of the best ways you can equip yourself with positive options. A juice cleansing will help clean your digestive system while still keeping yourself healthy and full of energy to last through the day. 

While it is interesting to look at the effect of a juice cleanse before and after, it is more challenging to do than you think. It entails a lot of discipline and dedication. But everyone who has tried it says it is worth it. 

Should you take on the 30-day juice cleanse? The decision is all up to you. 

Is A Juice Cleanse Worth It?

You have read juice cleanse reviews. Each time, they reveal how truly helpful this process is in helping clean the body from the inside. While those who try it say it was a...

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Common Challenges In Meditation

All too often, people hear about the benefits of meditation. Everyone knows how regular meditation can help you find focus. It provides you a sense of clarity in thought and emotions. The daily practice of meditation enables you to learn more about yourself.

There is no denying how meditation can help change people's lives. It brings out the best in them, allowing them to use their potentials to its limits. You can become a better person because of your meditation practice. 

And yet, there is a lot about meditation that people still need to learn. The key to meditation is silence and solitude. When you have both, you can enjoy the many benefits that come with the practice. 

But what if you find it hard to meditate? What if it's a struggle to quiet the mind? This is one of the things people rarely talk about. The truth about meditation is out. It's difficult. The beginning is always challenging, but you should not just give up. 

What Are The Common...

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Tips To Protect Yourself From Psychic Attacks

What does it mean to suffer from psychic attacks? While it may not be something you can imagine in your life, it could happen to anyone. You may already be suffering from it, but you may not know it or even know how it happened. 

A psychic attack sends negative vibes with the conscious or unconscious intent to put you in harm's way. It can include damage that could affect your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. 

These negative energies can come in many forms. Typically, they are projected in thought, based on envy, jealousy, or anger. Although there have been many complaints about such an attack, no scientific evidence shows how people are capable of launching such an attack. 

Who Can Launch A Psychic Attack Against You?

Do you need spiritual protection today? The worst thing about psychic attacks is that they could be launched against you by anyone. It may be a family member or friend. 

People who know you inside out are the very...

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Yoga Poses To Unlock Your Emotions

Have you ever found yourself feeling down and low, but you're not sure exactly why? Sometimes, people feel that way. They find it hard to identify what is causing them to feel upset. 

Is it because they don't know what it is? Remember that every person needs to process their emotions to understand them fully. You need to give yourself some time to identify what you feel and why you feel that way. 

Most people will do something about it. And then some will choose to ignore what is happening. Choosing the latter could put you under a lot of stress. It could bring about internal conflict, which could then negatively affect your relationship with others. 

How Does Yoga Help You Deal With Emotions?

Proper breathing, mindfulness, and meditation can all help in making you deal with what you feel. They all make you slow down, so you can find a bit of clarity and focus. 

Daily practice of yoga and meditation proves to be a healthy combination. These power yoga poses...

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The Symbology Of The Outer Planets: Pluto

articles astrology Dec 20, 2020

Written by Joe G. Santos

Pluto is the furthest of the three major outer planets. As it slowly goes through its 248-year cycle, it shapes the course of human history in subtle yet remarkable ways. Due to its starking distance from us, it is often difficult to fully grasp what sorts of plans the dwarf planet has prepared. Still, upon historical inspection, we see that even though its works are shrouded in mystery, the transits' outcomes are incredibly tangible. Much of that obscurity is the primary source of Pluto's astrological significations. Named after the Underworld god, Pluto rules all that is unseen, the ghosts of our present and the power of change.

Though there is much that we still do not know about the planet, slowly, we are getting glimpses of what lies in the farthest reaches of our solar system. With the New Horizon's Pluto flyby of 2015, we gained new insight into the planet's appearance. In 2020, the dwarf planet stepped into the astrological limelight with Saturn and...

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The Relevance Of Kosha Energy

articles energy lifestyle Dec 19, 2020

You may already know about chakras, vital energy points that allow a smooth flow of positive energies through your physical body. But have you ever read about the kosha guide and its relevance in your life's success? 

Every person who seeks to improve their vital bodily energies should read about the human body's five elements or the Kosha. They need to understand how this could help them understand the value of having a balanced life. 

What Does Kosha Energy Mean?

The Koshas are energy "sheaths" that engulf the energetic body. According to Vedantic philosophy, the Kosha energies can be likened to the coverings of an onion. 

They move from the outer layers of the human skin down to the energetic layers of the deep spiritual core. The Koshas focus on how you conceptualize a vision of yourself. Like that of the chakra system, these Kosha layers are multifunctional, and each has an underlying meaning in psychology. 

In some respects, the sheaths...

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What Is The Importance Of Solitude?ย 

Spending time around people is one of the things that make humans happy. Humans are innately social creatures, so they find joy in being with others. You learn new things and take on new habits from the interesting people with whom you surround yourself. Indeed, you can expect to experience happiness when you are around the people in your life. 

And yet, too much time spent with people can also be harmful. Sadly, the digital space has put more pressure on people to be connected 24/7. The hustle that you do daily, not to mention social media's noise, can make you feel worn out. Ironically, it leaves you feeling lonelier than ever. 

What Is The Essence Of Solitude?

Have you ever imagined spending your Friday night alone in your room? At this point in your life, the thought of it scares you. Solitude is not something that you welcome in your life, considering how being surrounded by people makes you happy. 

And yet, the bliss of solitude is something that every...

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