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The Unconquered Sun:- A Journey of Hope For the Winter Solstice

*Trigger warning: Mature Content*

I know the Solstice "officially" begins at 10.59am EST tomorrow, but we tend to write these things as and when we feel and see the energy moving.

I must say, i'm almost surprised we made it to the end of the road this time. To get painfully candid with you all, this year has been arduous, breaking and seemingly unrelenting for me. I'm honestly surprised i'm still here. In fact, it's been one of the worst of my life, and it seems a lot of people have been feeling the same in some kind of way, to greater, middling or lesser (okay... you caught me, I rewatched Geralt slaying a Stryga, sue me). 

As it's tradition on each of the Crossing Days, I find myself here again to explain the energy and mechanics of the Tides and Seasonal Rhythms... trying to make sense of the currents and forces laying within the Inner World and Her Mysteries, only this time I do so with an abject heart, with a fair bit of remorse, pain and awe-full perspective that would...

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The Spirit Science Chakra Movie: The Definitive Guide to Balancing Your Centers

Hey there! Guess what...

We finally did it...

With eight episodes under our stuffing, all about Chakras, Nadis, the Lightbody and the Kundalini... we thought it was finally time to put it all together and create a full on Chakras Movie! 

Cause' ya know... everyone seems to love our movies... seriously it's kinda funny, we get so many more views on the 2-3 hour long Mega Episodes than we do for the normal ones... I guess you guys just love the in-depth discussion and I'm here for it!

For the first time ever, you won't have to go back through all the old videos to find episode 1... cause' we've built the definitive guide to everything Chakra... 

It's over an hour long and covers every episode we've ever released. It'll ease you in with the history and nature of our energy centres, taking you on a guided tour of YOU, exploring the mirror walls and halfsteps as we move through the Nadi Highway... all the way to the Crown... and then phasing into the higher and lower...

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Heralding the Winter Tide: A Quarterly Astral Update

You know... as I sit here on my back porch looking out at my back garden and thinking about the last couple of weeks, it strikes me just how transformative and powerful such a short time has been... I sit in good company, watching while the Dryads gently whisper their want for Milk and Honey and the Fae play in my Rose and Hawthorn bushes, bringing with them all sorts of fiddly energies that are always fun... but apparently suck for everyone else. 

Like many of you -I'm sure, the past couple weeks brought with them a great deal of turmoil for me in the form of release, acceptance and a need to trust that all the things erupting around me are for a reason. While it's easy to get caught up in the circus show of our lives, or try and pay closer and closer attention to Astrological movements in an effort to find some sense of order, we cannot forget to look to the very thing on which we walk to find some of the best answers to what is happening... the Land itself.

Even though the...

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Your Multidimensional Chakras: What You Need to Know

And suddenly you will realise: you are in every dot of the universe vanishing and arising. -Amit Ray

We've spent the last couple weeks here looking at the Chakras. I mean really looking. We've looked at our physical ones in this dimension, the lower ones, and even tackled the nadis and pathways of the lightbody...

But haven't you wondered... what kind of chakras would an ascended master have active? What kind of energy centres exist in the Upper Worlds that give us access to our multidimensional self? And what happens to us when they become active?

According to people like Sadhguru, we have 114 chakras -if we include all those minor ones, but that's just this dimension. What happens when we break the final mirror wall and cross into the 4th, 5th or even 6th dimension? 

You may have heard of the Soul Star in some Shamanic systems, the mythical 8th chakra that connects us to our cosmic awareness, but honestly... we could have as many as 22 multidimensional chakras that...

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The Hidden Chakras Nobody Told You About!

Alright...I know how it sounds.

Hidden chakras? In your body...beyond the normal 7? 

If you're a part of any New Age community, you'll know just how powerful, and omnipresent the chakras seem to be. They're everywhere these days...from tacky gift shops and wellness retreats to Marvel movies. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...isn't it awesome to see more spiritual topics being covered as our collective consciousness begins to shake out of this little rut we got going on?

But I'll admit...I am starting to wonder something.

Don't you think people talk enough about the 7 major chakras? I mean...they're amazing, and you should always strive to keep them balanced with daily meditation, good diet and of course...a heart centred way of being and living. But the truth is, there's an entire wealth of energetic systems, circuits, highways and channels that no one seems to talk about with the same kinda umph. But they're just as important...

The chakras are really just one small...

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The Top 4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Soul!!!

In Spring 2020, the whole world went into the longest “two-week temporary shut down” we’ve ever experienced.

It's almost like we completely lost the light-hearted joys of spring and summer seasons as our collective focus shifted a sharp 90 degrees...

But now that we’re in a new year, times are changing, people keep evolving, and it’s FINALLY time to receive the magic of energetic renewal from nature... so you can feel like the vibrant shiny being you really are!

So today, here are our top 4 ways to make the most of the spirit of spring... to release last year's heavy energy & raise your vibration, so you can make this year the best one yet!

And, if you want to go even deeper... and get EXTRA shiny... join us for our LIVE 10-year anniversary online event: The 1 Day Spirit Renewal Experience.

You'll discover (and practice) 4 fundamental magickal tools that cleanse & boost your spirit almost instantly...

Which are ESSENTIAL for spiritual people to...

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Tips To Overcome A Yoga Rut

Does it feel like you are stuck with your yoga practice and don’t know what to do? Every yoga practitioner has been there. Feeling stuck happens to practically everyone. You find yourself on the mat, practicing the same yoga poses again and again, and you don’t feel like you’re getting anything out of them. 

It feels like you are no longer learning something new. You feel uninspired. Maybe it doesn’t feel good being in a rut, but you don’t know what you can do to deal with it. Every day it feels as though there is nothing you can do to get those hamstrings open despite efforts of practicing yoga daily. 

What do you do then? Learning how to make yourself feel better is one thing you need to do for yourself. There is no one out there who can help you. Getting out of a slump is something you must do on your own. 

What Can You Do To Overcome A Yoga Rut?

Whenever it feels like you are stuck in your practice...

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Chakras ~ Spirit Science 2 (2021 Remake)

Use the power of the chakras to transform your entire reality forever, click here to discover how:

Way back in 2011, Spirit Science debuted it's second-ever episode - CHAKRAS! Today, that journey returns to a brand new deluxe remake edition. Enjoy!

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Removing Negative Energy From Jewelry 

articles energy lifestyle Jan 16, 2021

Do you take your crystals with you everywhere you go? You bring them with you since you learned how to protect yourself from negative energy. Indeed, crystals have become a beautiful addition to the many ways you can protect yourself. 

And yet, did you know that cleansing your jewelry, whether or not it has healing crystals, is a must? If this is the first time you've heard of it, then the jewelry you have may need energy cleansing. Since they absorb all the negativity that comes your way, you can only imagine how much negativity they may have. 

Don't wait before it's too late, have your jewelry cleared today. 

Why Does Jewelry Need Cleansing?

All the things found on Earth are made up of energy. Natural objects, people, and even human-made items are made up of billions of molecules that interact with each other, working with the energy they have to keep their forms and to perform their functions.

The interaction among these things is where energy...

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Reiki: The Art of Inviting Happiness

You may have heard the word in passing or you may be reading it for the first time. From whichever path you have come, you have been brought here because you were curious enough to explore the truth of what Reiki or Reiki Healing is. Be sure to explore even more spiritual mysteries here!

I face this question regularly, and I admit, even as a Reiki Grandmaster, I have struggled with formulating a perfect answer. It feels as though it would be easier to answer by stating what Reiki is not, simply because it can be so many things to so many different people. Before I describe what I believe Reiki to be, I think it is appropriate to cover the basics of mainstream Reiki. 

The Basics

The most widely accepted definition for Reiki comes from the International Center for Reiki Training:

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force...

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