Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses.
Ready to overcome social anxiety, develop self-confidence, and free yourself of toxic relationship cycles? This stellium in Libra is calling to you.
A stellium is when three or more celestial bodies are within 5 degrees each of each other - consider it a starry snuggle session. In your honour, these planets align now to show you a new path forward in harmonizing your relationships: Sun, Moon, Mars, & Mercury. And yes, Mercury retrograde is still upon us...until October 17, that is.
Fear not! The triggers and traumas that you tend to avoid can actually be your greatest guides; it's all about your active participation in creating the reality you want to see and learn from.
You see...a planetary retrograde is the optical illusion that a planet is moving backwards in the sky, when in actuality it is completing its cycle around the sun. With Mercury being the personal planet of conscious thought and communication, and Neptune...
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