Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses.
Written by Jamie Fall
How far does the Universe go? What is beyond the farthest galaxy? Is it just vast nothingness? I know this Universe is huge, but compared to all of the possibilities I could imagine, the way we view our Universe actually seems rather limiting. Even if it were a quadrillion-trillion lightyears of galaxies, it still doesn't seem all that vast compared with what it could be. Why is the Universe not filled with flying fish? Or galactic trees? Or alternative laws of physics? I know these ideas are absurd, but it seems odd that a thing within the Universe can imagine more possibilities than what the infinite Universe possesses. Doesn't that break the laws of logic? It feels like the Universe should be too big for me to even comprehend its possibility, considering I am just a speck in size.
Suppose then the Universe is infinite. I like this concept because it feels both elegant in its simplicity yet equally...
An absolutely fabulous anime film if there ever was one, The Children who Chase Lost Voices (Aka: Journey to Agartha) is a story of letting go, and coming to terms with death, among other things. It is a powerful and deeply moving story, and one that fits right in with our other videos this week!
Halley, Edmond, An Account of the cause of the Change of the Variation of the Magnetic Needle; with an Hypothesis of the Structure of the Internal Parts of the Earth, Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society of London, No. 195, 1692, pp 563–578
Sandifer, C. (2014). Euler and the Hollow Earth: Fact or Fiction? (April 2007). In How Euler Did Even More (pp. 209-214). Mathematical Association of America. doi:10.5948/9781614445197.032
Press, Frank; Siever, Raymond; Grotzinger, John; Jordan, Tom (2003). Understanding Earth (4 ed.). New York, New York: W. H. Freeman. pp. 484–87. ISBN 978-0-7167-9617-6.
Simon, Matt. "Fantastically Wrong: The Real-Life Journey...
Humans are a funny species. We investigate the depths of space and spend trillions searching for habitable places off-world, along with trying to find ways to get there. Yet, while it may seem like we have a good understanding of our planet when you think about it, we’ve only just scratched the surface (pun fully intended) - though the ocean makes up 70 percent of the Earth, scientists say that over 80 percent of it is unmapped and unexplored. The crazy thing is, this isn’t even what we’re talking about today….
Today we want to explore the mysteries and conspiracies involving what’s inside the Earth itself. And before we jump in, you might have heard recently that we are about to launch the new Conspiracy Theory of Everything! However, censorship on the internet today IS a real thing and a big problem, so we’re doing our due diligence and have put together a FREE library of content on our website where we can share stuff with you without fear of...
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