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The Quantum Brain: Evolution or Devolution?

 Hey there!

I feel like we all know the taste of chocolate right?? Or the sensation of the colour red? 

But let's think about that for a second... when you eat a bit of chocolate, it's euphoric, it melts in your mouth, it's got a great taste and it's honestly a whole experience... no? Just me?

Chocolate is made up of tons of chemicals and ingredients, but we experience them all together when they're converted into an electrical sensation in the brain and then BOOM, instant chocolate heaven.

Turns out, this is the Hard Problem of Consciousness. How and why we perceive things as unified experiences when they're separate things. Or how our brain converts things into sensations called Qualia. 

So, today we're jumping back into Ant Man's Quantum Van to go on a journey into the Quantum Realm in search of our awareness... you know, standard Thursday afternoon stuff.

Join us this week to discover if the brain is in different Quantum States, how manifestation REALLY works...

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The 6000 Year Old Secret to Understanding Feng Shui

Love your home and it will love you back

Hey There!

Tell me if these article headlines sounds familiar...

7 Feng Shui tips to evoke good vibes

How Feng Shui saved my marriage and my cat

[Your favourite celebrity] used Feng Shui for a day, here's what they found

After a while, the mainstream's fascination with superficial spirituality boarders on cultural appropriation... and while it can be great that such ancient principles are finally getting recognition, just how much do we really know about Feng Shui and Ancient Chinese philosophy?

Since the 70s, Feng Shui has been blowing up in the West, and it feels like every instagram guru is pushing it right now. But outside of "lucky" and "unlucky" directions that "resonate" with you, how does this ancient art form actually work? And more importantly, how do YOU actually go about understanding the theory and practice of traditional Feng Shui?

Today, we have something pretty exciting...

We dived into some of the Ancient Chinese wisdom...

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3 Ways COVID Actually Helped Us!


Hey there! 

Let's be honest... I think we could all do with a collective deep breath right? Is it just me, or has the last week been kinda... nuts? It feels like whatever energy patterns have been swirling around for a while are starting to move out, and sometime that's painful and messy, but... giving ourselves space to grow and having those healthy boundaries with ourselves enables us to really shine!

We're excited ... today we thought we'd open the curtains a little more and let some light in. Things have been rough, but if we only look at the what's wrong in the world, that's what we'll continue to manifest. When we can learn to find wisdom and hope amidst all the things being thrown at us by the mainstream media, there's nothing we can't accomplish! 

Remember, the soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.

So, we rounded up three things that actually HELPED us during this pandemic! Everything from lockdowns that helped us with personal boundaries,...

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The Spirit Science Chakra Movie: The Definitive Guide to Balancing Your Centers

Hey there! Guess what...

We finally did it...

With eight episodes under our stuffing, all about Chakras, Nadis, the Lightbody and the Kundalini... we thought it was finally time to put it all together and create a full on Chakras Movie! 

Cause' ya know... everyone seems to love our movies... seriously it's kinda funny, we get so many more views on the 2-3 hour long Mega Episodes than we do for the normal ones... I guess you guys just love the in-depth discussion and I'm here for it!

For the first time ever, you won't have to go back through all the old videos to find episode 1... cause' we've built the definitive guide to everything Chakra... 

It's over an hour long and covers every episode we've ever released. It'll ease you in with the history and nature of our energy centres, taking you on a guided tour of YOU, exploring the mirror walls and halfsteps as we move through the Nadi Highway... all the way to the Crown... and then phasing into the higher and lower...

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Patch Parables: The Movie (Every Story Ever!)

If you're a fan of mystic wisdom, and want to download the writings of Thoth into your mind, come and grab a copy of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth: Aquarian Edition, now available here:

This is a collection of every Patch Parable we've ever made, from the beginning of the series over 10 years ago! Hope you enjoy!

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The Nature of the Soul... More Mystical Traditions

In this follow-up episode about the Soul, we explore some less commonly discussed understandings about what exactly a soul is, including many indigenous and shamanic understandings of this concept.

Despite that, funny how in so many cultures, the word for Spirit is "Breath".


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How Merging with your Inner Child Leads to Healing the Heart

If you feel the call, sign up on the Rythmia website and you could win a Free Trip! Visit to learn more!

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The Top 4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Soul!!!

In Spring 2020, the whole world went into the longest “two-week temporary shut down” we’ve ever experienced.

It's almost like we completely lost the light-hearted joys of spring and summer seasons as our collective focus shifted a sharp 90 degrees...

But now that we’re in a new year, times are changing, people keep evolving, and it’s FINALLY time to receive the magic of energetic renewal from nature... so you can feel like the vibrant shiny being you really are!

So today, here are our top 4 ways to make the most of the spirit of spring... to release last year's heavy energy & raise your vibration, so you can make this year the best one yet!

And, if you want to go even deeper... and get EXTRA shiny... join us for our LIVE 10-year anniversary online event: The 1 Day Spirit Renewal Experience.

You'll discover (and practice) 4 fundamental magickal tools that cleanse & boost your spirit almost instantly...

Which are ESSENTIAL for spiritual people to...

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Gratitude is an Attitude

We have all come into contact with this emotion. No matter where you are in life for good or for ill, you've felt its gentle touch. It arrives when we least expect it to and it fills us with a seemingly infinite sense of hope. At least for a moment, but then it flees from us nearly as quickly as it comes. This emotion is Gratitude and it is central to living a healthy, well-balanced and fulfilled life.

This feeling of happiness that comes from our appreciation might seem fleeting, but does it have to be?

The answer simply is no.

Gratitude is far more than an emotion we feel when someone does something kind for us. It is far more than a mood that we experience when life goes the way we want it to. Gratitude at its very core is an attitude.

But, what is this Attitude of Gratitude?

An attitude of gratitude is a way of approaching life with the aim of providing a more fulfilling experience. To put it bluntly, your life and the experiences that you encounter are miraculous. You are...

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How to Find Inner Peace in a World of Chaos!

We've created a very special free download to go with this video, something that will help you make the most of this year! Click Here to Download the Free Formula:

We are living in exceptional times, and things are not going to be slowing down anytime soon. As humanity completely recalibrates to new systems, social structures, and ways of doing things - those of us called to be embodiments of our highest calling have the opportunity to step into greater realities each and every day...

Today, we are grateful to share with you the FREE "E.E.M. Formula - Guide & Worksheet" - A complete 11-page document that will provide you with everything you need to master your own energy during these wild times!

Click Here to Download the Formula:

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