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Written by Jamie Fall
I'm not an expert on these subjects, but that is kind of the point; discovery and wondering will give us a unique perspective as we learn about the amazing secrets of these sciences together! Of course, I have researched, and I do try to be accurate in the factual information I provide. However, I'm by trait an artist, so you'll have to understand I also enjoy taking a creative approach to wonder about these topics in some of my fantastic possibilities. I invite you to do the same; it's fun! Give your mind permission to be curious as we wonder together about these sciences.
If you showed a computer to someone from 200 years ago, what would they think of it? Without power, it is as lifeless as a black mirror, but add an electric current, and suddenly you can explore entirely interactive 3D environments in games with people on the other side of the world! You can play movies and music and design things. And you have basically all the ...
Written by Joe. G. Santos
Neptune is a planet shrouded in mystery, and that is just what it symbolizes. The planetary equivalent of the God of the Oceans dwells in the unseen realm and urges the world to do the same. To Neptune, nothing is impossible, and for that reason, through Neptune's cycles, we learn how to dream and imagine a more enjoyable and exciting world of possibility. Still, there is a heavy sense of duality within it, as the world of fantasy is the ideal environment for tricks and illusions to unfold. In that sense, Neptune trains us to discern real from the illusions of life in 3D. On its negative polarity, in the pursuit of an ideal, Neptune can manifest harmful coping mechanisms, escapism, and abuse of alternate mental states. That being said, it is crucial to learn how to work with these planetary energies properly to balance our inner Neptunes masterfully.
As we have explored in the previous article of this series, "The Symbology of The...
Was there ever a time when you wished you were awake enough to know that you were dreaming? Sometimes, it feels that way. You may have experienced a dream where it felt like everything that was happening was real.
But then when you woke up, you didn't remember anything about it. Many people wish they could be awake in their dream because sometimes, it is the way for their dearly departed loved ones to communicate with them.
Dreams, for some people, are more memorable than others. This is when they can become who they want to be or talk to people they genuinely miss.
Lucid dreaming is the kind of dream where you are fully aware that everything is just a dream. The spectrum of this type of dreaming is very broad.
It can begin when people remember faint details about their dream or that it could be a broad opening of awareness that the body has experienced. Sometimes, it feels like it's real, and they feel it happening even while...
You've recently shown interest in learning more about your astrological age. And when you find out you were going through something experts refer to as the "Saturn Return," you begin to wonder what it means for you in the coming months and years of your life.
While Saturn's revolution might not have been your priority in the past, it has proven itself worthy of your attention this time. Luckily, there have been several articles about its return and how it could affect your life.
Most suggestions made are intended for those who are going through their Saturn Return for the first time. Although some people may have their expectations about how Saturn's power could affect them, its magic always offers something different.
There is a broad spectrum of ways to make you feel the power of Saturn in astrology, but they come in themes that are common for people to understand. How you want to look at it will affect the kind of effect that it has...
“These words of wisdom, although written by my decaying hand, shall remain imperishable through time; may they be imbued with the medicine of Immortality” -Hermes Trismegistus.
A few miles west of the Nile and just below the tip of its delta lies Sakkara, the necropolis of ancient Memphis, center of Lower Egypt from the days of the pharaohs through to the time of Egypt's Roman conquerors. The ibis, the classy black and white bird in which the God Thoth showed himself, no longer visit the Nile at Memphis, but when the Ptolemies and their Roman successors drank from the holy river, the God's bird still came to its banks in great plenty…... Wisdom is eternal, even if people are not.
While only published in 1908, the Kybalion is a manuscript that claims to be the essence of Hermes Trismegistus's teachings, who -as we’ve talked about before, is believed to be our old pal Thoth. We should be clear that there are several different texts here worth exploring....
Have you heard of the Mercury retrograde? A lot of people fear it because it is infamous for bringing about trouble. While it is the natural process of the cosmos, its occurrence three times a year at three weeks at a time scares people at the thought of what it might bring to their lives.
The first thing you need to learn about the Mercury retrograde science is that the planet Mercury is not traveling backward. It may seem like it is considering that Earth is moving relatively faster than Mercury does.
Because Mercury is the fastest moving planet around the Sun, when it slows down, it seems as if it is moving back to another direction. It is why the name of the phenomenon is Mercury retrograde.
The truth is that the concept of communication on Earth is directly associated with Mercury's movement around the Sun. It is for this reason that people find Mercury retrograde as something scary. The thought of communications getting all...
The outer planets, or alternatively, the planets that we cannot see with the naked eye in the night sky, have been a hot topic in Astrology and other metaphysical studies since their discovery. Compared to the other visible planets, these bodies have only been known to humanity for a relatively short time. With that in mind, we are still currently learning the metaphysical significations of them as we observe their journeys around the Sun through our point of perspective. As we uncover their places in our lives through our group experiences, the existence of contradicting views is imminent. For that reason, this series of articles aims to present all the information available so you can come to your independent conclusions, enabling you to be an active participant in the conversation around these topics. Here we will explore the many different facets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto by looking at the information astrologers and astronomers have garnered over the years. Still, before we...
Written by Mark Pattini
Last time we looked at the physics behind the Hermetic principle of vibration. For those interested, that article is here.
Today we are looking at how that principle explains the mechanism behind “magical” or “paranormal” effects. For those interested, this can be explored in more detail in the sixth chapter of The Quantum Hermetica on Amazon, located here.
Previously, we discovered that the vibrations being described by Hermeticism are actually referring to the probability waves of quantum mechanics. Additionally, these waves are found to be behind spacetime itself and not just matter. Literally, everything in physical reality is produced by these waves. Mathematically this has interesting consequences.
Irregular waveforms produced by Fourier series of sine waves, such as the quantum probability waves that generate physical reality.
According to the Schrodinger equation, quantum probability waves are...
“If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it” -John Wheeler.
Ah, Quantum Mechanics. A field that incites the curiosity of history’s greatest minds while also having the ability to turn people off at the mere mention of it. Funny how that works. The second someone says the word “Quantum,” You get a massive polarity of people who are either interested and sit glued to the screen, or who attach such significant level “woo” connotations to it that their eyes glaze over… and there seems to be NO in-between.
Despite it being one of the most complex and math-heavy physics fields in history, it's quite funny. It’s also been appropriated by people in the New Age community like Deepak Chopra more than any other science branch. If you look into any New Age group, chances are they have some material in there that references the word “quantum,” whether it’s Chopra’s...
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