Happy New Year 2020 LIVE - Love, Freedom & Transformation

spirit science video Jun 07, 2020

Hello everyone!

I usually love to make a Happy New Year Spirit Science video, but this year I spent much of the last month traveling, speaking, and participating in sacred plant medicine ceremonies.

I've never done a live video on Spirit Science before, and this seems like a good opportunity to give that a try. This will also free up some time to get moving on all of the new SS projects coming up - which I'll be sharing about in this video!

A Mystery School For The New Age...

In late 2019, Spirit Science launched  a one-of-a-kind educational platform ~ Spirit Mysteries ~ as an online space for self-mastery. It has grown rapidly, and now contains hundreds of hours of courses and thousands of students from across the world. 

If you are ready to take your spirituality to the next level, click below to get started.

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