Spirit Science 33_7 ~ Raw & Superfoods

In this episode, we continue our exploration into health and nutrition by exploring deeper into the topic we opened last time. Where we began with simply “plant-based food”, now we explore what it looks like to supercharge your body with the highest concentration of nutrients possible. The research and studies that have been emerging more and more – especially lately – are all pointing to suggest that raw food and superfoods are loaded with significantly more nutrients than cooked food, and especially cooked animal products. There are many studies that show profound healing that takes place in the body when we begin eating a lot of raw foods, such as those who have cured their cancers and diabetes by maintaining a focused diet for a set period of time. This is because when food is cooked, the molecular structures of the food change, it provides more calories, but it loses some of its nutritional value in the process. For those who are more energy-minded, you might look at it as the plant losing some of its life-force or pranic energy.

One of the best examples of this is found in one of our favorite movies, Simply Raw. In this film, they take 6 ordinary people with diabetes and feed them nothing but raw food for one whole month. The result? Everyone who stuck with the diet till the end of the month cured their diabetes or severely reduced it so that it was no longer a debilitating illness.

Another prominent diet these days is called “The Gerson Therapy”, which was developed by Max Gerson in the early 1900s. The Gerson Therapy employs a method of a large quantity of fresh-squeezed juices daily, along with coffee enemas for cleansing toxins, and some small vegetarian meals. There are countless testimonies of people who have healed their cancer and other diseases outright using this method of healing.

Superfoods are generally raw and are regarded as foods that carry extremely higher-than-average quantities of a specific or set of nutrients. In this, we can consume these superfoods to give our bodies a powerful boost of nutritional healing where we need it.

Thank you so much, see you next time!



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