Practice Calmness Amidst Frustration

articles self-care May 16, 2020

How do you find calmness amid frustration? How do you teach yourself to overcome challenges when it seems there is no drive left in you? 

It can be frustrating when it seems nothing is going right. Sometimes you may shut down emotionally, and other times you may lash out at others. 

It is a struggle for everyone. Even the experts in calmness and mindfulness can find themselves in a situation where staying calm and rational is tough. It is easier to give in to frustration and anger. But is it possible to practice calmness amid frustration? 

Does this question sound familiar to you too? When people feel overloaded, it may feel more natural to take it out on someone else. But through practice, it will become easier to practice calmness as opposed to producing more chaos.

With the hope that things could get better and calmer, people can find themselves in more solid control. How do you deal with frustration makes all the difference in your life. 

How To Deal With Frustrating Situations

situation crisis is when you're forced to make a decision quickly, and frequently, that decision will have severe ramifications down the road. Sometimes, frustrating situations can make you do things you don't want to and feel things you don't want to feel. But then again, it is in these frustrating moments that you also find the drive to make a change

How will you handle the situation? This is the question which you need to find the answer. It all begins when you start working on putting the right habits in place. Instead of lashing out, here are some things you can do to overcome frustrating situations:

First, get into the habit of affirmative action as early as you can. 

Allow yourself to indulge in the shift. Whenever you find yourself frustrated or angry, take notice of the action that you should consider. Pause for a bit and indulge in it. When you take note of what needs to be done and the affirmative action that you do, there is nothing that could stop you from doing what is right. 

Second, you need to make the mind and body work together. 

Overcoming challenges becomes easier when you're able to calm your body and your mind. You cannot think about doing something without allowing yourself to take a deep breath. Put your attention to your body and everything that it feels. Allow yourself to explore all the sensations that come with the frustrations. It can be overwhelming. Stay with this feeling. Allow yourself to be curious about it. Savor the intense feeling and before you act on it. 

Third, open up to the feeling. 

Be with it, and enjoy yourself. Or, at least, be compassionate about how you feel when you are frustrated inside. It is only then that you can become comfortable with the situation and the feeling. This way, you'll have more time and space for calmness.

Fourth, find the time to connect with other people. 

You may find this step difficult, primarily if your frustration is directed to a specific person, and one of the last things you want to do is connect with them. But perhaps understanding their side of the story may help lessen your frustration. When the heart is closed, that is where all the problem begins. Open yourself a little. This is challenging, but it is the kind of transformative practice that will put you in a better place. 

Lastly, you need to find it in yourself an appropriate response of love and compassion.

When you empathize with the other person, when you try to understand how they feel, that is when you become more at ease. You will find peace and calm when you don't feel anger or frustration against other people or yourself. When you respond to their action, not from a place of passion, you begin to see the world in a different light. Instead of lashing out, you will find it easier to stay calm and forgive. 

How To Create The Habit Of Calmness

How do you deal with stressful situations? Every response is different. Every difficult situation has its own challenges. Here are some problematic situation examples with solutions to help guide you in your own life.

  • When the other person is going through a difficult time, and they feel upset, help them calm down. If you can, listen to their frustration, offer them compassion and empathy. Talk to them about the solution to their concern. You'll find yourself in a calmer, more relaxed state. 
  • When the other person is acting inconsiderately and perhaps is not aware of how their actions affect you, don't approach them just yet. Instead, let them calm down before you decide to talk. Sharing with them the impact of their actions on you will help them understand what they can change in the future. 
  • When dealing with someone who is not willing to talk about anything with you, don't be the jerk that forces them to a dialogue. Instead, talk to them calmly. Don't argue with them over anything and everything. In this case, you might want to get a third party to intervene. A counselor or a manager in the workplace could be the mediator in the situation. 
  • When the other person becomes abusive, empathize with them. Learn why they feel that way. What made them think that way? However, don't put yourself in harm's way. Try to help them get the help that they need by being firm and setting your boundaries. 

At the end of the day, it is with a thorough practice that you'd be able to find peace from within. With a little bit of help and these practices, you can allow yourself to find calmness no matter how frustrating the situation may be. 

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