Talking About Our Problems Helps So Much 

articles self-care Aug 22, 2020

How open are you in talking about your problems? While everyone is free to help someone in need, not everyone is confident in talking to others about their issues. Sometimes, they refuse to talk about their concerns because they fear what others have to say. 

How are you feeling? This is one of the questions that everyone loves to hear. It is a reminder that others in the world are concerned about their well-being. It is like the universe is telling them that someone cares

How Do You Deal With Problems?

Everyone handles their concerns differently. Whether it is the grief of financial matters or the emotions that come with severe depression and anxiety, you have your way of handling it, and nobody should judge you for that. 

Typically, people turn to journal writing or meditating whenever they need to clear their heads and focus on a specific emotion. However, for things that are a bit hard to express, even in words, it helps when you have a trusted friend you can talk to.

But what if you are dealing with an emotion that you find too complex to even define? This fact is just one of the best reasons why you would appreciate having friends around. Whenever it seems that emotions are all too overwhelming, the importance of friendship is even stronger.

Knowing that you have people you can open up to without any judgments is one of the world's best feelings. Talking to others about how you feel, especially your worries, come with numerous psychological benefits. 

Even if it seems complicated to find the words to express how you feel, the act of speaking to someone else about them helps you begin the process of healing. With the help of good friends in your life, soon, you would be able to get over everything and become stronger than you have ever been. 

What Happens In The Brain When You Are Upset?

The amygdala is the part of your brain that takes care of how you respond to stressful or fearful situations. Most of the time, you either fight it or fly away from it. The goal has always been to survive. Your response to potential threats depends on the information you have about the problem.

However, what people fail to recognize is that their fight or flight response depends on their knowledge of help and support that they can get. 

While the goal of this part of the brain is to always go for the most logical response, it doesn't often work that way. Sometimes, it allows you to just stop doing what you are doing to think about else you can respond to the situation. 

Putting your feelings into words is one of the best ways you can calm yourself. Talking to someone about it only makes the experience feel better

For example, someone who has been assaulted in the park might not want to go for a walk around the park alone ever again. However, through time and by talking about the experience with others, they will once again find the courage to walk in the park by themselves.

The emotional support that friends and therapists can give plays a significant role in the courage you can build inside. 

How Do You Get Better At Talking?

No one can tell you the right or wrong way of talking about how you feel. When you open up about your worries and concerns, people cannot tell you to look at things this way or that way. You simply talk.

Being able to express how you feel and share your negative experiences with others can keep you from getting stressed out. It will keep you from getting depressed or feeling anxious. 

Studies have shown that people who openly speak about their emotions prove to be healthier than those who really don't. 

To properly open up about your emotions, here are some tips you can try.

Tip 1: Choose the right people to talk to

There might not be a right or wrong way of speaking up, but it can definitely get worse if you talk to the wrong people. While it may help to speak about your concerns, some people who give blunt judgments of the situation may not help you to find healing at all. 

Who are the right people? They are the ones who reached out to you. They are the ones who are willing to listen. If friends are not available at the moment, a therapist will always be helpful too. Therapists are trained to listen without judgments and pretensions. 

Tip 2: Choose the right time

There is always a lot going on in your life and those around you. Make sure to ask yourself if now is a good time to talk about how you feel. 

Your friends might be dealing with their own dilemmas too. Be understanding enough to ask if it is a good time to talk. If they decline, then be gracious and accept that another time will be okay. Make sure that you choose a time when the other person can give you their full attention.

Tip 3: Give yourself a limit

Everyone needs to vent out how they feel, but you cannot always be dependent on that. You need to give yourself some time off too. Until when will you allow yourself to complain about something over and over again? 

At some point, you have to learn to stop. Reliving the same emotions over and over again is not good for you. So instead of dwelling on the negative, give yourself the time limit to be sad and then teach yourself to move on. 

After all, not every problem needs a resolution. Not all emotions need closure. Sometimes, you just need to let things go and let them be. 

The importance of friends in our life should never be underestimated. Although you can build your strength on your own, having special people around you will only reinforce the confidence that you have. 

Opening up about your feelings to others takes strength, but it is also built on trust. Learning you have people who have your back is one of the best feelings in the world. 

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