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Spirit Science 37_1 ~ Spiritual Money


“Money is a needful and precious thing, and when well used, a noble idea, but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. - Louisa May Alcott


What’s the first thing you think of or feel when you hear that word? Is it Grief? Joy? Anger? Think about it. Does the phrase money inspire positive or negative feelings? Or, maybe you’re that one person in the bunch who's like “

I recently surveyed people who subscribed to the Spirit Science email list and asked a full number of questions, one of which was “what do you struggle most with in life?”. The number one highest response was you guessed it - Finances. This told me it was time, at long last, that we have a candid spiritual discussion about money. See if we can’t change our relationship with money. I mean, what would happen if there were like, a hundred thousand benevolent spiritual millionaires using their resources to make a massive and...

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