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The relationship we have with money is spotty. We have loved it and hated it; protected it and squandered it. We have believed money to be the root of all evil. Yet, we have said it to be good when we have it in abundance. The back and forth relationship we have with money is tumultuous at best, and why would it not be so? Besides health, happiness, and loving relationships, many individuals would say they desire to have more money...or better yet, financial freedom. In fact, it has been argued that money is the key factor in attaining a healthy lifestyle, a loving relationship, and overall happiness and life satisfaction. So which one is it? Is money evil or good? The answer is neither.
Money is first and foremost a neutral energy based on the frequency that we are emitting into the universe. If our relationship or awareness of money centers around scarcity we will only be aware of its nature in this regard. But what happens when we shift that perception to one of unlimited...
How do you take care of your finances? While self-care is an important aspect of living a good life, a considerable part of it depends on how you earn and spend your money. Mindful living also includes your ability to control your spending to ensure that you are using your financial resources properly.
What is your short term plan for your finances? Do you have a long-term plan too? Your response to the financial stressors in your life will determine your financial stability in the long run.
How do you know if you are handling your finances well? You have to imagine yourself on the verge of unemployment. Do you have enough savings to help you survive until you get a new job? Or will you need the help of family and friends to get by?
Your finances can cause a tremendous amount of stress in your life. That’s why you have to learn about mindfulness management to help you handle your money well whenever you can.
Many people wonder if there is more to life or if they are missing something in their existence. A psychic can be of help. While most of those who go for a psychic reading do so to talk about their relationship and career, people who want to improve their financial status can also be helped by a psychic.
Can psychics help you with money issues? The quick answer is YES. However, they cannot tell you what numbers you need to win the lottery or if someone is going to give you a fortune.
What they can do instead is give you a practical idea of what the future will be like. A psychic advisor can help you with your financial concerns in so many ways. If you talk to them about your money problems and what you hope to change, they can advise on what can be done.
What may come as a surprise is that what you thought was a simple money problem could be something more than what meets the eye.
The modern world depends so...
Money is what makes the world go around. When people don't have it, they feel they need it badly. But when they have a lot of it, they only feel that they want to have more. Money may not be able to buy love and happiness, but it gives people a sense of security and freedom.
From the fleeting feeling of shopping for things that you love down to emergencies, money makes it seem like everything about life is dependent on it. Is it possible to minimize the financial stress that you deal with? Is there a way you can improve your money choices and make you feel comfortable with it?
The best way to do it is through tarot finance. What do the cards reveal about your finances?
An individual's financial situation could be a good source of comfort, but it could be a source of unwanted stress. When it seems as if you have tried your best to reach financial stability, but it seems something always happens and ruins it, you...
What makes you tick? The things that make people work vary from person to person. However, there are three basic things that are essential to make everyone as productive as they want themselves to be: money, energy, and time.
If you have the energy, you can push yourself to become more productive in the world. If you have money, you have the liberty to push yourself to be better. And if you have the time, you can accomplish what you want and become unstoppable. You can do anything and be anything that you want.
If you are reading this, you are probably missing at least one of the three. What you don't have varies from day to day. Sometimes, within the day, it feels like you have run out of either of the three. It seems all three factors become scarce in the course of life, depending on how old you are.
Does money bring happiness? You hear people say over and over again that money can't buy you happiness. In truth, many wealthy people dealing with alcoholism, addiction, and depression could tell you that this is true.
You may have experienced it yourself when you received the last bonus, but it didn't make you happy at all. True happiness, after all, is not something that money can buy. Splurging on a new cell phone or buying yourself a car would make you happy for a moment, and then the feeling fades away.
But what if someone tells you that your perception of money and what it can buy is obsolete? What if someone can show you the right way of spending money so that it can buy you your happiness?
Before you give up on the thought of money as a source of your happiness or pleasure, you should be aware of the various research that shows how much money can buy people their joy.
Money can buy you happiness,...
How do you free yourself from debt? Debt may be just a four-letter word, but it is one of the emotionally charged words in the English vocabulary. Whenever people hear the word debt, it initially brings about feelings of anxiety, shame, and sometimes even guilt.
While one’s emotional reaction to the word is dependent on their current financial status, people who find themselves with a substantial financial problem cannot help but worry. Many people who are drowning in debt can also feel trapped to the point that they have become hopeless.
If you feel the same way, then you are not alone. The number of those struggling financially is growing by the minute. Most of them have fallen victim to credit card debt. They have been living way beyond their means, and they didn’t realize it until it was too late.
While it may seem as if your debt status has reached the path of no return, there is still hope that you can...
Do you want to learn how to be good with money? While it is everyone’s dream to become financially-independent at a certain point in their lives, only some people can successfully do it. Others run into significant challenges before they truly achieve independence.
This fact remains the same—everyone will be able to get over their debt no matter their current situation. You will earn just enough, invest all the extra, and be able to make as much money as you want.
Apart from learning how to get over their debt, people are wondering how they can gain control over their finances. The beginning of every journey is always the most difficult, but in the end, everything will be worth it.
This is a tough question to answer if you are unemployed, drowning in debt, or dealing with a combination of the two. Don’t fret just yet. There is still good news for you. There is always a way you...
What would you do if you suddenly had extra money? Would you think of paying off existing debt? Or will you consider buying that luxury handbag that you’ve always? Your answer to this question says a lot about your financial status at the moment.
If you opted to pay off the debt you currently have, this means that you are a responsible individual. However, if you choose to use your extra cash on something you’ve intended to buy, then have the wrong kind of mindset surrounding money.
The question to ask yourself is this: do you really need that bag? If you know that you don’t, but you’ve still decided to buy it, then you shouldn’t be surprised that you’re in debt.
Whenever you’re reevaluating your spending habits, like your credit card debt, or your lack of savings, how do you feel? If you have been putting off dealing with all these financial problems, then you may be in a lot...
Few topics elicit such an extreme spectrum of reactions as money. Are you in the 'money is the root of all evil,' camp or the 'cash rules everything around me' camp- or somewhere in between these?
For those of us on the daily quest toward spiritual development and soulful self-expression, money has spent a long time on the no-no list in a lot of circles. Many famous religious and esoteric wisdom stories admonish about the pursuit of riches, prompting seekers to denounce material wealth in favor of morally loftier pursuits.
Despite all this variation of beliefs surrounding money, some of the most spiritually oriented people in fields like holistic medicine, philosophy, self-help, and spiritual businesses are flourishing financially and touting the virtues of money as a means for doing good in the world. So, can riches spread positive energy? And if so, what is the secret of money-makers who have an abundance of money while remaining spiritually oriented?
Here are ten perspectives to...
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