Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses.
Want to go even deeper into the realms of truth? Delve deeper into the world of Spirit Science with the Free Starter Kit. ~ https://bit.ly/SSSKNOW ~ Check this out today and get access to a FREE Guided Meditation, the Wisdom Wall PDF, and Part 1 of The Book of Spirit.
We, like many of you, are following along the disclosure train. What an exciting time to be alive as we wake up to so many interesting "truths." We thought it would be exciting to have some fun with it. Enjoy! :)
Have YOU ever thought about the spiritual and emotional implications of video games? Let us know in the comments!
And if you are interested in going deeper with Spirit Science, check out the FREE Spirit Science Starter Kit! ~ https://bit.ly/SSSKNOW ~ Download today and get access to a FREE Guided Meditation, the Wisdom Wall PDF, and Part 1 of The Book of Spirit.
There is an abundance of games out there, and many of the world's most popular games include violence as a primary part of the game. How are we to interact with this, and what effect does it have on us?
We are fairly certain this happens every, a single day in a yoga studio not far from you...
Do you want a free gift? :) Check out the FREE Spirit Science Starter Kit! ~ https://bit.ly/SSSKNOW ~ Download today and get access to a free Guided Meditation, the Wisdom Wall PDF, and Part 1 of The Book of Spirit.
Well, there’s amethyst which is known for its stress-relieving properties and balancing of the crown chakra, there is Citrine which is suitable for brain function including creativity and self-expression, not to mention a wealth generator, there is Fluorite for concentration and decision making, carnelian which helps with motivation, vitality, and self-perception, tigers eye - a good source of protection, confidence, and luck. Rose quartz for the heart chakra helping with love peace compassion and feminine energies, there’s also labradorite which is excellent if you are into the whole raising your consciousness thing.
So I usually tell people to pick out the crystals that will improve their current problems in life.
Anywho there’s jasper for balance and stability, moonstone for new beginnings and helping you connect to your intuition and female energy, there is rhodonite to balance emotions...
With all of the fear about Coronavirus, it's important we remain grounded and centered, with the words of an Ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom...
Be a voice of wisdom and peace for those in need!
So which one are you more likely to be?
Get your FREE Spirit Science Starter Kit! ~ https://spiritsciencecentral.com/SS-starter-kit ~ Check this out today and get access to a FREE Guided Meditation, the Wisdom Wall PDF, and Part 1 of The Book of Spirit.
When it doubt, use sage!
If sage doesn't work, discover the 7-Day Transformation and change your life in just one week! https://www.spiritsciencecentral.com/seven-day-transformation-now
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Do you want to dive a bit deeper into Spirit Science? Check out the FREE Spirit Science Starter Kit! ~ https://spiritsciencecentral.com/SS-starter-kit
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