Finding Life's Direction Through Uncertainty

articles Mar 30, 2020

We all have had that time in our lives when things didn’t go as planned. We felt as though everything wasn’t going right and we’re so frustrated about it. Work, the long commute, and the chores at home keep us busy but it’s as though nothing’s really happening in our lives. How have things ended up as they are?

Everyone knows the feeling of exhaustion of the daily grind. We go to bed too tired to even dream about how we want our lives to be. The next day, we wake up to another morning to do it all again. We have to so that we can pay our bills and save for the future. 

We think about the many tomorrows ahead and we begin to feel uncertain. Worry overcomes us too easily and for some, it becomes paralyzing. We think to ourselves, what if our plans fail? What if we’ve been planning for all the wrong things? 

Fear of what’s uncertain is the act of stressing yourself on something that remains unknown. Although the goal is to point yourself in the right direction, the unforeseen events and the circumstances at hand could barely tell you what's in it for the future. 

With limited experience in life and an even more limited perspective of the future, we all deal with emotions of uncertainty. Making assumptions and generalization of what could happen if you do this and that could only result in something worse. When it feels like you are in no direction to work, then it only means you get the opportunity for a fresh new start. 

“I have no life” and Other Worries

It is fairly easy for people to think that the routine that they follow every day is their life. In fact, a lot of us consider our jobs as our life. We work hard to achieve near-perfection. When we get appreciated at work, that's when we only truly feel that our lives have value. And isn’t that just sad? 

But is work really what our lives are about? Isn't there any other aspect of it that is more valuable than the purpose that it serves? Uncertainty is often thought of as losing grip on what is to come. It is like being locked in a dark room, not knowing when light or help will come. In fact, being uncertain about life can sometimes feel like no help will ever come at all.

And yet, there is another side to the uncertainty that most people overlook. Instead of focusing on the value of what is there, think of the many things that are of value when you surprise yourself with things that could happen. 

Living life is not about calculating everything and making sure that you get what you want. Rather, it is about living life every day with the expectation that at one point, it will surprise you with something that's good for you. If you open your heart and your mind to what is to come, you'll be surprised by the many great things that could happen.

Have you lost interest in life? Does it feel like there is nothing that you can do to improve or alleviate your situation at the moment? When it feels like no help is coming your way, allow the uncertainty to surprise you with the best. Your new encounter may turn into something great. After all, it is in the unfamiliar where we truly discover who we are. 

Life is Uncertain

How can you turn uncertainty into something that can help you find your direction in life? Here are some ways to make things happen:

  • Stop yourself when you start overthinking.

The stress and anxiety that come from overthinking can be overwhelming. The future that we prepare for is not the future that is always bright and shiny. It is also not about the piling up of success stories or narratives of conquering fear. Rather, the future is about living now and not knowing if the future is good or bad. The only thing that matters is that your heart and mind are ready for what is to come. 

Nobody knows what the future will bring or what it will be for anyone. But if you have trust in yourself and the strength to fight for what you want, then you know that the future ahead is something that you can survive. Make a choice on what is important in your life. Do you live right now in the fear of what lies ahead? Or will you choose to live and enjoy whatever life has to offer? Remember that our mind is the key to opening the possibilities of today. 

  • Try something new. Do something you haven't done before.

Do you worry about going out to the party because you think you’re socially awkward? Or do you put off those singing lessons because you think you’re not good enough? Life is full of uncertainties, and the things that you put off are possibilities for the future. 

If you let your fear take control of the wheel, you will never be happy. So go ahead and take on the challenge of trying something new. Make sure you haven't done it in the past. Not only will you feel good that you did, but it will give you a sense of liberation. By engaging, trying, asking, experimenting, and moving forward, you know you are already doing yourself a huge favor. 

  • Believe that you can do it.

There is nothing more painful than losing your self-trust. When you begin to doubt yourself just because you allowed your fear to overpower you, that's when you lose the chance to become a better person. 

The competition will always be around you. Some people will prove to be better than you. Others will tell you to your face that you are not good enough. But don't give up. Never lose hope. Continue to push yourself to try the things that you want. 

It is not about being great at everything you do. It is about trusting yourself that you can do it and pushing yourself to take the first step. After all, the first step is always the hardest to take, but they prove to be worth it in the end. 

Take one small step at a time. Allow the uncertainties to help you uncover your true potential.

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