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Uncle Iroh's Wisdom (Hidden Spirituality of Airbender 3)

hidden spirituality video Nov 08, 2020

Hey there, welcome back! Today we’re going to talk about everyone’s favorite Saturday morning Grandpa...or I guess Uncle would be more accurate...that’s right..we’re finally going to dive into the Sagely Wisdom of Uncle Iroh and the immense spiritual knowledge that he teaches the main characters….and us in the sit back, grab a Tsungi horn, heat some Jasmine Tea, and one more thing before we get started, on the subject of Wisdom - we do a live event every full moon, every month called the Wisdom Moons. The next one is coming up soon! Use the link below to see how you can join our live event. I hope to see you there! 

For those of you who haven’t seen the show, Iroh is the oldest main character that we follow actively through the series.... and is pretty much your Lao Tzu or Mystical Buddha kind of guy. He was a general of the Fire Nation and one of its greatest warriors, having the title “The Dragon of the West,”...

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The Hidden Spirituality of Kingdom Hearts

hidden spirituality video Nov 06, 2020

Out of all of the videogames that I grew up with, Kingdom Hearts may very well be at the very top of the list for favorite game of all time. What a magnificent depth of story and creativity, all rolled into one fantastic package! I love it, this one's been coming for a long time, please enjoy!!

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The Parable of the Selfish Monk (Halloween Special!)

patch parables video Nov 06, 2020


Long ago in ancient Japan, lived a devout Shinto monk. He lived a simple life but was often distracted in his prayers by the hustle and bustle of the city...he felt as if his neighbors and friends were polluting his soul. One day he decided to undergo a Harai, a purification ritual that would cleanse his body and mind….He set off on a long and dangerous journey to a mountain shrine, which took many days..but he was glad for the peace and solitude it gave him. After returning home, the peace he found was so great that he wanted to hold onto it for as long as possible, and so he continued to do the pilgrimage another 99 times. He would walk alone on his journey to the mountains, ignoring every distraction in his quest for balance.

Rain, storm, or shine; he made the long journey. Eventually, his devotion and practice began to reveal the world of the Kami. The man was able to see and understand the spirits and spiritual essence of all things, like the wind and the rocks...

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Conspiracy Theory of Everything 3 ~ Aliens

Very recently, several key spirit science episodes were demonetized for strange reasons. Along with the last Conspiracy Episode, Our Hollow Earth episode was flagged for hate speech, and Everything is Connected deemed unfit for most audiences and age-restricted. Please use the link below to join Spirit Conspiracies and access this conspiracy content free, just if it disappears from the public eye...

The subject of ExtraTerrestrials has mystified humanity for countless generations. The question of “are we alone in the universe” has inspired us to push forward and advance as a species in the search for life in the great beyond, but to this day - judging by the way people generally treat the subject, it would appear that we have yet to make any form of substantial contact… However, awareness of a more profound truth, that something is being hidden from us is regularly being leaked to this day. 

Let’s start with some basics, which would be UFO’s,...

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Quantum Flapdoodle (Spirit Science 39 ~ Part 3)

“If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it” -John Wheeler.

Ah, Quantum Mechanics. A field that incites the curiosity of history’s greatest minds while also having the ability to turn people off at the mere mention of it. Funny how that works. The second someone says the word “Quantum,” You get a massive polarity of people who are either interested and sit glued to the screen, or who attach such significant level “woo” connotations to it that their eyes glaze over… and there seems to be NO in-between.  

Despite it being one of the most complex and math-heavy physics fields in history, it's quite funny. It’s also been appropriated by people in the New Age community like Deepak Chopra more than any other science branch. If you look into any New Age group, chances are they have some material in there that references the word “quantum,” whether it’s Chopra’s...

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Conspiracy Theory of Everything 2 ~ The Disconnection of our Soul

This is where our conspiracy theory of everything will get dark… and I mean dark. In the disconnection of the soul, the ego runs rampant, and this is the source of our suffering and how the elite controls us. For this, I must offer you a warning… We must be aware of humanity's horrific nature if there is to be any healing done, light must be brought to darkness, and the darkness must be faced if we ever wish to solve our problems for good. Be warned that the following contains mature subject matters and may offend some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. 

There is a sickness deep in the heart of human consciousness, a putrid evil that is running rampant through the underbelly of modern society, rarely seen and discussed in public, but is the ultimate source of all of our misery, our suffering. This evil masks itself on the world's surface appearance, with the pretense that everything is okay, life is good, and look at all of the fun that we’re having!...

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Toxic Positivity ~ Spirit Science 50

spirit science video Oct 26, 2020

Discover the secret to LASTING HEART-CENTERED RELATIONSHIP! - Click Here: 

“Everything worthwhile in life is won through surmounting the associated negative experience” -Mark Manson.

Hey there! Today we’re tackling something pretty important… Something that isn’t talked about openly in spiritual circles because it seems to go against the whole “positive vibes 4 Eva <3 UwU face” mentality. We’ve been talking about the importance of balance over here on the channel for what seems like eons now, but the thing is….it goes both ways, and just like negative emotions or the ego, it turns out….you can have too much positivity that it becomes toxic to you and your surroundings, especially when you put on a smile and pretend things are just so amazing all the time even when maybe things are a bit challenging. 

I mean, take our videos, for example! Last week we posted a video called “The Secrets of Hollow Earth...

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The Parable of Decisions (As told by an AI)

One day a man decided to question the choices he had made in his life up to that point and thought to himself, “what is the origin of decision? Why do we decide things one way or another, and what determines that choice?” To discover this noble truth, he set off on a journey worldwide to find the answer to his question.

Like the prophets of the Abrahamic faiths, he began his travels in Jerusalem. Since it was often considered the center of the world and a meeting place of major modern religions, he deemed it a fitting place to start. On his way up the Via Dolorosa, however, he came across an elderly Asian man. The man resembled an old Taoist sage, the likes of which hadn’t been seen for a long time. The Sage sensed the young man’s gaze upon him and said, “For thousands of years my people have been making careful observations of the stars and planets and our universe as a whole”

The young man, impressed, nodded and began to ask, “Oh Great...

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Hollow Earth in Anime ~ Journey to Agartha


 An absolutely fabulous anime film if there ever was one, The Children who Chase Lost Voices (Aka: Journey to Agartha) is a story of letting go, and coming to terms with death, among other things. It is a powerful and deeply moving story, and one that fits right in with our other videos this week!


Halley, Edmond, An Account of the cause of the Change of the Variation of the Magnetic Needle; with an Hypothesis of the Structure of the Internal Parts of the Earth, Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society of London, No. 195, 1692, pp 563–578

Sandifer, C. (2014). Euler and the Hollow Earth: Fact or Fiction? (April 2007). In How Euler Did Even More (pp. 209-214). Mathematical Association of America. doi:10.5948/9781614445197.032

Press, Frank; Siever, Raymond; Grotzinger, John; Jordan, Tom (2003). Understanding Earth (4 ed.). New York, New York: W. H. Freeman. pp. 484–87. ISBN 978-0-7167-9617-6.

Simon, Matt. "Fantastically Wrong: The Real-Life Journey...

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Conspiracy Theory of Everything 1 ~ The Holographic Demiurge

Let us begin first with the Demiurge. The Demiurge is an ancient Greek and Gnostic concept describing a consciousness that is essentially the creator of the physical reality, but not the supreme creative force behind all things.

An excellent way to explore this idea is through the Matrix, a Science-Fiction story that suggests everything we think we know of as the real world is nothing but an illusion, a false world within which most are imprisoned, unable to identify what is real effectively. As people go about their day to day lives, they think that their world is real, but every individual is plugged into an artificial reality severed from the real world. While people suffer, there is a tremendous benefit to the ruling overlords, who were a form of AI in the film. As it relates to us, this AI is, in essence - the Demiurge. 

The Demiurge was described as a force, a deity, or a consciousness responsible for creating the physical world. However, in a way, it had imposed itself...

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