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Australia Fires Reveal Ancient Water System Older than the Pyramids

articles nature Mar 07, 2020

While vicious brush fires continue to tear across Australia, indigenous elders at the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape in Southeastern Australia celebrate an unexpected discovery caused by fire damage. The site is home to a sophisticated and extensive aqueduct system built over 6,600 years ago

A Hopeful Discovery

After a series of bushfires scorched 7,000 hectares of the national park before being subdued, indigenous elders and park rangers were pleasantly surprised to discover previously hidden sections of the waterway system. The burning of high grasses and other vegetation made it possible to investigate new portions of the land.

Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation project manager Denis Rose related that he and his team were less concerned about the fire damage to cultural structures, as most of them are stone products of the lava flow.  

The group expressed concerns that the raging fires could cause large trees to uproot and disrupt structures,...

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Patch Parables ~ The Parable of the Raft

nature patch parables video Dec 02, 2019

The parable of the raft explores the nature of getting across, but not retaining. A spiritual leader describes this parable to a group of monks. He begins by saying, imagine there is a man trying to cross a river.

On the side closest to him, the river is filled with dangers and fears, while the far side is beautiful and peaceful. He wishes to cross to the other side, but how? There is no boat or bridge to cross, so the man creates his own raft out of sticks and branches.

Once on the other side, he sees how useful this raft is. He wonders if he should carry it with him on his journey, taking it on his head and shoulders. The leader asks the group of monks, what should he do? No one answers.

The leader explains that he should walk away, and continue on his journey without the raft. This is what should be done to the raft, not to retain and hold onto it, but to let it go.

This parable explains the importance of letting things go with the flow in life. We are so quick to hold onto...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Moldavite

Moldavite is one of the rarest materials on earth! This is because it is a naturally occurring glass made by a meteorite impact from central Europe about 14.2 million years ago!

Most scientists agree that Moldavite itself is not a meteorite itself. Their chemical composition fits the sedimentary layers in the mother crater. Despite many who claim it is a meteorite, the data shows that, in fact, it is a product of the fusion of the meteorite with the earth.

Moldavite is thus, the only gem-form of Tektite, although the only translucent green kind you will ever find. Most tektite is dark brown. Because of its origins, though, it has earned the reputation as an “Alien Crystal” in Spiritual and Metaphysical circles all around the world.

In such circles, it is often described as having an enlightening effect on the individual who carries or wears a piece on them. Because of this, it is said to be an excellent stone to meditate with, and that it can assist anyone with opening...

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