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So far, we have looked at the Demiurge, how the world's population is controlled, ET’s, and even the almost frightening integration with technology… But the question is, Why is this happening? Why is ANY of this happening at all? Is this just the product of a disconnected consciousness run wild? Is there a meaning behind the madness? Is there a definitive end to our suffering? And if we are being led somewhere… by whom?
Who, if anyone, is at the top of the pyramid? Is it aliens? Reptiles? The Elite? Perhaps there is no single leader, but rather a mass multitude of agendas going in different directions, or is this all just a part of a God’s master plan? Today, the QAnon movement calls it “The Deep State,” and to us, the first time we became aware of it, as mentioned in a book from the early 1990s, the ancient secret of the flower of life. In this book, they were referred to as “The Secret Government.” According to Melchizidek,...
“If there is a heaven, it’s right here, right now. We’re in it” -Bruce Lipton.
Today we’re delving into another one of those weird but beautiful topics that are taking the world by storm! If you’ve been around the channel for a while - or attended any of our Spirit Mysteries workshops! You’ve probably heard us mention Dr. Bruce Lipton's pioneering work, with his books The Biology of Belief and The Honeymoon Effect. This work has had a massive effect on all of us at Spirit Science, and we just had to do a full episode all about it! This is, of course, following our recent Live Wisdom Moon Workshop, which we presented on The Science of Ascension and went even more in-depth on Bruce’s discoveries. We’ve made that available for free in the links below, just if you’re curious.
In a nutshell, Bruce’s research suggests that consciousness and the environment have a guiding effect on our genetics and the quality of our lives....
This is a Burmese teaching story about a tyrant whose armies have laid waste to the country. As he crosses the land, he comes to a stop at a small village and is informed by his generals that the local population has all run away into the hills; everyone, that is, except one monk who refuses to leave his monastery.
Enraged at such impudence, the Tyrant marches directly to the monastery to confront the monk. He kicks in the door and stomps up to the monk, who is meditating peacefully in the center of the hall.
“Don’t you know who I am?!” The Tyrant Growls. “I could take out my sword and cut you in two without blinking an eye!”
The monk, without moving, replies serenely. “Don’t you know who I am? I could sit here while you take out your sword and cut me in two, without even blinking an eye.”
When we have acceptance, we are no longer attached to this world's transitory things, even our physical survival. As Jesus advises in...
The Truman Show is a deeply powerful and profound movie! May this episode of Hidden Spirituality serve as our homage to a movie that delivers the same impact as The Matrix but in an entirely comical sort of way!
Secret information for people who pay attention to descriptions:
One thing we didn't cover in this (but should have!) was this idea that the human story is actually very unique to the universe. In The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life - Dru describes that all of the other ascended species in the cosmos (and there's tons!) are all watching us intently, to see the outcome of how things go for our evolution. In this way, maybe we are ARE on a cosmic universe Truman show, and every single one of us are the main character, together!
This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at https://spiritsciencecentral.com/about
The Buddha tended to tell his disciples not to waste their time and energy in metaphysical speculation. Whenever he was asked a metaphysical question, he remained silent. Instead, he directed his disciples to more practical efforts.
One day, when he was questioned on the problem of the infinite vs the finite, the buddha said:
“Whether the world is finite or infinite, limited or unlimited, the problem of the liberation of your suffering remains the same. Suppose a man is struck by a poisoned arrow, and the doctor wants to take out the arrow immediately, but suppose this wounded man does not want the arrow removed until he knows who shot him, his age, his family, and why he was shot in the first place. What do you suppose would happen?
If he was to wait until all of these questions were answered, then he might surely die before coming to an understanding. Life is so short, it must not be spent in endless metaphysical speculation that does not bring us any closer to the...
All hail one of Disney’s only “nice” forgotten queens...Kida of Atlantis! For real, she’s one of the only Disney princesses who becomes a queen eventually and retains her goodness and breaks that trope of “evil queens/stepmoms” that’s become so infamous...so you know.. suitable on the Atlanteans for embodying love! I mean, hey, even Elsa kind of went into her shadow self for a bit there…. Anyways, Atlantis is not your typical Disney movie...There’s no musicals or happy-go-lucky princesses who get helped by forest animals or swoon at princes… Instead, we get an hour and a half of a nerd exploring ancient temples, translating dusty books, and a badass warrior princess fighting for her people. And of course… It's freakin Atlantis, so obviously, we’re going to talk about it! What’s more, under the surface, especially in the design elements, there’s a massive wealth of ancient spirituality that taught...
The Disclosure of You - what all of these conspiracies have in common- and how it relates to your ascension - is now available inside of Spirit Conspiracies. Get Free Access to the complete workshop using the link below, and enjoy the episode.
“Know your customer.” Its the de-facto business mantra of our modern era - collect enough information on everyone’s web browsing and social media habits, listen to what they talk about when they believe they’re alone, and feed the data into a network of computers so complex that computer scientists aren’t even sure how it works anymore.
This complex neural network of computers, data, and programs are then linked to nearly all of us through the apps and web services we all use daily, spitting out products, content, and suggestions catered to individuals desires better than anything that has been done before, keeping the masses glued and engaged on their phones, tablets, and desktops like nobodies...
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Long ago, there was a small village on the edge of a river. The people there lived in harmony with nature; each other, and life were good. One day as a villager began his early morning stroll, he noticed that their once-vibrant river was looking slightly murkier than usual and contained some sludge and pollution resting on the banks.
The villager quickly went out of his way to clear the pollution away, seemingly restoring the flow. The next day the same villager noticed two lifeless fish in the river. He called for help, and both fish were scooped out from the waters. The following day debris started to build up, and the river's flow started to become constricted, cutting off water to the village. Naturally, the villagers organized themselves quickly, setting up watchtowers and training teams of swimmers and environmentalists who could resist the swift waters and dislodge the debris. Clean up squads were soon working 24 hours a day to keep up with the increasing pollution. But each...
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