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How To Get Back To Self-Compassion

What do you tell yourself whenever you realize that you failed on a project you are working on? Do you follow some self-compassion exercises to boost your confidence and tell yourself to focus on what you learned? Or do you harshly criticize yourself and tell yourself that you’re a loser?

When you tend to beat yourself up whenever things do not go your way, you are like how most people deal with failure. And like most people, you might need a kind of self-awakening to remind you of the real purpose of living, which is joy and learning. 

Why Is It Important To Practice Self-Compassion?

Learning to forgive yourself whenever things do not go as planned will help you gain a new perspective on how to take on life. Practicing mindfulness and compassion to others and especially to yourself come with their benefits, each one making your life more meaningful.

With a strong sense of self-compassion, you can set the stage for what life could be like. It will...

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Freeing Yourself From Unrealistic Expectations

How do you react to surprises? Can you imagine yourself stepping inside a room full of expectations only to find out that things will turn out not as how you expected them to be? Sometimes, it can be frustrating to set expectations to determine that things didn't work out as planned. 

Think about the last time you got upset. Did it involve something or someone not being able to follow through? Setting positive expectations for yourself is one of the best things that could help you push yourself further. But when your expectations are not met, your emotional reaction to the situation could overwhelm you with feelings of negativity. Your disappointment eats you up and makes you say and do things that you don't mean. 

People are naturally wired to have expectations, but there is always something you can do to change this mindset. If you can teach yourself how to lower expectations, you will be able to live a much happier life. 

How Do You Manage...

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Tips To Manifest A Great Year

The coming of the new year always brings about the feeling of a fresh start or a clean slate. It is when you can perform a self-manifestation of what you want the new year ahead to be like. 

You can set new goals and start talking about all the things you wish to achieve. With every fresh new mindset, you allow yourself to clarify your desires and focus on your goals.

But how do you do it? Meditation for manifestation proves to be one of the most effective ways to get what you want. The power of manifestation works in your life by allowing you to work on the things you have a strong desire to pursue.

After all, you are in control of your life. No one could honestly tell you what you should and should not do. But how do you manifest effectively? Keep reading below to get started.

Tip 1: Release And Eliminate

All your negative emotions reflect your mood, approach, and attitude towards life. The bad feelings you have towards other people and the...

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How To Stay On Your Spiritual Path

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? Every day, people are given two choices in life. They either continue to live their lives until they realize what they are meant to do or they don't. It is really that simple. 

But when people begin to think about spiritual awareness and look into what makes them happy, they realize that there is more to life than living day after day. They start to ask about what they are doing. They begin to wonder if it is something that they really want to do. 

And then, there is the question of happiness. Whenever people become spiritually connected, they begin to wonder if they are truly happy with what they are doing. Sometimes, it is hard to think of your own happiness when there are so many responsibilities to take care of. 

What Can You Do To Stay On Your Spiritual Path?

How do you find the journey back to yourself? How do you keep yourself from doing things that will only hurt you in the long run? Here are some...

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The Importance Of Spiritual Practices During Tough Times

Life never stops, and it never always about happy times. Something always happens to tip the boat and make you feel angry, scared, or just plain old annoyed. And though the situation makes you feel negative, it should never push you hard enough to simply give up. 

This is why you should foster a healthy spiritual well-being. It is the part of you that makes you resilient. It pushes you to be stronger during tough times. With regular practice to improve your spiritual wellness, you will be able to take care of your heart, body, mind, and spirit. 

What Tough Times Must You Be Prepared For?

There are a hundred things that could happen to you; each one has a kind of effect that pulls you down and makes you feel bad about yourself and the world. These are the times that you must be prepared for. 

Losing a loved one

You need to prepare yourself for times when you lose the ones you love. Some of them may die from a disease. Others will pass on due to an accident....

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Perfection: The True Understanding Of Purpose 

Written by Cameron Harman 

Every single human being has asked the question at least once in their lives, "What is my purpose?" In my experience, the answer that people or religions have given me is less than comforting, to say the least. When I started my inner work path, the answer became obvious to me, and what had seemed like religious riddles also started to become more apparent. For example, in Buddhism, the Buddha says the mind is everything we think we become, pointing to the mind as the creator of reality for the material plane. So in more relative terms, our thoughts are projections, and those projections are what we see, think, and feel. This means we ultimately have control of how we want to see the world around us. This concept is also strongly used in Zen. 

Jesus Christ

Jesus said in the Bible, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you." If you are not doing the required inner work, then this message might not find you....

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Tips To Practice A Lifestyle Of Resilience 

How resilient are you? Resilient strength is your ability to bounce back from the challenges and difficulties that life throws your way. It spells the difference between handling pressure and losing your cool. 

The road to resilience is never easy, but it is a path you will want to take. Because resilient people maintain a positive outlook in life, they can cope with the challenges of life more effectively. 

It is not about not having stress and negativity in life. Instead, resilience teaches you the value of standing up even when everyone else wishes you to fall. 

Can Resilience Be Learned?

Perhaps the first thing you have thought of was how people learn to become resilient. Is it something that can be taught and learned? Or is it innate in some people and not found in others?

If you feel like you are not resilient enough, you may begin to wonder if it is something that can be learned. You wish it is, and you are lucky. Resilience may be...

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Tips For Practicing Spirituality For Busy People

 How much time do you spend at work on a weekly basis? If you spend more than 40 hours doing the job that you do, then you probably have less time to do all the other things in your life. Your mornings are always rushed, and so is the rest of your day. 

Do you have the time to stop and reconnect with your spiritual self? As much as you would like to submit yourself to spiritual meditation, you just can't find the time to do it. Sometimes, it can feel like there is just so much going on in your life; there's no more time left to think about how you feel or what you think. 

You are too focused on getting things done that it has become quite hard to just sit down, be quiet, and meditate. 

How Do You Find Time For Your Spirituality?

No matter how successful you become, there will always be a part of you that will yearn for spiritual growth. This is the part of your human self that will remind you of the importance of spirituality in order to survive...

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How To Choose A Career According To Astrology

Written by Joe G. Santos 

Everyone has asked themselves at least once throughout their lives, “why am I here?” With the philosophy of Nihilism increasing in popularity, the modern approach to this question is that there is no such thing as a pre-defined purpose. In fact, Nihilists would say that there is no purpose at all. This point of view would have you think that the Universe just happened by accident, and the way things work perfectly in sync with one another is a mere product of chance. Whether this point of view is accurate or not—like all other philosophies—is uncertain. Still, one thing is sure: this philosophy does not help us navigate the adventures we find ourselves in throughout our lives, especially when we are stuck and need a bit of external help to guide us toward the path of least resistance. Astrology, on the other hand, has been a tool that helped humanity understand the concepts of FatePurpose, and...

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How To Improve Mindfulness

How do you feel at the moment? Your awareness and appreciation for what is happening in your life right now are just a few things that mean you live mindfully. Training the mind to focus on what is happening in the moment is an important tool in living a happy and healthy life. 

Clarity and focus are the two mindfulness skills that you learn in mindfulness and meditation practice. It fosters your ability to live in the moment and, in the process, let go of the past worries. It is all about an expression of gratitude to the goodness you have in your life right now. 

And yet, mindful thinking is easier said than done. Distraction is all around us, and it's just a hard habit to break. Even while you are walking, traveling, or eating, your mind is usually thinking of something else. 

When it is a constant battle between what is happening now and what you are thinking, is it possible to practice mindfulness at all? How do you train the mind to...

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