Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses.
Ancient traditions knew of the pineal and enshrouded its mysteries in their lore. http://bit.ly/PatchmanBackInTime They knew that the pineal plays a role in our spiritual development and communication with spiritual beings. But with an increasingly toxic world, many people do not know of the innate gifts inherent to an open pineal. http://bit.ly/SpiritScienceExpansion
The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a national hero for his success as both a statesman and military leader. But despite his fame, power, and wealth, he considered himself a humble and devout Buddhist. Often he visited his favorite Zen master to study under him, and they seemed to get along very well. The fact that he was prime minister apparently did not affect their relationship, which appeared to be simply one of a revered master and respectful student.
One day, during his usual visit, the Prime Minister asked the master, “Your Reverence, what is egotism according to Buddhism?” The master’s face turned red, and in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice, he shot back, “What kind of stupid question is that!?”
This unexpected response so shocked the Prime Minister that he became sullen and angry. The Zen master then smiled and said, “THIS, Your Excellency, is egotism.”
The Parable of the Ego is a lesson in managing our...
If ever you are feeling out of alignment, this meditation will bring you to a state of balance, so that you can live life to the fullest, with gratitude and grace for the life that you live, in all its beauty.
Download the Meditation at the end of my 3-day spiritual training.
Click Here to Learn More ~ https://patchtarot.com/10-secrets
At last, we bring our "Spiritual Money" Series to a close! While there is certainly plenty more to discuss (as there always is) - we have many other subjects we are excited about exploring, and we felt it was important to wrap up this series with a nice little bow! This video is truly about a massive shift in the global wealth paradigm, and how we might achieve moving in that direction, as early as right now.
If you want to be the change yourself, and activate a new wealth paradigm - click this link and discover Spiritual Money Mastery, our own course on Spiritual Wealth Transformation! https://beyondspiritscience.com/money-mastery
This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at https://spiritsciencecentral.com/about
We are living in exceptional times. The advent of Covid-19 has brought about a destabilization to the world's economic and social systems, and life will never be the same.
Now is the ultimate time to go inside and truly embody the shift. If we do nothing, if we don't change, grow, or learn from these experiences, then the world will not evolve.
If you are ready to make a big transcendent change in your life, step into a higher reality, and live in a state of opportunity, instead of scarcity and fear - come and experience the Seven-Day Transformation Now - https://beyondspiritscience.com/great...
Previously on our exploration of Spiritual Money, we discussed and explored the wealth archetypes. These six unique archetypes that are, generally speaking, describe the most common money themes that people face in our modern world.
The idea of moving to a resource-based economy, and transitioning into a new way of global wealth is one that we are moving to, both as a species and also even inside of this series. But to get there, we have to evolve our understanding of wealth, which takes each of us discovering what it means to be able to create wealth in all of the ways that wealth can show up.
In my spiritual wealth journey, learning from many books and amazing mentors, I have found that creating money all boils down to one simple thing… Are you ready? Here it is - Wealth is a by-product of value creation. Let me repeat this because this is important. Wealth is a by-product of value creation. Creating value generates so much more than just wealth; value creates...
Once more we dive headfirst into the wonderful world of modern science and explore the depths of how there is an undercurrent of new discoveries emerging, especially regarding the nature of Consciousness.
However, there is a great problem we are facing in Science today and across the board - closed-mindedness, and how old belief systems limit us from expanding, growing, and discovering new powerful breakthroughs that could change life as we know it. Progress is still made, but it is much slower than it need be.
Yet, through each of us playing with new ideas, being open and exploring the mysteries of life, we all contribute to the awakening of a new consciousness and help shift humanity into a new age of freedom.
Watch Part 1 Here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJxCs...
Want to transform your financial paradigm? Learn the secrets of spiritual wealth transformation in this presentation https://beyondspiritscience.com/money...
Moving in the direction of closing our conversation on money, there are only a few small conversations left to have regarding the nature of Spiritual Money, and how to shift the entire world to a new paradigm of existence - and this is the conversation of a Resource Based Economy.
Much of this video is based on exploring the Venus Project, which you can learn more by visiting their website here - https://www.thevenusproject.com.
This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at https://spiritsciencecentral.com/about
Ah..Dr. Strange...that movie that everyone thought was going to flop cause there was no way a “spiritual superhero” would translate to the big screen...but then ended up making millions and being nominated for Academy awards….Classic. We know....its spirituality isn’t exactly hidden; in fact, it’s pretty in your face. So instead, we’re going to look at things a little differently this time around.
At its heart, Dr. Strange is a movie about surrendering to the Self. It’s about a journey of transcendent understanding that is mirrored in Stevens journey from the West to the East, yet perhaps one of the most amazing things about the movie lies in its depiction of Spirituality from a Western viewpoint or perception, and in what way that can teach us about ourselves and our relationship with such concepts.
Right from the outset, there’s some bias inherent in the name…. “Dr. Strange”..it’s not a story of science or...
The age we find ourselves in today is filled with wild changes, as collectively we are facing so many challenges and revelations, putting us in a position that will forever change the way we perceive ourselves, and our place in the cosmos.
Along with all of this, the truths that are emerging give rise to many opportunities for all of us to create massive change in our own lives. The question is, do we choose to take action, to change our thinking, and step into a new way of life? Or do we continue to watch as the world has its way with us?
As we know, the financial systems of the world are not in balance, with almost all of the world's wealth concentrated in the hands of the few. Yet, the empowering revelations that are emerging invite each of us to become active creators, to shift the balance of wealth from the few, to the many. Today, that opportunity has never been more apparent.
If you are ready to make a big transcendent change in your life, step into a higher reality, and live...
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