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Plant Medicine for Dealing With Stress

In our fast-paced world today, stress has become a part of our lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way all the time. Before you take prescription drugs to ease stress and anxiety, try to explore natural alternatives that will be more beneficial for your mind and body. If you want to reduce stress naturally, there are plenty of ways to do that. One of the best ways that you can relieve stress is by making use of the best herbs for stress. Here are some of them. 


Chamomile has so many health benefits, including aiding with stress relaxation. Whenever you feel anxious, take some chamomile tea, and you’ll find that it can calm your nerves, relax your muscles, and significantly reduce your anxiety. If you’re having trouble getting a good night’s rest, chamomile can also help you sleep better. It is also known to improve digestion as well as decrease the occurrence of headaches. 


Among the best stress reducers is lavender. Simply...

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A Brief Guide To Ayahuasca

articles plant medicine Feb 17, 2020

Ayahuasca is a psychedelic brew that is made from the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub and with the stalks of the banisteriopsis caapi vine. It is used in Northern South America and Brazil as a sacred brew for religious and spiritual communities. A lot of people today go on retreat so they can take ayahuasca as a way to open their minds, heal trauma and addictions and some just want to have the experience.

How it is Made

A shaman is an experienced healer who will make the ayahuasca brew and lead the ayahuasca ceremonies. They clean and smash the banisteriopsis caapi vine before they boil it so they can get all the medicinal components. They then prepare the brew by boiling the leaves of plants in water. When the shaman is happy with how the brew is, they will remove the water and keep it so just the plant material is left behind. This process will be repeated until it is a highly concentrated liquid. Then it is cooled and strained to remove anything that shouldn’t be...

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The 6 Stages of Disease According to Ayurvedic Medicine

Two people walk into a health clinic; one is an elderly man of 72. He is a tall and thin man with naturally fair skin, his hands and feet are often cold, at night his mind races and he suffers insomnia, he tends to have dry skin and his hair has always been thin and fine, his digestion is typically very sensitive. He’s at the Doctors office today for a skin outbreak that is itchy and red.

The other individual is in her early forties; she has what might be called a medium or athletic build, tends to have oilier skin, a strong appetite, a quick temper, and is hungry often. She is also at the doctor today for a rash that is red and itchy.

In a modern Western medical clinic and the doctor diagnoses both patients with eczema and prescribes both patients with the same steroid cream- a solution that does not address cause but causes the rash to go away, at least temporarily.

Stories like this are familiar to those of us in the west or, indeed, the westernized and modern world in...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Ginseng

The word Ginseng comes from the Chinese name “renshen” which literally translates to ‘man root.” It is thought to have been given this name because the root of the plant looks like the legs of a human. Ginseng is any of 11 different varieties of short, slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots. It is believed to restore and enhance normal well-being and has become one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world today.

It has some absolutely incredible uses! It is a powerful energy provider, stimulating physical and mental activity among those who are weak and tired. A Mayo Clinic study revealed ginseng showed good results in helping cancer patients with fatigue. It also is said to improve thinking ability and mental cognition. While this has been an ancient claim, it has yet to have any substantial support from rigorous studies today.

This plant has seven constituents, ginsenosides, which have immunosuppressive effects, according to an experiment...

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Spirit Science 32 ~ A Brief History of Psychedelics

This episode explores an overview of the history of psychedelics and was made as a part of a team project with Collective Evolution.

The first recorded use of psychedelics doesn’t exist because it stretches way too far back in time, so many theories surrounding when and how the first usage actually was. Terence Mckenna is the pioneer of many psychedelic theories she first brought forth the theory that early prehistoric man found psychedelic mushrooms and began conceiving things in a new way.

Many ancient cave drawings depict almost identical images of humanoids with geometric waves shooting out of their heads, and even people with mushroom heads. There is still debate for when the first psychedelics were used, but the first concrete evidence points to hemp cultivation as early as 8,000 BC in Taiwan.

Then in 4,000 BC, there is evidence of the amanita mushroom being used by shamans in Siberia and in 3,000 BC ayahuasca was used in the Amazon jungles.

While widely debated, it is...

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Spirit Science ~ Cannabis

Hey there everyone! As you might be aware, Canada just legalized cannabis! As residents of this country, the Spirit Science crew felt there was no better time to make a video all about it!

Appearing in ancient and historical references throughout time, the benefits and practical uses of Cannabis seem to be limitless. From healing to athletic conditioning, see how this original medicine’s resilience has continued to influence our society.

It’s really important that we discuss all of the aspects of cannabis, the positive and the negative, the challenges and the solutions. More importantly, it’s time that we changed the stereotypes around cannabis, what it’s used for, and why.

Historically, Cannabis has been used to provide a wide variety of things, from practical uses like fabrics, ropes and textiles, all the way to medicine and a psychoactive spiritual tool. As civilization spread across the world, cannabis often came with them, and even at the dawn of the...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Aloe Vera

The Aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for its diverse healing properties. It grows all over the world, primarily in tropical climates. The usage of aloe dates all the way back to ancient Egypt, and even earlier. Aloe is mostly made of water so it’s perfect for things like:

Burns, bug bites, scrapes, blisters, and other skin irritations.

Extracts of aloe are also found in many commercial products to help with moisturization.

One of the many uses of Aloe is that it can help heal acne scars by moisturizing then naturally tightening the skin pores. It can also be bought as a liquid to add to your drinks. Doing this helps create a slippery substance in your intestines which helps push food through and into waste. It can be added to an enema to have the same effect, just from the other end. If you buy an actual plant, you can cut off the leaves and sort of skin them, using the gooey insides for smoothies or even in different food recipes.

If you’re experiencing...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Amber

Amber may look like a gemstone, but it is actually a fossilized tree sap.

It became widely known thanks to the film Jurassic Park, in which dinosaur DNA was preserved inside of a mosquito inside of some Amber, and harnessed to recreate them in the modern world.

Historically, many Archaeologists have found beautifully carved pieces of it in Graves dating back to 2000 BC and before. In fact, many of the artifacts made from amber did have insects within them. These were probably thought to have magical virtues, as they were carved into talismans, worn to ensure safe and abundant hunting.

The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Phoenicians held it in very high esteem. They believed it to cure just about everything as well as to protect the wearer from all harm.

The Greeks were the first to make note of Amber’s ability to hold static electricity when rubbed, this is reflected in the name they gave it, Elektron, the word ‘electricity’ is derived from this original term for used...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a unique type of vinegar made from apples. The first recorded use of vinegar dates back to around 5000 BC, when the Babylonians used date palms to make wine and vinegar as food preservers or pickling agents. Since then, we have used vinegar for a variety of things, from salad dressings to a chemical-free house cleaner!

It is incredibly acidic, its main ingredient is Acetic acid, but what’s so magical about this liquid is that it alkalizes your body upon consumption, even though it’s very acidic, to begin with. When your body digests ACV, it gets oxidized and turns alkaline. This can help your body shift from being acid-based to alkaline-based, which is very useful for those switching to a more plant-based diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar has become extremely popular over the past few years, especially in the health-conscious communities. Many studies show its alkalizing nature can greatly help our bodies, especially if our PH balance is too acidic.


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Everyday Magical Things ~ Arrowroot

Arrowroot is not technically a plant, but actually a starch that can be readily obtained from the roots of numerous different plants.

This nutrient-dense starch has been very valuable to a number of indigenous cultures dating back more than 7000 years, and today still remains an important and effective remedy for many health conditions.

One of its most common uses is being a food thickener and is an excellent ingredient in baby formula, rather than other less nutritious forms of starch.

Arrowroot contains significant levels of copper and iron. Together, these minerals make arrowroot very good for preventing anemia, which is characterized by weakness, fatigue, and cognitive disorders. If you find yourself to be a bit underweight or get dizzy easily when you stand up, definitely consider looking into some arrowroot!

Furthermore, by increasing circulation, you encourage oxygenation of your body’s organ systems and extremities, which can boost energy levels. High concentrations...

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