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Energy Healing Techniques 

Have you ever thought of trying out energy healing? Whenever you feel like you are down in the dumps or feel worried about something you are not sure of, it takes a significant toll on your energy. 

While various healing methods are available today, having your energy healing tools will enable you to find healing independently. Because everyone gets exposed to various energies as they go about each day, they can sometimes absorb even the negative ones. 

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a traditional system to help restore balance and health to the body. The same healing system allows the free flow of energy throughout the mind, body, and soul. This technique works well with the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of a person's well-being.

Did you know that energy healing can also be used to treat numerous physical health conditions? When it comes to your mental health, this is the kind of technique that can help you get control back.


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How To Maintain A Spiritual Perspective When Stressed

How do you maintain your ease and composure during stressful situations? Being spiritual all the time can be quite challenging, especially when everyone around expects you to always be at your best. 

In between tasks for work and responsibilities at home, it can be quite easy to lose that cultivated spirituality mindset that you have set for yourself. The stress of what is going on around you also has its toll on your spiritual wellness. There's no doubt how stress can make anyone lose their balance mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But does it always have to?

How Do You Maintain Spirituality In Stressful Situations?

How do you provide yourself with spiritual help while you're dealing with stress? It takes a lot of courage to keep your calm amidst a crisis. But what is even more encouraging is your desire to learn how to improve spiritual wellness

So how do you maintain your spirituality during the most stressful times? Here are some tips to get...

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Three Signs Of A Free-Spirited Person

What is your idea of a free-spirited person? More often than not, people associate them with the hippies and other types of new-age stereotypes. But is a free spirit as simple as that? Or is there something more to them than meets the eye?

free-spirited woman is something of a different nature entirely. She is someone who doesn't play games by the rules, just because other people say they should. They go out of their way to do the things that they want. 

The symbol of a free spirit is someone who thinks and acts for themselves. It is remarkably rare as most people would prefer to stick by the rules of the norm. Free spirit characteristics mean it is not bound by any particular doctrine or group.

They live on their terms. 

What Does It Mean To Be Free-Spirited?

What does it mean to become free-spirited? Living a free-spirited life means not residing within the bounds of a particular doctrine. These people do not make decisions based on what...

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The Effects Of Imagination On Our Health

When you were a child, you had an active imagination. It was without boundaries. One moment, you were a pirate sailing through the dangerous seas in the bathtub. The next minute, you were the princess that needed to be saved from the tallest tower of a magnificent castle. 

Back then, your daydreams were not confined with the limitations set by reality. However, as a person grows older, their imagination slowly dwindles. And it all begins when every adult they know tells them it was crazy to think of things "unimaginable."

The sad part of it all is that every child was told that holding on to their imagination was silly or stupid, especially as they grew older. Instead, they were taught to see things from the perspective of what was real. 

While people can survive life without their imaginations, and we do need to be grounded in reality, the power of imagination certainly brings positive effects to a person's psychology. Even though it seems imagination does...

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Tips To Stay Grounded

The world health crisis has affected people in so many different ways. Not only has it halted a lot of activities that people used to enjoy, but it has people evaluating their lives. Some have even wondered if their lifestyle can even fit into the “new normal.” 

Indeed, this pandemic has put the world in a state of caution and fear. The uncertainty it brings has caused many people to feel anxious about what the future will be like. It has challenged even the most grounded and practical people, so even they are unsure. 

While everyone is affected by the pandemic in similar ways, everybody reacts to the stress differently. Not only is it a substantial global health emergency, but some people have also realized they were suffering on a personal level too. 

Everyone wishes something could be done to stop the spread of the disease so that everything could go back to the way it was. But then again, the truth hits people hard on the face. You...

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How To Save The Planet While Going To The Bathroom

Written by Joe G. Santos

Climate change has been the hottest topic of the past few decades. Despite hearing of all the horrible ways we are causing this global phenomenon, the effort to correct our environmental mistakes is still disproportionate to the time we have before the consequences aggravate even more. As the years go by, we keep observing unexpected fires, extinctions, floods, etc. Still, if you are reading this text, you are likely already very familiar with all of these events that seem to come directly from the Bible's Revelations. Watching all of that happen can be heartbreaking, and with the gravity of all these occurrences, we can often feel small and powerless. Although these feelings are valid and help us empathize with our unconditionally loving Mother Earth, they are no more than helpful illusions. This heartache is simply a tool used to motivate us to make a change. In truth, we bear so much power that it is often hard for us to comprehend it. When we accept the...

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3 Spiritual Growth Tips For A Healthier Life

How do you take care of your spiritual health? While everyone knows the importance of spiritual wellness, most only take it for granted, thinking that it will heal on its own. Brushing away spiritual concerns will only lead to problems in the long run. 

Before you know it, the many times you ignored wellness tips are causing havoc in your professional and personal lives. 

What Does It Mean To Feel Lost?

There comes a time in every person’s life when they feel lost. These are the times they feel like nothing that they do is right. They feel like they are purposeless and that their life has no meaning.

Have you ever felt this way? Or do you feel this way right now? If you do, there’s no need to worry. You are not alone, as everyone has gone through something similar. 

The sheer thought of your existence makes you wonder if the people you care about care for you at all. You are compelled to seek redemption, some kind of relief, comfort, or...

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The Healing Power Of Quartz


What do you know about quartz? While these beautiful stones are known for their clear quartz properties, they are more than just decorative pieces. You may choose to wear it as an accessory, but be prepared to bask in its healing power.

Many have done their research about various quartz properties. Each time, something new about these crystals has been discovered. Can quartz be used for healing?

Discovering The Beauty Of A Quartz Crystal

With all the different minerals found on earth, the quartz crystal is the second most abundant. Scientifically, this crystal is made up of oxygen atoms and silicon. Its chemical formula is SiO2, which can be present in many different forms. 

Quartz is common to clusters, rocks, double-terminating points, single points, singing crystals, and many other things. It is also a crystal commonly combined with other materials such as the lithium quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, etc.

It is like quartz is commonly used in so...

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3 Interesting Ways To Help You Focus And De-Stress

How do you deal with daily distractions and find focus? How do you help yourself cope with the demands of the times, juggling responsibilities in the office and at home? These things can leave you feeling stressed, not knowing which one to deal with first. 

Whenever it feels all too overwhelming that you can no longer finish a simple task, do not fret because you are not alone. In truth, when you read a "how to cope with stress" essay, you will realize that practically everyone deals with distractions and stress. 

Learning the various strategies for managing stress in the workplace may be one of the most intelligent moves you can make for yourself. Not only are you learning how to deal with stress, but you are teaching yourself how to enjoy life to the fullest. 

When you're armed with valuable knowledge, there is nothing that you cannot do. 

What Does It Mean To Be Distracted?

Distracted thinking means your mind is left wandering and thinking about...

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Four Quick Tips For Better Sleep

Better sleep is natural to achieve. Whether we perceive that we are getting perfect sleep right now or not, there are simple things that we can do before bedtime that is guaranteed to communicate to your bodies that the time for rest is upon us.

Getting better sleep is not complicated and not necessarily expensive. We don't necessarily need to purchase highly technical equipment or upgrade our bedroom. We can do straightforward things to work WITH our body's natural functions that will make our night's rest deeper and more effective.

Eat Dinner Earlier

Your body needs sleep, so if you eat your food close to bedtime, your body will continue to digest it and, in essence, not be as restful as it could be. It uses and releases energy into your system while the conscious you are attempting to allow the body to rest. There is a conflict here.

Take A Cold Shower

Your skin is an organ, the largest organ in your body—coolness signals to this organ the messages that are associated with...

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