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Finding Your Inner Beauty

Do you consider yourself beautiful? While others may say that true beauty is internal, there is no denying how much the modern world has emphasized an individual's outer beauty. From cosmetics to beauty regimens, there are practically thousands of products out there that can help make you feel and look beautiful. 

The digital age seems to have instilled in us that beauty is something instant and shallow. It is reduced merely to what is physical that people are no longer concerned about what inner beauty is all about. Comparing one's self to another has become the norm. 

It's instantaneous enough that people scroll down their feed and begin to compare their lives to others. They start to see that others are happier than or more beautiful than them. The concept of beauty has become so strict who don't fall under one category find it hard to appreciate themselves. 

When Do You Achieve Real Beauty?

There is a saying that says, "Beauty is skin deep," but how...

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The Powerful Magic Of Tea

There is a special kind of magic that comes with every cup of tea. It's a kind of tea magic that the ancient Chinese practices believe in. For hundreds of years, the Chinese tradition believed in the healing power of tea. 

While the magic teapot may bring a cure to various illnesses, it is also something deliciously enjoyed during the afternoons. While people observe life as it happens before them, a good cup of tea makes them remember all the good things that have happened to them. 

But did you know that tea is also used for magical purposes? Back then, it was referred to as tea magic, and the practice is slowly gaining popularity in modern times. With the practice of witchcraft and the magic in every teacup, simple recipes can be made to bring about desired results. 

Tea Magic And Money

Who does not wish they had more money? Everyone hopes to get better luck in life. While most people say that every success entails hard work,...

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Unblock Your Chakras And Reduce Depression

Did you know that more than 350 million people all over the world suffer from depression? What's worse is that this number could be representative of a portion of all those who are suffering in silence. 

The stigma associated with mental health illnesses like depression has made people afraid to speak of how they feel. They have become too scared to seek help because they do not want to be judged or told that their issues are not real. 

Since feelings of depression make you question who you are and what you can do, it is essential for people to properly care for themselves. The good practice of self-care will kick out all the negativity in life that brings depression with it. 

How can you take care of yourself? The best place to start is in your chakras. 

What Are The Chakras?

The chakras in your body are the points in your body that are aligned from head to toe. This is where energy is believed to flow. When one of these chakras is blocked, the...

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How To Harmonize Your Mind, Body, And Spirit


When you think about improving your health, what's the first thing that comes to mind? You may think about cutting down on your calorie intake. Perhaps you plan to sign up for that yoga class you've seen advertised. 

Diet and exercise are the first two things that people look into when improving their health. Very little attention is given to their mental health. People keep overlooking the fact that their body and their mind are interconnected to each other.

This means that the mind, body, and spirit can only be healthier if all three are given proper attention. When one is neglected, no matter how good the other two are, the bad will always influence the two good ones. 

Whenever you think about the mind, body, and spirit connection, always keep in mind that all these are components of who you are. When you seek treatment for one, you need to be able to treat the other two as well. 

Discovering The Importance Of Harmonious Living

Have you wanted...

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Enhance Your Spiritual Connection Through These Aromatherapy Oils

Everyone has become an advocate of using all-natural substances in almost anything and everything that we do. From house cleaning products to self-care products, everyone is raving about all-natural and organic materials.

Perhaps a friend or two has talked to you about incorporating essential oils into your daily routine. They speak with a kind of conviction, considering how it has changed their life for the better. Some may even recommend that you use a particular essential oil to target a specific ailment or need. 

With all the many uses of essential oils, are there also such things as spiritual oils? Can the use of aromatherapy oils help in establishing and keeping an excellent spiritual connection?

Can Essential Oils Help With Spiritual Therapy?

There is an essential oil for energy, there is a balance essential oil, there are those that help you deal with stress, and even more that help you fight off sickness. More importantly, some oils help in one's...

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You're Sitting Wrong—Fix That Pain In Your Back

Have you been complaining about back pain? While some people may say that back pains are a part of the aging process, it should not be brushed aside.

When you feel lower back pain when standing or sitting, it means that there is something wrong with your body, and you need help. When you are used to sitting and developing a posture like that of a sitting stick, you shouldn't be surprised about your back pain. 

Sitting is certainly hard on the body. If you've been sitting too long, you need to move, stretch your arms, bend a little, and practice the right postures as often as you can throughout the day. 

It can be quite hard to think about how sitting can be bad for the body because people never see it that way. Especially now, when everyone is working from home, people are starting to realize how painful it is to be seated the whole day.  

If you keep thinking that there's nothing wrong about your sitting position or sitting on a stool and ...

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Intermittent Fasting: Weight Loss And Heart Health

Have you heard about intermittent fasting? It's an eating plan that is slowly gaining popularity among health enthusiasts because it has helped many people lose weight. The basic idea is that you make a switch between fasting and eating healthy on a regular schedule.

While intermittent fasting may sound like a 24-hour fast weight loss program, it can help reverse some lifestyle diseases and improve heart health. But how is it done? Is it safe for everyone? 

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Most diet plans tell you what to eat and what not to eat, but intermittent fasting changes the name of the game. It's a diet plan that tells you when to eat what you want to eat. 

When you follow an intermittent fasting schedule, you are allowed to eat what you want within a given time frame. Intermittent fasting results in 2 weeks are usually astounding, and you'll be glad to know you tried it for yourself. 

Fasting means not eating for a certain...

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Three Yoga Poses For Detoxification 

The beginning of every year is when people feel the strongest need for detox yoga. After they have indulged in treats during the holidays, people feel like they need to practice detox to clean themselves from the inside out. 

But in truth, everyone could benefit from doing a detox every now and again. The New Year is not the only time you can improve your bodily systems. Several yoga postures for digestion are beneficial and help the body to cope with all the stress brought about by the celebrations. 

The New Start To A Good Life

Your body has its way of coping with the stress that you experience daily. The pressure that you feel in the office and the stress of your responsibilities at home, all contribute to the unhealthy environment you put yourself in. 

At any given time, whether it is the New Year or not, your body has its way of telling you that it needs a bit of fine-tuning. Often, it begins when you start to feel bloated and a bit...

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Surprising Ways To Beat Stress And Become Strong-Minded

How do you deal with stress? Every person has their way of coping with stress. Some people choose to eat their hearts out. Others engage in exercises to calm the mind

How you deal with stress says a lot about your personality. It tells people the kind of coping mechanism you have and gives them a hint of how strong-minded you are. If you had the chance, what kind of stress coping technique would you try?

What Is Stress?

Stress is the feeling that one gets when they find themselves under a lot of pressure. This type of pressure can come in many forms for various sources. An increased workload, a dirty kitchen, toys on the floor, or an argument with a colleague—all of these can cause stress. 

What's worse is that when you have to deal with more than one of these at the same time. The cumulative stressors could only make you suffer even more. How does your body respond to it?

Every person responds to stress differently. Some of its...

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Is Hallucinogenic Therapy Effective?

Have you heard of hallucinogenic therapy? In the1950s, psychedelic drugs like LSD took the market by storm. It was not surprising because it was one of the few treatments available back then for mental health. It was a significant step in seeing nature's effects on the body.

More than that, studies show—like the one by the Beckley Foundation on the effects of psilocybin on depression—that hallucinogens are an effective alternative treatment for various mental health problems. Experts have shown that hallucinogenic drugs can help people deal with their mental health concerns.

Sadly, twenty years after it was first introduced, hallucinogenic treatments were stalled in the 1970s. The large part of it was because psychedelic drugs developed a bad reputation. 

People began to see it as a form of recreational drugs, although the legal psychedelics practice believed the drugs were beneficial to the public. However, the federal government...

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