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Date Night Done Right: Harnessing the Power of the Masculine

This article is intended for those in a relationship that is markedly balanced between masculine and feminine, and likely most useful for those in a monogamous relationship.  The article speaks to the masculine in the relationship.

We are very comfortable pouring our creative energy into our work or art, but there is an opportunity for expansion in focusing that same energy into our relationship with the feminine.

We tend to see the date night as 1) a stand-alone event that is separated from the rest of the relationship and that 2) is something that derives its power from the experience, not the sustained feeling of it. This is a problem because it separates things in the bond between two people and attracts in the idea of playing inauthentic roles to each other. It also gives the power away to the experience and is not dynamic nor sustainable (if it is only about WHAT you do on a date night, things will get stale fast, and you will both be looking for...

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Top 3 Benefits of Meditation for Parents

It may be easy to think that morning meditation is only done by spiritual people. But parents can actually benefit from meditating. With so many things going on in our lives as parents, we end up feeling stressed and worn-out. How many times have we found ourselves at the point of breaking down? Being a parent is very challenging, that’s why it’s important to find a way to take care of our mental and emotional well-being. 

Meditation and other mindfulness activities can help to clear your mind and focus on the present. If you’re always worried and anxious, you can try meditating for a few minutes each day. You’ll start to notice that you are able to think more clearly and that you have this sense of calm within you. It’s because meditation can teach you to be mindful of what you’re feeling and thinking of. There are many benefits to mediation, especially for parents. 

But first, what is meditation, and how do you do it?


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Why and How To Actually Be Present With Your Loved Ones

Shifting into becoming truly present with family and friends happens when someone either comprehends the magnitude of the importance of this relative to their life from a macro view and/or experiences sustained joy and pleasure in their life from applying presence to their relationships with their loved ones.

The problem is that work-life can be the overwhelming perspective one takes. The achievement of things - the outputs of the processes - can be the focus, and when this is so strongly brought into your awareness, simply being simple becomes more foreign. The solution is to tie these things together - work-life and life-life - and see them not as separate activities but as the same activity in different contexts.

Home-life supports work-life. Work-life supports home-life. They are interrelated to each other. However, the home-life must be solid for the work-life to be solid. The home-life is not dependent on the work-life to be solid in the same way. The key is to see the...

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How to Heal a Broken Heart

Maybe you’re in a situation right now where you tell yourself, “I am heartbroken.” While you may think that this love breakup is the worst of its kind, take comfort in the fact that all of us experience this kind of hurt at least once in our lives. Perhaps you’re going through your first heartbreak, or you’re in the midst of a troublesome divorce. The end of a relationship is painful.

Your distress, anguish, and other intense emotions are natural. You just lost someone you’ve felt deep feelings for, and you may think that your world is never going to be the same. But know that you will bounce back. You may not believe it right now, but this pain will help you become a stronger individual. Take this time to focus on yourself. And to help you heal your broken heart, here are some steps to get you started. 

Feel the emotions but don’t dwell

Suppressed emotions have their way of popping out somewhere along the way. You may think that by...

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5 Ways to Say NO Without Offending Someone

If you repeat only one positive affirmation to yourself today, let it be this: I will say ''yes'' to my ''NO!'

How could two such inconspicuous letters come together to create such chaos? 

Others may request your time, energy, or resources. When the needs or desires of others align with your own, the agreement comes easily. But when the time, place, or person isn't in sync, you must find a diplomatic way to say 'no.' 

Navigating 'no' can be tricky in a sea of easily offended co-workers, family members, or friends. Before we dive into some strategies to decline a request with grace, let's explore the benefits;

Benefits of Saying 'No'

Boundaries: Boundaries are essential in maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself or anyone else, for that matter. We all walk around with an invisible bubble that defines what is us and what is not us. When it comes to how we choose to spend our time and energy, the same concept applies. If someone's request or offer will cause you to...

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4 Tips for Being in a Loving Relationship With a Pisces

So you think you might be falling for a beautiful, whimsical Pisces? Play your cards right, and a relationship with a Pisces can be a fulfilling and intimate connection like no other. Pisceans are creative, compassionate, sensitive, and loving beings.  

Symbolized by the image of two fish positioned head to tail, this sign embodies the complex interplay between heaven and earth, life, and death. Like the aquatic symbol, those born under this sign tend to be mysterious, complex, and concerned with the nature of life beyond the mundane surface level.

To love a Pisces well, you will need to be aware of their deeply spiritual, go-with-the-flow tendencies and their need for positive attention and affection, tempered with enough space to be themselves.  Here are four tips for being in a loving relationship with a Pisces:

1) Appreciate their Visionary Nature:  If your past relationships have centered around Netflix series and nights out at the bar, you may find yourself...

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Transform your Relationship by Learning Nonviolent Communication

"I'm tired of this! You never help without being asked. I always have to nag you to get you to do any housework. You make me feel like a maid!" I fumed as I relayed my anger and hurt for what felt like the thousandth time. It wasn't the only thing about which we fought. Finances, disciplining our child, and the list could go on. My husband left the room irritated and dismayed, and I retired to the bedroom alone, feeling guilty, frustrated, and quite frankly, hopeless.

As a self-help and do-it-myself enthusiast, I had already spent years focusing on improving myself and my life. Yet through no amount of books or classes had I thus far been able to get myself to change my habitual behavior. I felt utterly trapped in negative cycles of relating to the people I loved the most. Blaming, ranting, bargaining. These communication tactics always resulted in me feeling guilty and disappointed. Nothing changed from these interactions, and my self-regard was damaged. The...

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