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What You Need To Know About Karma And Its Principles

What is the law of karma? How much do you know about it? Karma is defined by action. The basic principle that surrounds the idea of karma is this: your action is always equivalent to a reaction. Whatever it is you choose to do, you will have to deal with the equal consequences that come with it. 

The principles behind karma may lean towards the spiritual aspects of life, but it comes with a scientific counterpart. Its idea is much like Newton’s Law of Motion. This law states that for every action, there is always an equal but opposite reaction. 

The karma theory, on the other hand, believes that if you let negative emotions take over you, negative energy will come running back your way too.

What Facts Do You Need To Know About Karma?

The theory of karma comes with its own set of principles, similar to the 12 Laws of the Universe. Here are some of them that you should know:

The great law of karma

This is also known as the law of cause and effect....

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3 Techniques To Overcome Distraction And Refocus Yourself

You’ve already imagined it; today is going to be a productive day. You’ll finally finish your tasks and get it all over with. As you turn your computer on, you look at your to-do list and see everything you have to get done neatly spread before you. You feel optimistic because it’s only nine in the morning, and you have the whole day ahead. But you start receiving emails that seem urgent, so you tell yourself that you’ll reply to the emails first and then get on with the tasks. 

Just when you’re about to finish, your colleague comments on the latest news, so you get curious and Google it. You spend the next ten minutes browsing through different news websites and get sucked into the world of celebrity gossip. The next thing you know, your coworkers are inviting you to join them for lunch. The whole morning has passed without you being able to do anything productive. 

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? It could be television, social...

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How Quitting Can Get You To The Next Level

Quitting is a word often associated with negativity and failure. In fact, it is one of the things you were taught not to do when you were young. Your parents told you never to quit on something you started working on. Finish what you started and try your best to do a great job.

But there is another kind of quitting that actually helps. It is the kind that leads you in the right direction. When you find yourself drowning in addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, the best decision to take on is to quit.

Quitting at this time is the first brave step to take when you want to get over an addiction. Teaching yourself how to quit drugs is easier said than done. It takes a lot of courage, self-discipline, and hard work to fully realize that quitting drugs and alcohol should have been your priority from the beginning.

Why Did You Get Addicted?

Whatever you may be addicted to–drugs, alcohol, smoking, or gambling–all of them are dangerous for you. In truth,...

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Facing The Root Cause Of Your Fear

What could be causing all your problems? While it may be easy to say that it’s just pure bad luck, the truth is that people deal with so many issues because they have allowed their fears to control them.

While it may not always be evident how debt, procrastination, and relationship problems are related to fear, somehow, it seems every problem is rooted in dealing with it.

Teach yourself how to overcome fear in life, and you will have a fuller existence. But where do you begin? How do you start telling yourself to go on and do what makes you happy?

Fear is everywhere, but your source of comfort could come from anywhere too. When you teach yourself to be fearless, you open yourself up to more opportunities for growth and learning. In the long run, you will benefit from overcoming those fears and teaching yourself to be more open.

What Are You So Afraid Of?

Your fear has prevented you from doing the things that make your soul soar. To begin dealing with...

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3 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt With Increased Motivation

Are you trying to find the motivation to clean your house? Or perhaps you wish you had the will to get up and start working on your weight loss plans. While it may not seem a big deal, the lack of motivation for these personal projects could prevent you from reaching your goals. 

Getting to the bottom of how to overcome self-doubt should be the first step to increasing your motivation. Whether you have difficulty finishing a task or starting one, you have to understand why you are struggling. You need to work on developing a plan to help motivate yourself to keep going. 

And yet, you have to consider that not all strategies could work for everyone. You have to develop a confidence mantra that could work for you and your situation.

Why Do You Lack Motivation?

Sometimes, the lack of confidence to do something is the problem in itself. There are other times when this lack of confidence is only a symptom of a much bigger problem. 


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Change Everything By Changing Your Mindset (No BS)

Your mindset is the window to how your mind works. It is how you view yourself, your experiences, and the world. Your mindset is not just your opinion. It is putting your core beliefs into something with more perspective. It creates a massive influence on how you do things, how you perceive them, and practically how you go through life.

Mindset is everything, and it is wherever everything that you do begins. 

What Can A Positive Mindset Do?

Did you know that a positive view of aging could reduce at least eight years from your actual age? It is not just about looking or feeling younger, and it is about wanting to pursue more. It will encourage you to engage in healthier options

So instead of indulging in unhealthy snacks, you are likely to go for something all-natural and healthy like a garden salad for dinner, or celery and carrots for snacks. A positive mindset could also make you want to exercise more. The focus is not just to lose weight, but to...

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How To Stop Yourself From Being Judgmental

We’d love to think that we’re good people all the time and that we don’t easily make judgments about others. However, we are imperfect beings who do not have full control of what we think or say. We may try our best to be good, but at some point, we’re terribly flawed, and at times, it shows when it comes to how we think about other people.

Why do we judge others, and how do we stop ourselves from doing this? The truth about judgmentalism is that it’s one of the reasons why we can’t feel whole. It’s a big obstacle because we entertain negative thoughts and feelings that poison our system. Always judging people does nothing good for us. The best way to combat this is to learn the beauty of accepting others for who they are. 

What Does It Mean To Be Judgmental?

If you’re a judgmental individual, you think, speak, and act in ways that are always condemning and critical. This person is one who always...

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Expand Yourself And Your Gifts With Unbendable Courage

Imagine if you had the extraordinary power to make everyone happy with a particular song that you love to sing. 

Would you sing all day long? 

Or would you only sing the song when the majority of those who are listening to you are sad? If you choose to only sing at times when you feel like the world needs it, not only are you robbing the world of the comfort of hearing you sing, you are narrowing the range of people that you can help because you are not willing to share the gift given to you. 

How much of your life do you live for others? Have you ever wondered how to expand yourself in order to help others? 

In the past, you were too worried about how you could achieve your dreams. You wondered how else you could improve your personal life so that you could live comfortably. What you could do for others always took a back seat. 

But now you’re thinking, how do you turn those special gifts of yours into gifts for others? 


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3 Ways To Develop A Flexible Mind

What does it mean to have a flexible mind? When you often find yourself frustrated or disappointed because things are not going your way, then you may need to learn about developing flexibility. The flexibility that we're talking about is the ability to shift from one task to accommodate another. It is also about your ability to handle a number of thought processes at a particular time. Do you have difficulties practicing flexible thinking? If you do, then read along so you'll learn about how to develop a flexible mind. 

What Is A Flexible Mind?

Imagine your brain as a kind of muscle. When you use it more and challenge it, our minds become more flexible and can easily adjust to changes or new situations. We can be more flexible to change if we're more willing to get out of our comfort zones and expose ourselves to challenges. The more we practice and expose ourselves to new things, then we can become even more creative and resilient, which, in turn,...

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Accept That Life Is Uncontrollable

Do you ever notice the many areas of your life that you try to control? Starting from what time you wake up, how many calories you consume, how much you should spend in a month, and other plans, you try so hard to control your life. However, deep inside, we know that we can only do so much to control what’s happening. Maybe that’s why we try so hard, but something always frustrates us. Don’t you think it’s time to accept that life is uncontrollable?

The Truth About Control

No matter how neatly we try to organize and schedule our days, there’s always something that will pop up that’s not on our list. You may not have planned on buying a new smartphone yet, but your child threw yours in the bathtub. What are you supposed to do, right? That’s going to take some adjustment on your finances because our phones are among the vital tools we use every day, and you need a replacement soon. It’s crucial to have that space in your life where you...

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