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Top Healing Meditation Instruments You Should Know

How can sound therapy help you? While you may hear different sounds every day, not all of them will heal you. The world is full of sound and noise, and you have to learn to distinguish which one is which. 

Sound healing chimes are among the most popular instruments used for sound healing, but they are not the only ones. There are so many other healing instruments that are waiting to be discovered.

Discovering The Power Of Sound In Therapy

Did you know that the sound used for therapy dates back to ancient times? While it may seem like a new age phenomenon, the truth is that sound therapy instruments have been part of the rich culture and history of many communities. 

They were used to find remedies for several illnesses. More than anything, sound therapy was used to revive the spirit to make it well again. For thousands of years, people from various cultures have turned to sound therapy to help them deal with their physical ailments, believing that...

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Dark Wall Meditation

articles meditation Sep 25, 2020

Written by Raven Jyro Felix

Originally published on The Interdimensional Imbecile, July 7, 2020.

Often in life, we come across some form of blockage, whether it is from tragedy, people not liking us, or not winning the lottery. These blockages embed themselves deep into the mind. The only way to release yourself from these blockages is to uproot them yourself. And the only way to uproot them is to venture deep into the Mariana's Trench.


One of the most overlooked things in meditation is being ready to do the meditation itself. Most will put on their headphones and then think about the ongoing day and other drama. It is time to go into the inner world, not the realm of Cheesecake Riots and Screaming. Trust me; it's a lot more peaceful and fun.

Generally, you will want to be slightly reclined if not sitting up straight. Most people tend to fall asleep when lying down as the human mind is conditioned to sleep because that's what people do when lying down.

Be away from...

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Should I Meditate For Better Productivity?

articles meditation Sep 24, 2020

Meditation improves productivity more efficiently than any other practice. Any different personal development strategy entirely unmatches the time and energy that meditation requires compared to the benefits one experiences.

Why Do People Meditate?

There are a variety of reasons people are motivated to meditate, spanning from the extremely practical and grounded immediate life benefits, to the more esoteric evolution of the sense of self. Even though we are collectively waking up to the ideas of a more balanced life and the importance of more self-love, there still exists a notion that meditation is somehow only associated with spiritual "seekers" or that it is some problematic process to attain. This could not be further from the truth. Meditation is incredibly practical, and someone needs absolutely no particular spiritual dogma to experience the benefits. Other benefits, like increased productivity, are perhaps the most drastic.

The Simple Answer Is Yes

To answer the question...

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Steps For A Proper Meditation At Home

articles meditation Sep 23, 2020

Have you ever heard of spiritual meditation before? Have you ever wondered how to start meditation? Perhaps you don’t see yourself as a spiritual person, and the thought of meditation may make you uncomfortable or bored. 

While many people start with a self-guided meditation, it still helps to consult an expert if you are not very confident about the practice. Through guided meditation, you can learn a thing or two about meditation from a person who has made it a life practice. 

More importantly, getting yourself a guide for your meditative practice will allow you to become more confident. In the long run, it will make you want to meditate more. The more you practice, the more you become good at it. 

What Is The Art Of Meditation?

Meditation is a spiritual practice that aims to train the mind, like how an exercise routine aims to help the body achieve what it wants. However, meditation practice is not the same for everyone. You have to...

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Spiritual Protection To Get Rid Of Negative Energy

Do you have a mantra to remove negative energy around you? Perhaps you have thought of this before, but never seriously. Every time, you just tell yourself that the negative is part of your life, and there is nothing you can do about it. 

One of the great teachings of Buddha is that life contains suffering. Whether it is psychological, emotional, or spiritual negativity, negative experiences dampen your spirits and make you feel helpless. 

What Does Negativity Do To You

Before you explore the possibilities on how to eliminate negativity, you must understand what it can do to you. Negativity is not just about feeling bad over something. It is not just about a feeling that’s fleeting or that you can move on from quickly. 

Negativity can put you in a dark place. It can make you feel dull and heavy. It can turn your feelings into something reactive and often defensive. Negative emotions can alter your view of the world, and it can make you feel a...

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Meditation Can Help You Fight Your Cravings, Here's How

articles meditation Sep 21, 2020

It's almost midnight, and you thought you were so tired that you'd just fall asleep. However, you are suddenly craving some chips or burgers and a big cup of soda. 

Unfortunately, this intense craving is something that a lot of people can relate to. It is like people always have this unwanted craving for junk food. Whether it is the urge to eat a piece of dessert after dinner or munching on a bag of potato chips while watching the late-night news, food cravings in the middle of the night are never good. 

If you think there is nothing you can do to avoid food temptation, you are wrong. You'd be surprised to know how this bad habit can be stopped through mindfulness and meditation. 

How Exactly Can Meditation Help?

Perhaps the first thing you want to ask is what meditation has to do with suppressing your cravings. Meditation is known to be the practice to achieve awareness. It is like bringing one's self into a state of deep peace. 

The calming of the mind allows...

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How Meditation Can Help You Stay Productive


How often have you heard people say that to be productive, you need to take care of yourself? You must have heard your family and friends giving you the same old reminder. The cliche has become a part of the positivity mindset. 

And yet, taking some time off for yourself is easier said than done. With all the responsibilities that you have, it can be quite challenging to focus your mind on something beautiful in your life. 

Between all the chores at home and the deadlines you have to meet for work, you struggle to keep your life together. What others call “me time” is just an afterthought on your end. 

Now more than ever, it can be quite hard to know how to have a productive day, and you need to do something about it. Luckily, meditation can help you find the inner peace that will make you struggle less. 

Discovering The Beauty Of Meditation

The process of meditation is straightforward. It is an effective method to help...

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How And Why To Practice Unconditional Love

articles meditation Sep 14, 2020

All is Love. Love is all. UNCONDITIONAL love.

Take a moment. Let us each sit with this very basic concept. There NOTHING but love. Love is more fundamentally the choice than it is the results of the choice.

Love is not something that you can negotiate away from. It is an essential component of life, and of consciousness.

  • Love of self
  • Love of all
  • Love of all people
  • Love of all things
  • Love of all stories
  • Love of all experiences. UN-CONDITIONAL LOVE. No conditions.

Unconditional love is not just love with a capital L. It is not just another emotion to work on:

  • Yesterday I worked on empathy.
  • Today I am working on joy.
  • Tomorrow, I’ll start thinking about working on unconditional love.

Unconditional love is THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL aspect of your reality that you experience in every moment.

Or rather, the degree to which you place conditions upon your already-existing abundant unconditional love source IS the degree to which you distort your experience away from that which your...

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Meditation: I AM Presence

articles meditation Sep 13, 2020

When I say those words ~ I AM Presence ~ I mean them, I feel them, they are true.  This is not just a concept.  You may access your I AM presence by expressing that intention, through words of the mouth or ideas of the mind, and then bringing along the feeling of its truth into your being.  You choose your reality.  This means you chose what you know, and what you feel.

If you want to feel a certain way, you may use tools in order to accomplish this.  You may project thoughts into your mind.  You have programmed yourself to …

Or, if you have an intimate knowledge and connection with your energy centers, you may simply activate them directly with your intention.

Feeling the chakras and their connection to your emotions.

  • Root Chakra
    • When you feel grounded, connected to your body and to the earth, you feel the energy in your legs, feet, hands, and in your body totality.  You FEEL GOOD putting your feet in sand, or in the earth, or in cool...
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Meditation: Seeing Without The Eyes

articles meditation Sep 12, 2020

Thoughts are the projection upon the projection screen.  They are ideas being energized by light into an image in your mind.


If there is a projection, then where is the projector?

If there is a projector, then how it is being operated?

If there is an operator of the projector, who is that?

Where does this intention come from?


Put in your mind any animal of your choosing.

Place that animal in your inner vision. 

See that animal.  

All I have done is projected a few auditory sounds into this reality.


Feel the similarity of receiving new information that clicks, and remembering information that you have forgotten. 

Notice the similarity of the perceived strain in trying to understand a new concept and trying to remember a memory.

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