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Are You Dreaming About an Ex? Here's What it Means!

articles lifestyle Mar 01, 2020

What does it mean to dream about your ex?  At one time or another, most of us have experienced a rendezvous with a past lover in dream-time. Sometimes the wound of a break-up is fresh, and seeing the dream boyfriend or girlfriend we've recently cut ties with can tear that wound right open again. Other times we may revisit an ex from a time deep in our past, causing us to question whether we've truly moved on.  

To wonder what such dreams are trying to tell you is only natural. These sleep-time explorations are mysterious gateways into the realms of the emotions and the psyche. While visions about breaking up or being back with an ex again could be literal, the code language of dreaming is usually metaphorical. Before we look at some specific ex dreams, let's take a quick look at the art of dream interpretation. 


 A Quick Primer on Dream Interpretation:

1) Exercise Caution with Dream Dictionaries:  Whatever dream dictionaries promise in simplicity...

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4 Tips for Being in a Loving Relationship With a Pisces

So you think you might be falling for a beautiful, whimsical Pisces? Play your cards right, and a relationship with a Pisces can be a fulfilling and intimate connection like no other. Pisceans are creative, compassionate, sensitive, and loving beings.  

Symbolized by the image of two fish positioned head to tail, this sign embodies the complex interplay between heaven and earth, life, and death. Like the aquatic symbol, those born under this sign tend to be mysterious, complex, and concerned with the nature of life beyond the mundane surface level.

To love a Pisces well, you will need to be aware of their deeply spiritual, go-with-the-flow tendencies and their need for positive attention and affection, tempered with enough space to be themselves.  Here are four tips for being in a loving relationship with a Pisces:

1) Appreciate their Visionary Nature:  If your past relationships have centered around Netflix series and nights out at the bar, you may find yourself...

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6 Greek Goddess Archetypes Every Spiritual Person Should Know

articles lifestyle Feb 22, 2020


To be a human being is to know and be complex. To be a woman in this life intensifies psychic complexity and represents another whole layer and motif of psychic nature. Most of us are familiar with the influential Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, famous for his description of what he proposed as universal human archetypes or modes of the human psyche. Two modern psychotherapists, in studying the word of Jung, Roger Woolger, and Jennifer Barker Woolger, embraced the repertoire of archetypes. These therapists translated it brilliantly into an interpretive view of the female psyche as viewed through the gamut of Greek Mythological Heroines in their book Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women's Lives."

Taking 6 major Greek Goddesses, Woolger and Barker Woolger create a six Greek Goddess archetype system that any woman can use as a tool of self-inquiry for the purpose of self-understanding and exploration. These archetypes can be used by women to tap into...

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How to Use Your Orgasm to Manifest Your Desires

articles lifestyle Feb 21, 2020


The orgasmic peak of a sexual session is one of the most pleasurable experiences of life. During orgasm, the body relaxes, the senses open, and we can enter a state of connection with our partner. Orgasm is demonstrably beneficial for physical and emotional health and can relieve life's stresses as well as tension in a relationship. With all these benefits alone, we could be satisfied. Yet, what if I told you you could take it a step further? What if you collected and focused that orgasmic energy for other purposes?

Many esoteric practices and enlightenment programs speak to the power and even the necessity of controlling and harvesting orgasmic energy for spiritual purposes. The microcosmic orbit is a Taoist Qigong exercise designed to create a closed circuit in the body. By doing this, the sexual life force is built and retained for vitality and healing. Ancient cults and mystery schools have known and cultivated the power of sexual release since antiquity. Yet a lifetime...

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6 Tips to Meeting Other Conscious Singles

articles lifestyle Feb 21, 2020


Has dating been an exciting journey for you or more of a wild runaway train? While many people call it 'the dating game,' still others lament that it has become a hopeless lineup of frogs who never turn out to be princes (or princesses). Dating can be a complicated world, and being a conscious person doesn't necessarily make it any easier.

While, as conscious people, we spend years and lifetimes refining and developing our spiritual awareness and sense of well being, taking the high road in life can often make dating uniquely challenging. Conscious folks are often aware of many dimensions of reality and have come to realize that connecting with a partner will affect their energy field and life force in an intimate way. As a conscious person, you probably won't settle for just any suitor who comes along, as you are likely to be seeking profound, authentic, and elevated relationships.

Meeting conscious singles requires openness and willingness, self-awareness, and a few skills...

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Heal your Inner Child to Attract Better Relationships

articles lifestyle Feb 18, 2020


Each of us is born exquisite, creative, and so very alive. Like a nesting doll, this essential inner nature eventually finds itself encased in layers of time, age, growth, experiences, identity, and, ultimately, adulthood.  

The inner child is a now-famous phrase describing that timeless, tender, loving, and vulnerable being we were in childhood. It is also the dynamic and true inner self who always seeks expression, connection, play, authenticity, and freedom. Sigmund Freud placed great importance on this presence within the psyche. It is one that survives within us into adulthood and throughout life.

Yet what if this inner self has suffered and not fully healed? The inner child will go to great lengths be expressed, remembered, or acted out in our adult lives and can compel us to weave patterns of dysfunction and pain into our adult relationships.


The Wounded Inner Child Wreaks Havoc on our Relationships

As we morph into this supposedly mature adult person,...

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8 Ways for Women to Use Feminine Magnetism to Manifest Money

articles lifestyle Feb 17, 2020


How would it feel if you could get more done while actually "doing" less? If you could double, even triple your income, by being more relaxed, incorporating more pleasure, and letting go of the constant "hustle til you die" grind?

It's commonly taught that to find success, whether that be with your business, your relationships, or well anything that we need to continually FORCE ourselves to do things that we don't always want to do. We glorify overdoing, overgiving, and overstressing to meet deadlines. We put force over ease, doing over non-doing, and stress over our inner fulfillment.

But how would it feel if you could let go of the stress of money running out or never having enough? If you could eliminate for good, this constant, nagging feeling of lack or never enough? 

With some simple shifts in your ENERGY, you can tap into greater financial abundance than ever before. Accessing your feminine magnetism allows you to access just that. 

Instead of being like a...

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5 Tips on How to Maintain a Conscious Relationship

articles lifestyle Feb 17, 2020

Many of us study the healing properties of crystals and keep an altar, meditation has become so commonplace that mainstream scientific institutions are presenting research to validate its personal and worldwide benefits- there are even meditation apps easily accessible, and it is uncommon to meet anyone who hasn’t at least heard of Reiki, energy healing or chakras. No doubt about it, neo-spirituality as a focus and a lifestyle has only grown in influence since the ‘free love’ days of the 60s and 70s, the popularization of yoga from the 80’s through the present, and many worldwide esoteric lineages feeling the call to disseminate knowledge for the enlightenment of humanity and the good of the earth.

Perhaps one of the last and most central spiritual practices of our generation is to turn those spiritual realizations inward to shine the light into our most cherished relationships. Just like everyday life can begin to feel mundane or even like a constant...

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5 Ways to Build Your Sexual Energy for Men

lifestyle Feb 17, 2020


I struggled with premature ejaculation and low sexual confidence for years. I avoided sexual encounters with women because I was afraid of ejaculating too quickly, and I was addicted to porn (while being too ashamed to talk about it).

At the same time, I meditated, practiced yoga, listened to spiritual talks, did nightly lucid-dream practice, played in a kirtan band, and had great girlfriends. Can you see the disconnect?

There was zero integration of sex and spirit in my life, and the concept of healthy sexual power was non-existent.

I share this with you upfront, so you know where I'm coming from, and so you know that the practices I'll share with you in this article work (I'm telling you this from personal experience, and from witnessing many men go through their sexual transformations).

If you've ever struggled with anything like this, you're not alone. No matter where you are right now, you have the opportunity to align your sex and spirit and feel sexually incredible,...

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What is the Pagan Wheel of the Year and How Do You Use It?

articles lifestyle Feb 17, 2020

When summer begins to surrender to fall, do you feel a slight melancholy watching the leaves fall and feeling warmth slipping away? When winter is in full effect and the earth seems in a deep sleep, do you also find yourself yearning for a deep and dream-filled rest? Have you noticed you feel more social in the bright and juicy months of summer? Or are you particularly more likely to deep clean your house and purge your belongings when the green buds appear on the trees, and you can open up the windows for the first time each spring?

Though our modern homes are well-equipped to protect us from the onslaught of the weather changes brought about by the seasons, we still instinctually respond to these natural transitions. Each season not only brings with it a change in weather conditions but energy unique unto itself. We feel it. We are much more like our ancestors than we may realize.  

The Pagan
Wheel of the Year

Though in our left-brained technological society, we often...

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