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Minute Faith ~ Wicca

Wicca is the most commonly known strain of New Pagan faiths, also known as Contemporary, Modern, or Neo-Paganism. It is a group of new spiritual movements influenced by or claiming to be derived from the various historical pagan beliefs of pre-modern Europe. The underlying basis surrounding all of them is that humans should live in harmony with nature.

Within Modern Paganism, there are many diverse sets of beliefs, practices, and texts, but none that are followed by them all. For this reason, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to make a claim describing what “Modern Pagans” believe. To this group, the diverse practices are considered as denominations, and further, not all members of these faiths or beliefs even self-identify themselves as Pagans, Wiccans, or what have you.

The very word Pagan was a title given to them by Catholics in the 3rd century AD when the Roman state declared them heretics and killed anyone who did not convert to Christianity. The word Pagan...

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Minute Faith ~ Yoruba Spirituality

The Faith of Yoruba is comprised of the traditional religious concepts and practices of the people found primarily in southwestern Nigeria and the adjoining parts of Benin, and Togo, commonly known as Yorubaland. It is a vibrant way of seeking inspiration and energy from deities, ancestors, and other beings so that people can live fulfilled lives. The essence of it is a divine journey to the inner self and to God-consciousness. The tenants revolve around this: Oneness with the Creative Essence brings about a wholeness in the potential of the human essence.

In the Yoruba faith, there is one supreme God, named Olodumare, also called Olorun, who is the creator of all things, and responsible for the creation and upkeep of what he has made. Yoruba is Animistic in nature, and thus many of God's creations are Spirit Deities which inhabit different aspects of life and reality. They do the supreme work of Olodumare and keep and maintain the cosmos in perfect order and harmony.

These deities...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Aloe Vera

The Aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for its diverse healing properties. It grows all over the world, primarily in tropical climates. The usage of aloe dates all the way back to ancient Egypt, and even earlier. Aloe is mostly made of water so it’s perfect for things like:

Burns, bug bites, scrapes, blisters, and other skin irritations.

Extracts of aloe are also found in many commercial products to help with moisturization.

One of the many uses of Aloe is that it can help heal acne scars by moisturizing then naturally tightening the skin pores. It can also be bought as a liquid to add to your drinks. Doing this helps create a slippery substance in your intestines which helps push food through and into waste. It can be added to an enema to have the same effect, just from the other end. If you buy an actual plant, you can cut off the leaves and sort of skin them, using the gooey insides for smoothies or even in different food recipes.

If you’re experiencing...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Amber

Amber may look like a gemstone, but it is actually a fossilized tree sap.

It became widely known thanks to the film Jurassic Park, in which dinosaur DNA was preserved inside of a mosquito inside of some Amber, and harnessed to recreate them in the modern world.

Historically, many Archaeologists have found beautifully carved pieces of it in Graves dating back to 2000 BC and before. In fact, many of the artifacts made from amber did have insects within them. These were probably thought to have magical virtues, as they were carved into talismans, worn to ensure safe and abundant hunting.

The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Phoenicians held it in very high esteem. They believed it to cure just about everything as well as to protect the wearer from all harm.

The Greeks were the first to make note of Amber’s ability to hold static electricity when rubbed, this is reflected in the name they gave it, Elektron, the word ‘electricity’ is derived from this original term for used...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a unique type of vinegar made from apples. The first recorded use of vinegar dates back to around 5000 BC, when the Babylonians used date palms to make wine and vinegar as food preservers or pickling agents. Since then, we have used vinegar for a variety of things, from salad dressings to a chemical-free house cleaner!

It is incredibly acidic, its main ingredient is Acetic acid, but what’s so magical about this liquid is that it alkalizes your body upon consumption, even though it’s very acidic, to begin with. When your body digests ACV, it gets oxidized and turns alkaline. This can help your body shift from being acid-based to alkaline-based, which is very useful for those switching to a more plant-based diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar has become extremely popular over the past few years, especially in the health-conscious communities. Many studies show its alkalizing nature can greatly help our bodies, especially if our PH balance is too acidic.


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Everyday Magical Things ~ Arrowroot

Arrowroot is not technically a plant, but actually a starch that can be readily obtained from the roots of numerous different plants.

This nutrient-dense starch has been very valuable to a number of indigenous cultures dating back more than 7000 years, and today still remains an important and effective remedy for many health conditions.

One of its most common uses is being a food thickener and is an excellent ingredient in baby formula, rather than other less nutritious forms of starch.

Arrowroot contains significant levels of copper and iron. Together, these minerals make arrowroot very good for preventing anemia, which is characterized by weakness, fatigue, and cognitive disorders. If you find yourself to be a bit underweight or get dizzy easily when you stand up, definitely consider looking into some arrowroot!

Furthermore, by increasing circulation, you encourage oxygenation of your body’s organ systems and extremities, which can boost energy levels. High concentrations...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Art

Art is something that is universal; it has existed since the beginning of time. Deep within each and every human lies many deep-rooted emotions and desires, thoughts and ideas, hopes and dreams. Many of which are conscious, and many of which are unconscious.

Art is one of the most potent ways for us to intuitively connect with our deep feelings within and express them outwardly in a means for not only ourselves to reflect upon, but others to do so as well.

When we create drawings, paintings, or any form of artistic expression during difficult times, it gives us insight and tells us a story as to how we are feeling about the circumstance. Not only that, but it helps us progress forward from unconscious distress, by bringing the unconscious to the conscious level where we can begin to promote healing.

The correlation between mental health and physical health has been very well documented. Art has been used in the healing process to relieve stress and develop coping mechanisms in an...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Avocado

Avocados may appear to be a vegetable, however, they are actually a fruit – more specifically, a single-seeded berry. This magical fruit has tons of amazing properties, both when applied inside the body, and on the outside too!

In fact, many facial and anti-aging treatments contain avocado, which is a powerful beauty enhancer. Avocado softens and relaxes your skin when spreading it on as a paste. It also can be rubbed into your hair to repair damaged hair, and even be used to treat sunburns!

Some other fun things you can do with Avocados include: Drying the skin and crushing it into a fine powder for adding to incense formulas. You can grow an avocado tree from a pit to increase your sense of connection with nature. You may eat it for supporting your health and relaxation simultaneously, and serve it to others to calm them down and promote inner peace. You can also take mashed avocados and swap them in a baked good recipe for butter. It works better than well!

Some of the...

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Candles

One of the most used tools in the olden days spanning back through the mysteries of Egypt and Greece, and well into many of the religions that formed afterward, candles were essentially regarded as vessels that carry and deliver prayers. They were also used on an altar to honor gods and goddesses and the four elements.

Even today, they are an important part of ceremonies and creating sacred spaces across many religions and belief systems, all the way to creating a mood for a romantic evening and celebrating a birthday.

Their colors and shapes have different meanings. Red for love or energy, and pink for flirtation, harmony, or emotional healing. Orange for success and motivation, and brown for earthly grounding stability. Black for protection or cursing, and white for holy protection.

Green for prosperity and happiness. Purple for great insight and wisdom. Yellow for success, fame, and glory. Some of the more higher quality candles are made out of beeswax, rather than an artificial...

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Everyday Magical Things - Cannabis

Cannabis or Marijuana use and cultivation dates back to 2737 BC, though it is said to have been used long before then.

The Ancient Chinese, Hindus, Scythians, Thracians, and many others smoked ganja and hashish, as well as ate the seeds for their hallucinatory effects. It is even a common idea today that Christ used Cannabis Oil in his work. Even George Washington grew it in his backyard.

Hemp, the non-psychoactive component of the plant, was and is still used to make clothing, medicine, ink, and fuel.

Study after study has found that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, and in fact, has many herbal and healing benefits when used responsibly. Cannabis contains within it many kinds of cannabinoids, molecules with specific effects on the body. The main 2 that most people are concerned with are called THC and CBD. THC is what gives marijuana a psychoactive effect, and CBD causes pain relief and supports healing in the body. It is the CBD oil that has been known to help...

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