Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses.
This episode continues the saga of exploring our chakras as we move into our higher chakras, being our Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. There are different systems that have many more chakras included, but we’ll just stick to the system of 7 for now.
When we are focused on our lower chakras, like our root, the lens of focus is very narrow. The wavelength of light is very thin and solely focused on something like survival. The higher we go in the chakra system, the more open the wavelength of light gets for each chakra.
In the higher chakras, your expanding vision is very wide. Your telepathic and mental ability is much more open. Patchman creates an example of hanging out with your friends near a campfire in the forest.
As you talk and listen with one another, your primary chakra being used is the throat. All of a sudden, a huge bear storms into the scene. Immediately, everyone shifts into their root chakra and acts from it, seeking safety and going into survival mode.
This episode applies the concepts of chakras to the bigger picture in life. Patchman begins by applying it to America. In contrast to most other countries like in Europe, America is very much a baby.
Most of modern America’s history has existed in the lower chakras. We’ve existed in a very materialistic world, heavily focusing on things like survival, food, sex, houses, cars, and money. This way of life was incredibly intense until the 1960s when the psychedelic revolution of free-thinking and open love took place.
This signified a shift in consciousness, and the importance of peace started to become a lot more important than war. People began to practice meditation and different spiritual concepts started to emerge.
When a person or country experiences a shift into a higher state, usually that experience becomes more important than anything else in their life. If someone who has never experienced the higher mind before suddenly becomes aware of this energy, even once...
This episode explores an overview of the history of psychedelics and was made as a part of a team project with Collective Evolution.
The first recorded use of psychedelics doesn’t exist because it stretches way too far back in time, so many theories surrounding when and how the first usage actually was. Terence Mckenna is the pioneer of many psychedelic theories she first brought forth the theory that early prehistoric man found psychedelic mushrooms and began conceiving things in a new way.
Many ancient cave drawings depict almost identical images of humanoids with geometric waves shooting out of their heads, and even people with mushroom heads. There is still debate for when the first psychedelics were used, but the first concrete evidence points to hemp cultivation as early as 8,000 BC in Taiwan.
Then in 4,000 BC, there is evidence of the amanita mushroom being used by shamans in Siberia and in 3,000 BC ayahuasca was used in the Amazon jungles.
While widely debated, it is...
This episode is the first in our health series and we go deep into letting food be thy medicine! We cover the basics of what it means to eat healthily and why we’re experiencing a health epidemic around the world. Over the course of history, our modern approach to treating illness has changed dramatically. Today we all receive little if any training in nutrition and have created a system revolving around “A Pill for Every Ill” so this video works to create a change here to bring us back to the fundamental idea of letting food be thy medicine.
When looking at what makes up the standard American diet, the largest portion comes from processed food. Next is animal products, and finally fruits and vegetables. Despite this, there are more and more studies are coming out which show the correlation between different diseases and animal products. This is large because of the way the animals are treated, as they are pumped with antibiotics, fed things they are not supposed...
As we continue the journey into health, we take a closer look at food and what we can do to keep improving our physical health through diet.
When we give our bodies food that is devoid of any real nourishment, our bodies suffer from it on a cellular level. If we eat processed food constantly, we build up a tolerance to it and might not notice how drastically it affects us.
The same goes for animal products. When we eat animals that have been essentially tortured, fed grain and pumped with antibiotics, all of that goes into our body. You might look at this as if all of that suffering is then going directly into our bodies, causing depression and anxiety inside.
Patchman breaks down the three main processed components: sugar, salt, and fat. Sugar is one of the biggest addictive substances on the planet. It triggers the exact same parts of our brain that cocaine does, and scientifically literally is as addictive as cocaine.
An average person in the united states can consume up to 140...
Our next focus in this series is centered around meat and health. This video starts by acknowledging why we’re focusing on these topics, rather than astral projection or different dimensions. In a simple sense, we can’t experience these higher levels of reality if we are all sick. It drastically lowers our vibration and allows us to only experience a sliver of what the higher realms have to offer.
This is one of the more controversial topics because of many conflicting studies. Are animal products good for us? Are they bad? We’ve gathered information from an array of places to disseminate the whole picture.
Generally, meat is split up into four groups: Processed, Red, White and Organic meats.
Processed food, as we know, is the most deadly. Many factories take different scraps of meat, throw them together with different additives and sell them as food.
Red meat comes from animals like cows, lambs, and pigs. They considered nutrient-rich but are also high in...
Milk and dairy products have been shown in a very good light throughout the history of our society, but what is the connection between milk and health? How many times have you seen those “Got milk?” ads, with different celebrities endorsing milk?
The dairy industry has done a great job of presenting milk in a good light, pushing that it’s necessary for our calcium levels to build strong bones. This is especially pushed in schools for growing children.
Milk is produced when female cows have a baby, and lactate, producing the milk for her calf. The dairy industry impregnates female cows to force them to lactate constantly, taking their milk that’s supposed to be for her baby.
We first started harvesting milk about 7500 years ago in different parts of Europe. Many theorists guess that this may have been due to a lack of vitamin D in an area of the world with long periods without sunlight. Since then, the industry grew to include all forms of dairy products from...
In this Spirit Science episode, we dive even deeper into the specifics of nutrition and break down the three main categories of nutrients, and then the various subgroups within each one.
Patchman explains there are three main nutrient groups: Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Phytonutrients.
Macronutrients are the class of chemical compounds that humans consume the largest portions of. These are carbs, proteins, and fats. Patchman explains the use and function of these macronutrients in great detail throughout the video.
Then we have Micronutrients. The most common form of Micronutrients are vitamins, which assist our cells to create energy. There are six main vitamin groups which include A, B, C, E, D, K and B vitamins like B-12. Each vitamin supports a specific part and function in our body, all of which are vitally important to keep balanced.
The other form of Micronutrients is minerals, right off the well known periodic table. The main 7 that we ingest the most are sodium,...
In this Spirit Science episode, we continue our food saga and explore what makes up a plant-based diet. We also describe some basic plant biology, and the different plant-based diets out there. Generally, on a plant, there are several main parts: the roots, the stem, the leaves, the fruits, the seeds, and the flowers.
Roots and leaves are used to draw in energy from either the sun or from the Earth. The stem is then responsible for moving those nutrients to where they need to go. The flowers produce fruits and vegetables, which contain the seeds, and the DNA required to create another plant.
There are many different types of plant foods, broken up into a few categories. First, there are seeds and nuts. These are things like hemp seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
Nuts are essentially seeds that come in a hard shell, like Brazil nuts, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds, and pine nuts.
Generally, nuts and seeds are very nutrient-dense – especially when raw,...
In this episode, we continue our exploration into health and nutrition by exploring deeper into the topic we opened last time. Where we began with simply “plant-based food”, now we explore what it looks like to supercharge your body with the highest concentration of nutrients possible. The research and studies that have been emerging more and more – especially lately – are all pointing to suggest that raw food and superfoods are loaded with significantly more nutrients than cooked food, and especially cooked animal products. There are many studies that show profound healing that takes place in the body when we begin eating a lot of raw foods, such as those who have cured their cancers and diabetes by maintaining a focused diet for a set period of time. This is because when food is cooked, the molecular structures of the food change, it provides more calories, but it loses some of its nutritional value in the process. For those who are more energy-minded, you...
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