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Looking at the ancient tablets, there are a number of ways that they are commonly interpreted today. As we explored in the first episode, there are interpretations accounting for forces of nature, ancient astronauts, and even planets. Today, we take things to a new level, jumping in on one of the most unique interpretations of the story of Tiamat and Marduk, and relating them to planets in the early solar system, which dramatically changed the way our solar system looks, and setting the stage for the reality we experience on our planet today.
This interpretation largely came about when a young boy named Zechariah Sitchin was “called out” by his teacher for questioning the bible as a child, except he wasn’t questioning the bible, but the translations of the bible that seemed to change the phrase “Nephilim” to “Giants” in Genesis 6. Zechariah wanted answers, and upon discovering the Sumerian Tablets, he found his opportunity to find out just...
Part 3 of The Sumerian Epic digs deeper into the theories we established through the previous two episodes. Is it possible the ancient mythic battles of the Gods were actually encoded myths about the creation of the solar system? Today, a great deal of rumors, conspiracy theories, and debunkings exists regarding the legendary planet “Nibiru”, but is there actually any evidence to support the existence of such a planet?
Believe it or not, the search for a distant planet beyond Neptune has actually been going on for nearly 200 years, leading to the discovery of Pluto, and several other astronomical bodies way out in deep space. One of the biggest discoveries as of late has been finding that a large roughly Neptune sized object is actually orbiting our sun in a wide elliptical orbit. With the exception that this planet doesn’t appear to come anywhere near us, the rest of the information available about it does seem to match the descriptions of what we’d be...
Welcome to the Nibiru Movie! This is a special edition of The Sumerian Epic which combines the first 3 Episodes into an hour and a half long movie, with an additional 7 minutes of never before seen bonus footage scattered throughout the feature!
The film at its core opens the floodgates of questions regarding the mysterious yet popular “conspiracy theory” of Nibiru, the supposed hidden planet that lurks in the farthest reaches of our outer solar system. It was nearly 50 years ago that the theory of Nibiru first reached the masses through Zechariah Sitchin’s first book “The Twelfth Planet”, which sought to explain that the oldest texts on the planet, the Cuneiform tablets of Sumer, were actually a series of encoded legends describing the origins of our solar system.
Today, with the advances in modern technology and several recent discoveries in cosmology, humanity has identified a number of anomalies that seem to allude to this interpretation of the...
Welcome to Part 4 of The Sumerian Epic! In this episode, our exploration of our history becomes even more unique and interesting, shifting from the stories of the creation of the Solar System, to the legends of the Ancient Gods as planets, to actual beings. The legends tell of beings called the Anunnaki (also called Anunna), who supposedly engaged in a number of adventures long ago, and among their many deeds, also created humanity in the process.
There are so many questions that arise when faced with claims such as this, and today we are beginning the exploration of our origin story by going over the essential concepts that have been laid out before us. These ideas have been discussed by a number of scholars over the last several decades, and as we’ve previously explored, a lot of these interpretations of the Sumerian Tablets were initially laid out by Zechariah Sitchin.
Sitchin believed that the planet Nibiru was inhabited with life, due to a strong atmosphere and a lot of...
Welcome to the fifth part of The Sumerian Epic! Today, we explore the legends found in the Sumerian Tablets further, by getting into the myths and ideas surrounding the creation of humanity. The tablets tell us that it was the Sumerian God “Enki”, along with his wife Ninhursag (also Damkina/Ninmah) who created humanity, by mixing “divine blood” with the “clay of the earth”.
There are in fact a number of sources that reveal remarkable stories in the creation of humanity, including “Enki and Ninmah”, which speaks of several failed attempts to make humans at first, until we, at last, see the perfect human. This is also reflected in “The Atrahasis”, in which Enki and Ninhursag create 14 humans, 7 males, and 7 females at the exact same time, who run rampant across the earth until Enlil decides to wipe them out with a flood.
What’s especially curious, is the correlations to the bible. In the story called “Enki and...
The parable of the sandcastles is the first episode in the Patch Parables series. This animated series explores different ancient parables and short stories to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.
This episode starts with a few children playing by a river. Each child is making their own sandcastles in which they all defend from each other. They were all made perfectly, making sure everyone knew who’s was who’s. Once they were built and complete, one of the children walked over to another sandcastle and kicked it over, destroying it to the ground.
The owner of the castle flew into a rage, attacking the child who kicked his castle to the ground. The child whose castle was ruined called out to the other children, telling them his castle has been spoiled.
They all ganged up to attack the poor child, beating him with sticks and stomping on him repeatedly. Then they continued as they had been previously doing. They told each other to keep away from their castle, it’s...
The parable of the lute is a lesson that comes from Buddha. A long time ago, the Buddha was living on a mountain called Vulture Peak.
During this time, a man named Sona was living down in the cool forest below. While meditating, this thought came to him: I am an energetic student of Buddha, yet my mind has not found freedom.
Buddha heard this thought within his own mind and set off Vulture Peak to find Sona. The Buddha found him within the forest very quickly and approached Sona. He asked him if he just had this thought that he heard in his head. Sona replied that did, in fact, have this thought.
Buddha continued on, asking Sona if when the strings on his lute were too tight, was it easily playable? Sona said, “Certainly not, Buddha.”
The Buddha pressed on, asking if when the strings on his lute were too loose, was it then easily playable? Sona replied with another no.
Finally, Buddha asked when the strings on the lute weren’t too tight or too loose, then was it...
The parable of the raft explores the nature of getting across, but not retaining. A spiritual leader describes this parable to a group of monks. He begins by saying, imagine there is a man trying to cross a river.
On the side closest to him, the river is filled with dangers and fears, while the far side is beautiful and peaceful. He wishes to cross to the other side, but how? There is no boat or bridge to cross, so the man creates his own raft out of sticks and branches.
Once on the other side, he sees how useful this raft is. He wonders if he should carry it with him on his journey, taking it on his head and shoulders. The leader asks the group of monks, what should he do? No one answers.
The leader explains that he should walk away, and continue on his journey without the raft. This is what should be done to the raft, not to retain and hold onto it, but to let it go.
This parable explains the importance of letting things go with the flow in life. We are so quick to hold onto...
Who knows what’s good or bad? This parable explores this contrast of ideas and perspectives. There is an old story of a Chinese farmer who accidentally left his gate open, and his horse ran off. His foolish neighbor came over to console the wise farmer, who simply replied with “Who knows what’s good or bad?”
The next day, the horse returned with a large band of other horses following her. The neighbor came over to congratulate him on his good fortune. The wise farmer just replied, “Who knows what’s good or bad?”
Then, the wise farmer’s son broke one of his legs trying to ride one of the new horses. The foolish neighbor visited them to console him again, with which the wise farmer once again replied with “Who knows what’s good or bad?”
When the army then passed through, looking for more people to add to their army, they passed over the son because of his broken leg. The neighbor came to congratulate him on being...
A man once visited the Buddha, looking for him to help solve his problems. He started to describe his different problems. After he asked for help on one of his issues, the Buddha said that he could not help with that problem.
The man was surprised that the Buddha could not help him, but carried on and asked for help with another problem. The Buddha replied again, saying he could not help him solve that issue either.
The man got impatient. He asked how it was possible that the Buddha is the most perfect, enlightened man, but he can’t even help others solve their problems? The Buddha said one will always have 83 problems in their life. Some will leave, and others will come up and he cannot help anyone with that.
The baffled man then asked, “What can you help me with then?” The Buddha said he could help him with his 84th problem. The man asked what that was, to which the Buddha replied with “That you want to solve your other 83 problems.”
This parable...
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