Spirit Mysteries is an online modern Mystery School with a vibrant and elevated community, and containing hundreds of hours of courses.
So quantum physics says that particles are free of the limits of time. They can move backward and forward in time, and in this way, we are quantumly entangled with our past and future selves. *Chris, maybe add a line here*
And with that awareness, I wanted to take a moment to connect with my past self. However, this video isn’t just for me… When I first started waking up spiritually, which was about ten years ago, I didn’t have much in the way of mentorship. There was no Spirit Science for me to watch, no online communities that I found myself connecting with… And because of that, I had to do it the hard way… Trial by stone! Wait.. sorry, Trial, and Error. I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of things I wish I had known about human life and how it all works.
So today, I wanted to make a special video not just that will become quantum entangled with a multiverse edition of my past self and hopefully help him out, but one that today - might offer some...
For this extraordinary episode, I’ve tailed the script into three segments. The first is for everyone, whether you’ve seen the show or not, so no spoiler warnings just yet - you’re free to enjoy. Then there will be the first spoiler warning - in which I will discuss episode 1, which is a safety net for those who haven’t seen it, are curious about it, but don’t want to ruin the whole thing. Then there will be a second spoiler, in which I highly encourage ANYONE who hasn’t seen the show, to stop watching and enjoy the full series, and then come back because we’ll be going deep into the whole thing!
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, translating mostly to Heaven Piercing Crimson Face - is a show about the transformation of the soul. It’s about brotherly bonds and finding true love, and recognizing when someone else is oppressing you and overcoming the evil forces at all odds. It’s a narrative on modern society and the spiritual movements...
Moving in the direction of closing our conversation on money, there are only a few small conversations left to have regarding the nature of Spiritual Money, and how to shift the entire world to a new paradigm of existence - and this is the conversation of a Resource-Based Economy.
Much of this video is based on exploring the Venus Project, which you can learn more by visiting their website here - https://www.thevenusproject.com.
This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at https://spiritsciencecentral.com/about
Once more we dive headfirst into the wonderful world of modern science and explore the depths of how there is an undercurrent of new discoveries emerging, especially regarding the nature of Consciousness.
However, there is a great problem we are facing in Science today and across the board - closed-mindedness, and how old belief systems limit us from expanding, growing, and discovering new powerful breakthroughs that could change life as we know it. Progress is still made, but it is much slower than it needs to be.
Yet, through each of us playing with new ideas, being open, and exploring the mysteries of life, we all contribute to the awakening of a new consciousness and help shift humanity into a new age of freedom.
You can also read part one of this article: Spirit Science 39 ~ Science is SUPER Spiritual!
Soltara is an ayahuasca retreat center located in Costa Rica, and at the end of 2019, I went to check it out.
The end of 2019 was a time of wild transformation. I felt as if the universe was conspiring through me to get some severe healing work done, preparing for even more significant changes in 2020. You’re already starting to see the results today. Now, I usually only do plant medicine ceremonies just a few times a year. Still, leading up to the holiday season, I somehow ended up booked three trips to Ayahuasca centers in Costa Rica, over a month and a half.
So this video is about the trip I took to Soltara, and what happened there. This beautiful center is nestled on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Gulf of Nicoya, with a view never getting old. This place offers ceremonies exclusively in the Shipibo tradition from Peru. These ceremonies were different from any other plant medicine ceremony I’ve been apart of before, taking place almost entirely in...
As we continue exploring the Hidden Spirituality of Lord of the Rings, we come now to our curious middle-chapter of the series, The Two Towers, within which many truths are illuminated about the nature of our ego, psyche, and how we navigate through the waters of human life!
As we continue Spirit Science and the Exploration into the ALL and the ONE, we must come to the realization that LOVE is the balance in which all exists in harmony and peace. We can strive to be in this space by accessing the source known as Christ Consciousness in the Sacred Space of your Heart, and when in tune with this place, we can know only Unconditional Love with everyone and everything.
It matters not who you are, what walk of life you emerge from, where you are going, or what you want in life. We must learn to come together regardless of our differences, regardless of the things that we see as separation, and see ourselves as what we really are. A collective species, on ONE planet, in ONE Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe. There is no Separation except that which exists in our minds.
And the best part about Unconditional Love ~ It's ALL Encompassing.
Video clips by~ Nature by Numbers
Jason Silva + NotthisBody
The Buddha BBC
HOME (Documentary).
Music by Enya
In light of recent events in the world, we felt it was important to shine some light on our perspective on the matters.
Often in spiritual communities, there is a break in the conversation between the use of violence, creating change, destruction, and the emerging of a new consciousness. Of course, it doesn’t seem ethical to support violence, but what happens when the violence seems like an inevitability, against the corrupt forces which are more violent and using their energy to impose domination and control against people?
It’s often an awkward conversation to have, when profound spiritual revelations through modalities such as meditation and even plant medicine, we receive insights such as “everything is love.” Yet, we live in a world with a tremendous volume of inequality, injustice, and systemic racism.
We know that on a macro level, we are collectively moving into higher consciousness, and the intensity of global events is shining light on...
Before I get into this, I’d like to take a moment to add some clarification around the last video - An Ode to Emma Watson. In this video, I opened up about some personal experiences that I’d had over the last few years that have really affected me. I acknowledge along with so many of you in the comments that it’s probably a little weird, I'm doing my best to understand it myself. But let me explain a bit more since all of us have had at least a few weird experiences in our lives that are hard to explain or put into context.
I know a lot of people thought I was putting Emma on a pedestal, and I think in my own enthusiasm and nervousness I recorded what I did without taking the time I should have to properly explain. I made the statement that Emma Watson was the “Christ Sophia”, did not elaborate on the fact that the Christ energy whether masculine or feminine is a consciousness, rather than it is a specific embodiment in any one person. My...
Want to go even deeper into the realms of truth? Delve deeper into the world of Spirit Science with the Free Starter Kit. ~ https://bit.ly/SSSKNOW ~ Check this out today and get access to a FREE Guided Meditation, the Wisdom Wall PDF, and Part 1 of The Book of Spirit.
We, like many of you, are following along the disclosure train. What an exciting time to be alive as we wake up to so many interesting "truths." We thought it would be exciting to have some fun with it. Enjoy! :)
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