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Henna, also known as the mignonette tree, is a flowering plant that is the sole species of the Lawsonia genus. Originally stemming from Persia, it comes from the Arabic word henna, which is the name for a small, thorny tree.
Henna refers to the dye that is created from the plant and the art of skin staining. This practice has been used to decorate women’s bodies for celebrations since the late Bronze Age, in the eastern Mediterranean. Ancient wall paintings discovered at Akrotiri, Greece show women with henna markings on their nails, palms, and soles.
It is now used commercially as a temporary skin stain and natural hair dye.
It is created by mashing whole leaves from the plant into a paste. This releases the lawsone molecules which are responsible for the staining of the skin. The powder is mixed with different liquids, including water, lemon juice, and strong tea.
Let it sit for an hour or two, and you’re good to go! The longer you leave it on, the darker it will get...
Hoods are considered sacred in many religions and belief systems. The use of hoods for spiritual practices span way back beyond recorded time. They have been practically used for shading our heads from the sun, but also hold different spiritual purposes as well. Wiccans would use the hood for cloaking and concealment. In medieval times, the hooded robe was used to conceal one’s identity when traveling to and from a sacred meeting.
If you were seen, you might be burned at the stake. Hoods have been a staple in many different sacred rituals throughout time. Dressing the same as your peers create a sense of unity for those involved. This is especially important with secret societies that needed to keep their identity hidden from the public eye.
In modern Wicca, the hood helps the witch filter out the mundane and go deep within to discover his or her magical powers. If you do not have a hooded robe, you can use a shawl or a black soft fabric to cover the head during the ritual.
Kratom is a tree native to southeast Asia. Its botanical name is Mitragyna Speciosa. The leaves of this tree have been used as an herbal drug through history by the people residing where it grew naturally. It is used in folk medicine as a stimulant at low doses, and a sedative at high doses. It is also used as a recreational drug, a pain killer, medicine for diarrhea, and treatment for opiate addiction.
Many people also report that it is also an effective treatment for arthritis and fibromyalgia.
In the native region, kratom leaves are often chewed fresh. Dried leaves can also be chewed, but most people prefer to crush them up or powder them to be swallowed. The most popular form to take it in the US is powdered, mixed with Chocolate Milk.
One of the biggest positives for this medicine is to overcome opiate (such as heroin) addiction. Many people have reported that Kratom is very effective for this purpose. This is because Kratom contains alkaloids that act as opiate receptor...
The Lotus flower is regarded as a holy plant used only for the highest of spiritual purposes, a symbol of purity in Buddhist and Hindu traditions.
You can place a flower or its roots around a statue of Buddha as a spiritual symbol, and in support of enlightenment. It also represents a communion with the heavens, and thus if you feel you have offended them through the poor treatment of yourself, others, or the environment, you can offer a lotus as a form of acknowledgment to your higher self, and of your actions and karma.
Lotus oil, the essential oil, is also said to decrease carnal urges. A candle anointed with this oil was also believed to help the deceased elevate their souls.
In modern science, this flower has been discovered to Soothe your Stomach, Stop Diarrhea, Lower blood sugar and cholesterol, Relieve Inflammation, Get rid of Acne, Ease your period, Relieve coughing and even helps stop lung cancer cells from multiplying!
You can Boil lotus roots for 10 minutes and eat them...
Psilocybin Mushrooms, also known as Magic mushrooms, are mushrooms that contain the psychedelic compounds psilocybin and psilocin. This plant is tremendously recognized as a sacred medicine; and has been used in ceremonies by ancient cultures all around the world, and many people described having deeply reflective or spiritual experiences that fundamentally shift how they view the world while on this mushroom. Another common expression is experiencing a sense of oneness, connectivity, and what can only be described as pure unconditional love.
Scientifically, studies have found that on a mushroom trip, the psilocybin creates new, natural neural-pathways in the brain that re-write old cognitive patterns and supports clearer thinking and better decision making.
A study was done involving 36 educated adults who had never tried psilocybin before. They were observed for eight hours in the laboratory while under the influence of the mushroom.
One-third of the participants said the...
The word Mandala means “circle”.
A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds. Mandalas are circular designs symbolizing the notion that life is never-ending. Many mandalas have spiritual significance to an individual or group of individuals. Hindus were one of the first people to use mandalas as a spiritual tool, but the mandalas most individuals are familiar with, are ones made by Buddhists.
Mandalas are said to affect the cognitive process in numerous ways. Specific arrangements of colors, along with vertical and horizontal lines, can have profound visual and psychological effects. This can be seen in its most basic form as optical illusions such as these.
Mandalas are used for meditation purposes allowing the individual meditating to become one with the universe, however, just looking at a mandala will likely not bring you to this state of mind without staring deep into it....
Mandarin Oranges are the fruits of an evergreen shrub native to Asia that belong to the family of Rutaceae and are thought to have originated in the forests of China. These fruits have been used throughout time for a variety of different things.
Mandarins are known to Decrease Liver cancer, Promotes Good Cholesterol over bad Cholesterol, Lowers Blood Pressure, Reduces weight loss, Promotes a healthy immune system, Support Skin Health, And much more!
It’s also really, REALLY good for your skin! The antioxidants make your skin look younger and healthy. The fiber helps flush harmful toxins from your body. The Vitamins are essentials for blemish-free skin. The Oils are helpful in growing new cells and tissues. It’s also good for lessening wrinkles.
There are also specifically essential oil versions of orange extracts that smell absolutely wonderful. Put a few drops in a diffuser to create a calm and peaceful environment. This smell is perfect for a healing and tranquil...
A Mango is a famous love tonic, and that’s not superstition anymore. The Vitamin E in mangoes helps regulate hormones and boosts your libido as a result! Mangos are a stone fruit that belongs to the plant genus Mangifera. They are native to South Asia but are grown all over the world in tropical climates primarily. They are one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the tropics.
Only eating or drinking the pulp or juice of the mango acts as an aphrodisiac, which will increase attraction and stimulation. Many people eat mangos with their lovers to increase their libido if required. They are also the color of our sacral chakra, as it’s truly the fruit of passion and the energy of our relationships.
Today, they are often regarded as the King of all fruits. They fight cancer, alkalize the body, aid in weight loss, regulate diabetes, help digestion, clean your skin, and make the perfect snack. They are high in vitamins A, K, and C. They also have minerals like calcium,...
Moldavite is one of the rarest materials on earth! This is because it is a naturally occurring glass made by a meteorite impact from central Europe about 14.2 million years ago!
Most scientists agree that Moldavite itself is not a meteorite itself. Their chemical composition fits the sedimentary layers in the mother crater. Despite many who claim it is a meteorite, the data shows that, in fact, it is a product of the fusion of the meteorite with the earth.
Moldavite is thus, the only gem-form of Tektite, although the only translucent green kind you will ever find. Most tektite is dark brown. Because of its origins, though, it has earned the reputation as an “Alien Crystal” in Spiritual and Metaphysical circles all around the world.
In such circles, it is often described as having an enlightening effect on the individual who carries or wears a piece on them. Because of this, it is said to be an excellent stone to meditate with, and that it can assist anyone with opening...
Bursera graveolens, known in Spanish as palo santo or “holy wood,” is a tree native to Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. These trees live up to 80 to 90 years. It is part of the citrus family, so it has sweet undertones of pine, mint, and lemon.
Palo Santo is used primarily as burning sticks, incense, and essential oil. Shamans use the smoke from lit palo santo sticks to clear the energy field of ritual participants. It is one of the most potent cleansers out there.
Similar to the properties of sage, it’s said to clear misfortune, negative thought prints, and any evil spirits. Just like a smudging ritual, you can use palo santo for the same use.
Take a feather to move the smoke around a room to clear the energy and purify the air. Make sure the smoke goes into all four corners and ensure you’re focusing on a positive intention while smudging. The more you concentrate, the more influential the energy of the room can become. Its smoke is a bit thinner than the...
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